Thursday, December 20, 2018

That which produces love, is love: Choose Life.

When the human species turns away from its evolutionary roots, it falters.

What does it mean when an animal is sexually dimorphic? It means there’s trait divergence between the genders. Size. Disposition. Personality. Intelligence distribution, peaks, lows, averages. Inclinations. Desires. Preferences. Preferred jobs. Natural abilities, on average.

In the human animal, women evolved to be the primary care givers to young children. Look women are damn capable people. But, when they outsource primary childcare to strangers, they are selling their own children short. Plus they are also then acting as an enabling force for the abusive leftist Ponzi scheme known as State Welfare - a system which is an enabling force for BAD and abusive human behavior: Abusive behavior such as incentivized single mother households. Abusive from a human nature and evolutionary perspective.

I’m not talking about gods as the origin or morality. Evil Santy isn’t checking whether you whacked off last night. Don’t worry. But, religions couch evolved human morality. Thus, what humans are DOING today, now, all is rooted in evolved human nature.

Thus, while Evil Santy Jesus isn’t making his list and checking it twice whether you watch porn, whack off too much, or are on a track to be a non reproductive outlier petty dead end wastrel. No literal gods give a F.

But, we as sexual animals, naturally derive the most happiness when we live our lives in such a manner which more closely aligns with what we have been evolved to do: have children au naturel - the way 1.2 billion years of evolutionary history intended.

Before you resort to implementing in your life eugenicist Margaret Sanger’s birth control pill (she bankrolled it), consider carefully. Have you pushed yourself enough? Are you smart enough to know exactly when to cut yourself off from inherent reproduction?

Evolution is smarter than you. The ant with a liver fluke inside doesn’t know why it crawls to the top of a blade of grass so as to be eaten by a passing cow. Brains and eyes naturally progressed via natural selection long before neurology and ophthalmology came on the scene.

Yes we are an interplanetary species. But, if you outsource the primary raising of your young kids to strangers, you are literally selling them and yourself short.

Burn those bras. Put them pussy hats on. Scream. Yell. Complain. Throw a tizzy. But in the end, women in the human species posses the primary ability and evolved responsibility to care for children in a human family’s primary nesting place. Also, when women do work, they choose female trait type jobs on average. Care-giving jobs. Not manly jobs.

Men are better physicists because men have a naturally wider IQ distribution. More highs. More lows. Female human IQs tend to populate toward the middle of the IQ human intelligence distribution.

Also human races, also known as sub-species in the biological sense (sub doesn’t in this case mean lesser, it just means a subdivision of the larger species group), have a.) differing average personality profiles, and differing average intelligence distributions.

All this talk is utter heresy within culturally Marxist postmodernism, a denialist cult which underpins most primary and secondary education in Europe and America. The social sciences including psychology and all university departments which end in the word studies, all these are also underpinned by the evolved human nature denying cult of postmodernism.

Oh and by the way, if I were a white supremacist, I wouldn’t be willing to admit that Ashkenazi Jews (European Jews) and East Asians score higher on average on math intelligence than evil evil universal-slavery-ending whitey does.

365,000 pink skins AKA white Northern Army soldiers DIED during the American Civil War so that universal slavery on this planet could be ended - and many white British soldiers died worldwide for the exact same reason.

So ask yourself, why are childless socially leftist European leaders importing socially conservative Muslims into Europe to breed on their behalf? For evolutionary and biological reasons. It’s not dicks out for Harambe. It’s dicks and vaginas out for whatever human group has got the available biggest-balls and the most human nature complying and honoring vaginas.

If your own county is filled with soy-boy feminized men and women who pop eugenicist Margaret Sanger’s birth control pill, you WILL (for evolutionary reasons which even you’ll verbally deny) want to import more socially conservative humans who wIll more truly honor our evolved by natural selection sexual human natures. Import by hook or by crook. Feeling the redpill going down the gullet yet? Am I getting through?

I’m my own man, but we all stand on the shoulders of others.

Spend hours and hours listening to Dan Dennett explain how religion is a natural phenomenon on YouTube. Anti Trump Marxist old fart hippie Dennett.

Next absorb Marxism-lite apologist & general centrist, Ashkenazi Jew, Steven Pinker’s views on how human babies are not born blank slates.

