Friday, January 11, 2013

The new creed of Unitarian Universalism: Islam is a religion of peace & Mohamed loved social justice

The new creed of Unitarian Universalists: Islam is a religion of peace & Mohamed loved social justice

The above video is response to the following UU document:

Unitarian Universalists and Islam: An Introduction to Interfaith Dialogue and Reading Group Guide
as at

Related blog posts:
Happy Christmas, tossing out the bad nuts, Islam, Unitarianism, being a 'progressive,' and fighting sociopathy and psychopathy

Unitarian Universalist fawning appreciation of Mohammad and Islam

And, some related men I admire on the subject:

Tawfik Hamid, on what it's really like to be an Islamist:

Sam Harris debating Reza Aslan:
on morality:

Salman Rushdie on Bill Maher on 9/11 liberals. Yes I'm one too:

Pat Condell - I very much appreciate his tone & his positions on religion. I may not agree with all of his politics, but I nevertheless love the way he states his positions:


video commentary is from January 9 & 10, 2013 videos combined into one

1 comment:

  1. this was probably some good info if it hadn't been taped inside a tornado