Add in Christopher Hitchens’ advocacy for seeking the truth everything else be damned. On the Clintons, FYI: On abortion, 1: , 2:

Next sample Jordan B. Peterson’s commentary on postmodernism and his interviews on the absolute necessity of fathers in the home. 1 p-mod-ism: , 2 shorter telomeres by the age of ~9 if there’s no father present(!): And on the myth of overpopulation: by the way.

And then add raised by an abusive single mom, small L libertarian, pragmatically socially moderate/conservative atheist, & Trump-advocate Stefan Molyneux. On links between race and IQ (they AREN’T celebrating):
(Click on the links either directly by Molyneux or by Dave Rubin).

Next Molyneux on abortion:
(Select links actually by Molyneux)

Next, older genius pot smoking and coffee loving Scott Adams everything: and and on Periscope.

Warlock and Trump advocate Tarl Warwick:

The people Dave Rubin interviews:

And even the indefatigable free speech advocate Milo Yiannopoulos.

Gavin McInnes, a founder of Vice, and Trump advocate:

Owen Benjamin, pianist, blue comic, conservative Christian, and Trump advocate:
Molyneux on why Australian aboriginals had 40,000 years at the wheel of Oz, w/o doing much more than create the wheel:

Why do salmon swim upstream?

Why do women put lipstick on?

Why are we driven to produce life?

It's not my fault we're on a trail which has been traveling some 1.2 billion years, the amount of time sex has existed on this planet.


This is a special week. In a few days I shall be attending the funeral of a second nephew who's been taken too early.
When you live in a clouded-in environment which is grey for 11 months of the year. When you've failed at life and love, and you're allowing booze to lower your inhibitions, you might have a voice which comes into your head which says: "Why don't you just f-ing kill yourself."
Two nephews, taken way too early by the reaper. They couldn't wait until they were 85 to exit. Why?

Because when they were at their lowest, they didn't reach out for help.

Phone a helper, paid to help people in such situations. Talk through the thoughts. Understand why imposing thoughts of doing bad shit to yourself comes into your head.

When you're at your lowest, you can either allow the low point to be an impetus for positive change, or you can take the easy way out and let the reaper take you. If so taken, you shall: 
Leave behind those who love you. Leave behind the POTENTIAL for love & change.
Most suicides produce anger in those left behind. Anger at realizing we probably could have done more and anger at the cowardice and selfishness of the act itself. But here's a f-ing kicker: There's also slow motion suicide which people do while still breathing.

We all face hard times.

You can let anger and/or depression take you, or you can reach out for help when you're at your lowest.

And yes booze and other brain chemical changing drugs do worsen situations.They remove evolutionarily-provided walls.

Booze causes a high, but it also causes a subsequent low, plus it also opens a brain up to more negative thoughts than would otherwise be there.

Thus, when a person is at their lowest, they should choose to reach out for help, for help from strangers trained to help. Then later, they can work to instead choose life.

And thus, four children have been born, by hook and by crook, and by some hard pushing. 

That which produces love, is love. It's life. It's sex. It's the river of life. It's the Great Mandala. Take your place, or don't. I suggest you do. And once taken, stay the f around so as to help your kids grow up! I DGAF if you feel like shit. They need you. That's my message to you. Thus get up, pick yourself up, try to understand your partner and yourself, and move on with life.

The Great Mandella (The Wheel Of Life) song:

Talk I gave at my mother's funeral:

As far as I can tell, relative to our position in the Universe, we're rather like some moss growing on the top of a mountain.

As moss we're very intelligent. And maybe some day, being the smart green moss that we are, maybe we'll find a way to extract ourselves from the mountain top.

In a few years our lone peak which is the only place we can live is going to get scorched. And we happen to be so smart in fact that we have predicted the future scorching.
So if we are very lucky & very smart indeed, our science & technology may save us.

Or perhaps we'll fade away to dust like most life has on the mountain.

It's either the sky god or the volcano god, or the real truth about our rather humble state.

Noble & beautiful, yes, but if we're going to make it in the long term at least a few of us have to take a longer view.

There is no Christian Armageddon waiting. But in about 500 million years our Sun will be 10% brighter thereby causing the oceans boil off. So our descendants either need to re-engineer the Sun by then, or get us off of this rock. And we've only known about this for ten or so years. And there are other huge risks to our survival.

What we teach our children about science may save humanity.

There's no heaven or hell. But that means we have an added responsibility to care for what we have here. To make this life here & now into a heaven or a hell.

We are related to other animals. We are animals, and our morals come from a combination of genetics and socialization. Whether such a fact is good or bad, it doesn't matter. That's simply the way it is.

Being concerned about legacy is an issue. Who will care that you lived in 100 years? Make a contribution. Be a great artist or a great scientist or have kids. And if you have kids, teach them the value cutting edge art and science, and of the value of taking the proverbial red pill as from the
film The Matrix.
---end of excerpt

We only get one shot on this pale blue dot:

...don't waste it. Don't exit early by your own hand. Live a life which honors your evolutionary heritage as a sexually reproductive sexually dimorphic emergent properties highly intelligent animal, and you'll be happier.

When two or more are gathered:

He is now to be among you at the calling of your hearts
Rest assured this troubadour is acting on His part
The union of your spirits here has caused Him to remain
For whenever two or more of you are gathered in His name
There is love, there is love

Well a man shall leave his mother, and a woman leave her home
They shall travel on to where the two shall be as one
As it was in the beginning is now until the end
A woman draws her life from man and gives it back again
And there is love, there is love

Well then what's to be the reason for becoming man and wife
Is it love that brings you here or love that gives you life
For if loving is the answer then who's the giving for
Do you believe in something that you've never seen before
Oh there's love, oh there's love

Oh, the marriage of your spirits here has caused Him to remain
For whenever two or more of you are gathered in His name
There is love, oh there's love
---end of quote

If you're not joined in love, you will be lost. Thus join hands, or be lost. Thus I suggest joining hands in love.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

What did whitey ever do for me? Good memes & good genes.

Different parrot breeds have different personalities.

Different dog breeds have different personalities - all are the same species.

Where did Western Enlightenment values come from? Freedom of speech, doubt, skepticism, reason, logic, Greek philosophers, Christianity, the Reformation, the Enlightenment, men on the moon, modern science & medicine, your iphone.

Did the above come about because of good memes, or good genes?

People like Steven Pinker and Jordan Peterson would probably push for the "good memes" route.

People like Ricardo Duchesne (search youtube for recent vids) and Stefan Molyneux (ditto) aren't afraid to give credence to the "good genes" route.

What can we blame whitey for?

1. An end to Universal Slavery, thanks to the UK Parliament, and to the good Englishmen who founded America. Also thanks to 365,000 pink skins (AKA "whites") who died to the American Civil War.

2. The rule of law.

3. Regulating the power of a monarch by an elected representatives.

4. A separation of church and state.

5. Innovation and creativity unmatched by other groups on this planet.

So, was it good memes, or good genes to blame for the above? A complication was that there's a synergy between genes and memes.

Every human flavor has their strong traits. Their advantages, which are frankly probably evolved, and evolved for darn good reasons.

As for whites, it's incredibly racist and utterly unfair to hoist the problems of the world onto white children who are born innocent.

If all races get to be proud of their contributions except for whites, well that really is retrograde and racist.

I married an East Asian and so I have no problem with so-called "race mixing" per se of course. But I also have no problem with people having some degree of in group preference. Freedom of association means the freedom to not associate. That's fine.

Don't treat pink skins like we're vending machines who cough up money when other races try & guilt trip us for past sins.

Amerindians, had slaves, and did pretty much all human groups from the beginning of time.

Aboriginal Australians, had slaves,

Islamic people, promoted slavery.

Yes in the past whitey did things all other human groups did. But is the greatest contribution to the human family, from pink skins, the key concept that we need to doubt what our leaders tell us? Doubt is the foundation of reason, and of science, and of true progress. To separate facts from fiction, we must doubt.

The poodle which are the pink skinned whites of the human family. Good genes which allowed for doubt, or just good memes? Perhaps a combination. And if Steven Pinker & other public intellectuals are made uncomfortable by the truth of origins of the Western Enlightenment, so be it.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Recoverying from cults on the right and the left

Ok regarding meme sets called cults, I've been a member of more than one:

1st: The Mormon meme set. Still a cult, with a slow trajectory toward being less cult like. Founded by two polygamists who had a.) underage wives (this is called: pedophilia & child rape), and b.) wives who were still married to other men (this is called: adultery).

The Mo Church dumped polygamy, which was good, but splinter groups who also worship Joseph Smith continue the practice. I've toured first hand polygamous cities in & near Utah. And we've been bowling next to a gaggle of polygamous women & a few of their kids. I also see them at grocery stores near me on occasion. Splinter group Mormons.

In more recent years the Mo Church decided to micro-manage the sex lives of their members. In 1982 Prophet of God Spencer Kimball issued a directive stating that oral sex was not approved of god. Think about the content and procedure of such a letter going out to Mormon members. Consider very carfully the impact on the lives of regular people of such a directive.

Next Spencer Kimball told the youth of the church that masturbation could easily turn them into homosexuals. He also stated that >mandatory< interviews regarding masturbation were >required< with Mormon bishops. Such interviews were also common at the Mormon Missionary Training Center.

Consider very carefully the impact on people's lives of such misinformation & abuse.

Now, Kimball's lying abusive book Miracle of Forgiveness (oxymoron title) was recently removed from the Mo church distribution centers, after being present there in multiple languages. This happened with the past 5 years or so. But before about 5 years ago, this crap book was again in multiple languages, and given to young people & adults as required reading:

So, the dumping of Miracle of Forgiveness from the Mo Church distribution centers (the stores members go to buy religious study materials directly from the church), well that's a move in the non-cult direction.

But, and this is a huge point, the interrogations of young people & adults regarding sexual matters continues. Thus, still a cult.

If you question the leaders you are blocked from access to the temples of the church, and you might be put in trial and booted from the church. Thus, still a cult.

Some members will still threaten you personally if you publicly question church teachings and church leadership. Thus, still a cult.

There is still incredibly strong social pressure to >never< question what the top leaders say. Thus, still a cult.

2nd: The cult of cultural leftism, which I much later leaned results from cultural neomarxist postmodernism. The cultural left denies science & reason & evidence & human nature every day & all the time.

Was Margaret Sanger a eugenicist? Yes she was.

Do children absolutely require, for their own well being, a mother AND a father? Yes, for concrete and proven evolutionary reasons.

Does the birth control pill alter, in bad and dangerous ways, the mental health and mate preferences of human females? Yes.

Should a mother, ideally and if at all possible, stay home with her children for as long as possible, for the best well being of the children? Yes.

Are women paid less than men for equal work? No.

Is there systemic racism in America? No, and there's hasn't been any such for many years now.

Are humans a gender binary species? Yes.

Is capitalism & full free speech the best ways for humans to thrive best? Yes.

Did Karl Marx fundamentally misunderstand human nature? Yes. Do all socialist / communist / Marxist systems eventually fail? Yes. Are they human spirit destroying Ponzi schemes? Yes.

Is monogamy the best way for humans to mate & have kids, a system which is best both for female & male & children well being? Yes.

Do religions couch evolved morality & evolved traits? Yes.

What are the leftist answers to all the above? Pretty much exactly the opposite of what the facts & our own evolved natures show. Thus on point after point, the cultural left, is a fraking cult.

Masturbation doesn't make you a homosexual as was claimed by Spencer Kimball, although telling kids it easily can or will does unfortunately generate many ultra-leftist angry reactionaries who end up in the other-cult known as Stonewall & "Pride." But, when you're of dating age and especially when above the age of 21, directing your sexual energies toward inherent reproduction is a strategy for success.

I spent many years as an ultra-leftist reactionary. A ping pong game from ultra-right to ultra-left. From one cult to another.

A few of my nephews & nieces (and an uncle) weren't unscathed from the abuses of the ultra-left. And frankly those who were hobbled (& killed) were victims of BOTH the ultra-right AND the ultra-left. A reactionary pingpong game.

Yes people deserve to know the truth. Are you being held back by entrenched dogma & doctrines? A dogma is a premise which cannot be questioned by definition.

Yes we can question whether cultural neomarxist postmodernism is a cult and comprises a set of lies or not. Yes we can question human nature. We can question whether scientific propositions are true or not.

Joseph Smith was a charlatan, but there's a great deal of charlatanry going on on the cultural left also, charlatanry with far wider abusive scope than the influence of the itty bitty religion of Mormonism.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

The Value of Foreign Brides: Life! Family! - Responding to Stefan Molyneux

The Value of Foreign Brides: Life! Family! Responding to Stefan Molyneux on the issue. Also general commentary on Molyneux's social issue call in shows.

I like 70% of what Stefan Molyneux does with his YouTube show, but the 20-30% social issue call ins are a problem.

My response to the following Molyneux video, and more generally to all of his social issue call ins:

To Molyneux:

There is something perverse regarding your fixation on being anti to all things “foreign bride.”

You treat all flowers the same, with an overly harsh broad brush. You have an apparent fixation on the foreign brides issue, and on marrying people outside of your own country. You're not a U.S. citizen (I presume) and yet you seem to comment a great deal about who is allowed or welcome to come to America. You de facto express disdain for a situation where American men might cause some non-American humans to enter America, for any reason. Love. Having a more meaningful life. Children. That's all mostly of no meaning apparently to you, because those men are causing non-Americans to come in. This is the general tone of your approach in my view. But you're not even American, again I presume. You're Canadian.

As for your general social issue call ins: They sound staged. Who, exactly, would call to a stranger and reveal such things, and place their hearts in your cold and harsh hands? Hands cold and overly harsh due apparently to your own problematic upbringing.

Yes your philosophy and anti-Marxism shows are ok. But as for the social issue call ins, bring me a bucket Stefan.

There is beauty and valiance in the world which you know nothing of. Your social issue callers don’t deserve you nor your abuse toward them.

On Marxism and socialism, ok good work. But your cruel crass approach on social issues, is solely your own angry ghosts in action more than anything else.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Redpilling from the left to the pragmatic center right.

General overview of redpilling from the cultural left (i.e. the Democrat party, socialism, Marxism including postmodernism, and fascism which is solely a leftist phenomenon) to the right.

General advocacy for the naturalistic value of social conservatism and valuing life. Not wasting time. Making hay while the sun shines.


Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Tranny Freaks, Stonewall SJW Faggyfags, Feminazis, and bearded Islamic theocrats want you censored on Twitter and Facebook

Tranny Freaks, Stonewall SJW Faggyfags, Feminazis, and bearded Islamic theocrats want you censored on Twitter and Facebook.

A badge of honor. Banned from Twitter for 12 hours in response to posts I made on March 27, 2018.

The regressive left. The totalitarian left. The abuse enabling left.

A gold star onto the forehead of whomever is the very best at not having children.

Enabling and protecting life-destroying choices. Twitter. Facebook.

Thus: Operation Clambake Stonewall-SJW edition, continues. A multiplication and amplification shall take place.

Censored post on Twitter:

@navyhato @MGTOWBliss
@holybibletoday @Partisangirl @facebook Facebook protects Stonewall faggyfag SJWs (incl. tranny freaks), feminazis, and bearded Islamic theocrats.

[link above goes to my blog page: Facebook Censorship: Gender Dysphoria and Faisal Saeed Al Mutar. The Authoritarian Left. ]

Twitter’s messages:

Violating our rules against hateful conduct.
You may not promote violence against, threaten, or harass other people on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or serious disease.

As a result, we’ve temporarily limited some of your account features. While in this state, you can still browse Twitter, but you’re limited to only sending Direct Messages to your followers –– no Tweets, Retweets, follows, or likes. Learn more. Your account will be restored to full functionality in: 12 hours and 0 minutes.


I was on there with a pseudonym. There’s more where that came from.

As for FB the fight continues here also. San Fran freakazoids.

And I say this as a guy who’s seen lives destroyed in my own family via the abusive permissiveness of the cultural left. Real lives, real families, destroyed.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Facebook Censorship: Gender Dysphoria and Faisal Saeed Al Mutar. The Authoritarian Left.

The Authoritarian Left controls social media, and that is a huge problem. A free exchange of ideas is not possible when leftists have their hands on the censorship and block buttons.

Most recent example in point:

Recently Faisal Saeed Al Mutar expressed appreciation for the following story:

"Pakistan's first transgender newscaster appears on TV screen"

Faisal's response:

I posted an initial response. Other people responded to my post. I responded to them. Then today March 25, 2018 I received a notice from Facebook that I was being blocked from posting for three days.

Fuck Facebook Censorship. Mark Zuckerberg, Go Fuck Yourself! The authoritarian left in Silicon Valley, micromanaging the thoughts of the planet (well, they're trying as hard as they can anyway). And Facebook is a large enabling force promoting forced gender dysphoria acceptance (aka tranny freak acceptance).

Also regarding Faisal, well in my view he's mostly a cookie-cutter leftist. Came from Iraq. Jumped into leftist atheism. Big whoop. His views are predictable and myopic. A leftist socially. An appreciator of moron Sam Harris.  I follow him on Facebook because I appreciated some of his stances, but he basically has no clue regarding how gender dysphoria is abusively-enabled by the left.

My original comment in response to Faisal:
The mental illness of gender dysphoria spreads.

SJWism and denialist neomarxist social constructivist postmodernism spreading, is #abusive , #stupid , and #notgreat.

The left places gold stars on the foreheads of whomever is the very best, at not having children.

Having the general denialist life destroying meme set of leftism spread, is sad.

You advocate for the tenants of what is essential a denialist abusive cult.
I received a response from one of Faisal's fans stating that I should "suck it." My response to them:
Good people who actually breed are already required by rape-culture Hollywood to suck on a huge Ɠąվ Tɾąղղվ لօհղ Tհօʍąʂ, culturally.

The left wants into our bedrooms far more than the right, in the West.
—————— Additional responses posted in response to other responses received:
Apparently in Faisal’s mind a pinnacle-level achievement has been reached. A gender dysphoric victim of leftist denial of basic human nature and human evolution, becomes a newscaster in Pak.

What an achievement.

Score one for the death of the Enlightenment.
And eugenicist Margaret Sanger’s birth control pill contributes to the abuse also along side neomarxist postmodernism. Today’s flat-earthers.
Gabriel Carter thank eugenicist Sanger.

Female mate preference altered.

Lives robbed of children.

Unnatural lives.

Your average Whole Foods shopper would one would think want to live as naturally as possible. But stereotypically such pop eugenicist Sanger’s pill like candy.

Thus, block 1.2 years of evolutionary history as sexual animals, at our peril.

....another key way the left interferes with people’s bedroom activities more than the right.

Milo is right:

When science debunks a cherished leftist view, now that is an inconvenient truth.
Théo Blue wtf. Hardly a cure. Transitioning is a path to rather highly probable suicide. Also one cannot transition.

Humans are a sexually dimorphic species. Two genders, not changeable.

Humans are not born blank slates. Remember that point? And humans can be sucked into destructive dead end cults.

Being trans is to be a member of a destructive dead end cult.

A life robbed of inherent reproduction and natural born children.

And a damn high suicide rate.
Yazmina Kara gender dysphoria is caused by the moron science denying neomarxist cult of postmodernism.

DNA codes for gender period.

If the “body image” doesn’t match, then that is a mental illness. A problem. And it’s a problem egged on and rewarded by the cultural left.

A hierarchy  of group right and group blames. A victimhood hierarchy. This is what the left operates. And “coming out” as a non-reproductive outlier of whatever type is a way to rise up on this hierarchy the left operates.

Abuse. A form of suicide. Lives and families destroyed. Yes the left interferes in people’s bedroom activities, that is reproductive activities far more than the right.

The right live lives which are functionally more true, in good ways, to our evolutionary heritage.
Aishik Adhikary lives are destroyed by bad meme sets. Why care about that? For the same reason we care about members of Jim Jones style cults.

Neomarxist postmodernism is a de facto cult. Marxism too. Leftism in general denies science and evolution far more than the right.

Non-binary gender BS.

The claim one can change genders BS.

Denying the sexually dimorphic nature of humans, BS.

Abusively rewarding people for “coming out” as non-reproductive outliers, BS.
Aishik Adhikary lgbtqaaipzpfwhatever.

We are born with brains which can be hijacked and sucked into destructive dead end cults.

Sexual inversion of whatever type is n-o-t selected for by evolution. Rather such proclivities, where they actually exist, are simply noise resulting from the imprecise way evolution works.

In the case of humans though, because our brains can be and are easily sucked into wrong thinking wrong headed destructive meme sets, I suspect the born-that-way status is far more rare than the abuse victims and their enablers claim.

A gold star on the foreheads of those robbed of inherent reproduction. A high social reward from the left. Oh and females taught to hate males, to hate having children, and to deny their own natures as females, also serves as an enabling force for more males being sucked into abusive dead end sexual inversion.

It’s not my fault the right is right on social issues. The religious right don’t understand why they are right on social issues, even though they are. Why is this the case? Religions couch evolved traits. Couch.

Daniel Dennett’s dangerous idea re religion being a natural phenomenon, a dangerous idea which even he doesn’t understand the full impact of.

Yes there may be femmy men and manly women born, but consider what their life paths would have been 100 or 1000 or 10000 years ago? Inherent reproduction.

We are sexual animals. The cultural left robs people of this key trait and key life part, the most key trait of all.

Lives destroyed by bad memes. LGBTQnon-reproduction whatever. Members of a denialist dead end suicidal cult. Lives robbed of our true heritage as sexual animals.
Aymen Adhami Margaret Sanger was a eugenicist. She wanted to cull the poor and the blacks. Her baby killing abattoir known as Planned Parenthood does this every day.

Black lives don’t matter much to your neighborhood abortion clinic.

Why do blacks jump at the chance to kill their own? Perhaps for the same reason they belong en masse to the political party which enslaved their ancestors, the Democrat party.
Chris Tunstall confirmation bias. Rise up on that hierarchy of group rights, group blames, and victimhood competition.

Also consider how sperm competition works in SJW land: basically whomever is the sneakiest of fuckers gets access to more pussy.

The SJW beta male. By f how is he supposed to transmit his dna to SJW females? “Coming out” as gender fluid or gender non-binary may be one way.

Re the scientific term sneaky fucker, more info:

——excerpted quote begins:

The term “sneaky fuckers” was coined by evolutionary biologist John Maynard Smith to describe subordinate males who take advantage of opportunity to mate with females while dominant males are otherwise occupied.

—-end of quote.
 —————— end of original comment & replies to others, all censored by Facebook.

Friday, February 2, 2018

Libertarian Atheists are often just abusively permissive leftist hippies

Libertarian Atheists, are usually abusively permissive Leftist Hippies.

Case in point:

In response to the post quoted below, 40 or so rather negative responses came back including one death threat against the original poster. After receiving the death threat, the original poster added a long comment in reply, after which the group admins booted the original poster.

The group: - AKA Libertarian Atheists.

These people, self-described libertarian atheists, have no concept of what human nature is, and zero respect for our evolutionary heritage.

In the follow post "NIP" means non-interference principle, something self described libertarians claim to believe in.

------------ quote begins original post in the Libertarian Atheist group:

Every time I hear Joe Rogan I am inclined to say to him: “you’re a moron. Pot does rot your brain. Also ‘letting people live their lives’ doesn’t take into account how people can be sucked into de facto (secular) cults. And there is a difference between government mandates and just doing social shaming for at least some destructive behaviors - although I’m not pro pot legalization nor for allowing non-reproductive outliers to suck kids into their unnatural-for-the-children ‘relationships.’”

I guess I’m a classic liberal too, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to ignore observed facts or what a given redpill might reveal, nor ignore how evolution works and our evolved natures.

The following is a list of my current views which shall probably trigger leftist-hippie libertarians, and so what:

1. Sexual organs are for making babies.

2. Humans are a sexually dimorphic species. Two genders period, and unchangeable.

3. Gayness appears to be largely a forced chosen outlier state, for most people who self identify as such.

Yes there’s gay non-human animals, but this is solely because the force of evolution on this front produces a certain percentage of non-reproductive outliers.

Thus to any extent that their are actually natural born human gays (as opposed to victims sucked into a de facto nihilistic death cult), they are >not< selected for. Rather they, are simply mistakes generated by the machinery and force regarding how evolution works.

4. We should imo salute valiant people like Doug Mainwaring who realize children should and must come first.

5. Climate Change Hysteria has zero connection with real and true and honest science.

6. Religions couch evolved traits and morals.

7. Christianity is superior to Islam and Judaism. Islam greatly and abusively amplifies out-group morality.

8. Christianity laid the foundation for a Reformation and Enlightenment. Men on the moon. America. Bringing humanity out of the largely Islam caused Dark Ages.

9. Overpopulation is a myth created by anti human nihilists.

10. If fat shaming works then why not gay and trans and bi shaming.

11. Margaret Sanger was a horrible racist eugenicist.

12. Race and IQ are inseparably linked.

13. The Democrat party was and still is about slavery.

14. Pot does rot your brain. And who pays for rehab and the impacts resulting from damaged and hijacked brains? Me via tax money.

15. Trump is a wonderful and highly useful president.

Denialist hippie triggering concluded.

------------end of quote.

After receiving 40 or so negative type replies, including one death threat from a group member, the following addendum was posted. This addendum comment resulted in the original poster being banned from "Libertarian Atheists."

Not so libertarian. Mostly abusively permissive leftist (GD) hippies.

------------ quote begins of comment posted after receive 40 negative replies including one death threat, from so-called "libertarian" atheists, a comment which then resulted in a ban from the group:

There's no such thing as a non-interference principle in a social animal.

Joe Rogan, and his dittoheaded followers frequently resort to the use of loud expletives as a means of conveying supposed arguments. The louder the expletive is spoken (or typed in capitals), the stronger the argument is supposed to be.

Yes it's possible to assess what a group is like by their responses to a given argument pr set or arguments & points. The tone of their responses.

In the above list so far, I see one death threat. How's that for your gd interference principle.

Now, as for a reasoned argument, which I don't think you're able to process really, is as follows:

Humans tend to gather in groups and draw up rules. You know, rules again: murder, rape, cheating. Stuff like that. There's also rules of war, for when another tribe attacks yours. I don't "love" Trump, but I agree with Milo he has damn high utilitarian value, and I also agree with Milo that Trump was the best de-facto librarian on the ballot.

Leftists (including leftist libertarians) force their will onto me and mine all the time.

At >two< government-run local art museums, they have mandatory "gender neutral" restrooms where the mentally-ill gender-dysphoric memetic-children-of-neomarxist-postmodernism men, get to spy on women & girls in the restrooms there.

Gays, force their will onto others all the time, at cake shops, at the adoption center, and on and on. They seek to use the force of law, of the State, to impose their will.

Potheads and other druggies damage their brains. They can end of jobless and on rehab. Who pays for their rehab? And who pays for how pothead parents basically F up the lives of their kids via having easy access to a brain hijacking chemical?

So, who exactly is forcing whom on these fronts?

The gender dysphoric and their leftist enablers, are forcing me.

The gays, are forcing me.

The potheads and other druggies, are forcing me.

The neomarxist postmodernists, are forcing me.

So, why exactly should I give a shit? This was asked more than once. Why would I give one blooding fucking rats ass, what someone else does with "their body." Why? Why? Why?

Because, dumb-S (yes I'll now resort ot the use of exlitives myself, well after one death threat in this thread so far), humans are social animals. Because what you do, affects me. What you do, affects your family. And if you're pregnant, what you do, affects someone who isn't you - the baby inside.

NIP my ass.

As social animals humans have a tendency to make up group rules which help discourage destructive dead end behaviors. So be. Yes not everything is equal. Yes there's a balance between 100% freedom and responsibility. In fact we cannot have freedom without responsibility - something your average pothead lib has mostly forgot. "And don't ask me to pay for your rehab either" - I'd say to them.

For you, yes you, "libertarian" means the freedom to be left alone to do your shit. Smoke pot. Do some bitcoining. More pot. More bitcoining. Add some pot. Joe Rogan libertarianism I guess. Not mine really.

Oh my god, what a mess:
"Left-libertarianism encompasses those libertarian beliefs that claim the Earth's natural resources belong to everyone in an egalitarian manner, either unowned or owned collectively..."

Response: Earth's natural resources belong to everyone? F-ing Communism!

"Right-libertarianism developed in the United States in the mid-20th century and is the most popular conception of libertarianism in that region. It is commonly referred to as a continuation or radicalization of classical liberalism. Right-libertarians value the social institutions that enforce conditions of capitalism, while rejecting institutions that function in opposition to these institutions."

Response: Ok classical libertalism advocacy, and pro-capitalism.

But how does being pro-capitalism mean you get to kill a baby inside your womb, or that you get to smoke pot & f-up your life (next stop: rehab & getting my tax money - but what of the sacred NIP?), and the lives of your family (NIP gone, again)? How does being pro-capitalism mean you get to adopt a child into your unnatural-for-the-children outlier (gay or trans) relationship?

Oh yes my views are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Victorian.

Hey I likes me some tits and ass as much as the next red blooded American male. But tits and asses are for making kids, ok?

Human nature. Human evolution. What helps humanity thrive best.

Yes I admit and agree that the American project is the best way devised thus far. And if democracy can only be maintained when a general population has an IQ above a certain level, then your dreams of a utopian "libertarian" society look even >more< far off and more like a pipe dream.

Yes of course the State has grown too big.

But it's fascinating (and f-ing annoying) to me that ALL THESE PEOPLE who want to be left alone to do their thang, don't wish to leave me and mine alone.

Gender neutral restrooms where lookiloo men get to spy on women & girls.

Babies killed en masse by Margaret Sanger's abattoir.

Brains damaged and families destroyed by all those drugs which are just, by F, none of my business.

None of my business. None of my business. Don't f-up my party bro!

Leftist hippies indeed. And yes I'm generally for classical liberalism. Thus as you prepare to press the boot button, keep that in mind.

As for the rest, since the thread did include one death threat from one oh-so-kind NIP-loving lib, I'll say this: F U.

------------ end of quote of comment which resulted in a ban from a libertarian atheists group.

Many self described libertarians aren't libertarian at all. Rather, they're just abusive morons who mostly want to force you, and everyone else, to pay for their excesses and abuse.