Monday, October 5, 2020

Happy Birthday Utah. July 24, 2020.

Happy Birthday Utah.

Brigham Young. Mormon Temples. Genealogy. Mormonism, including "part member families." The Mormon Church sets itself up above you, as a non-member spouse. Mountain Meadows massacre. Atheism doesn't make people immoral, except when it causes you to forget where human nature comes from. Postmodernism is the root of all evil, not religion. Leftist Atheism does make people less moral therefore. 

July 24, 2020

Brigham Young, Mormonism, LDS, Mormon Temples, Temples, Genealogy, mountain meadows, atheism, postmodernism, morality, religion

Hooray: Jordan Peterson Lives!

Hooray: Jordan Peterson Lives!
Religions couch evolved morality. Jordan Peterson tiptoes around adding the word "evolution" to religion and spirituality, but it's there. How to live a happy life: Try to match up with what our evolved natures are. Give the gift of life if you can: 1.2 billion year evolved, man & wife couples. Humans are not prepared by evolution to decide when to stop having kids, thus we should lean toward having More, now that we have a choice. July 5, 2020 religion, evolution, choose life, kids, children, birth control, jordan peterson

Friday, October 2, 2020

Happy Birthday America

Happy Birthday America

Celibrate America, the Greatest Country this planet has ever known, because we embrace freedom. Western Enlightenment Values in the hearts of the Founders led to the eventual end of universal slavery. 


Stefan Molyneux: The Jerry Springer of "Philosophers."

Stefan Molyneux: The Jerry Springer of "Philosophers."

UPB Universal Preferable Behavior, is word salad. 

Molyneux blocked me on twitter twice.

Morality comes from evolved human nature, not word salads.


Postmodernism Is Anti Science

Postmodernism Is Anti Science

Richard Dawkins, Michael Shermer, and Sam Harris don't get it. Sam Harris did "Letter to a Christian Nation." He should have done "Letter to a Dumbshit Postmodernist Nation."

Jordan Peterson: Please come back.

Religion doesn't poison everything. Religion couches good & bad, evolved morality. In group morality. Out group morality. Religions Are a natural evolutionary process. If you toss the baby of evolved morality out with the bathwater of mysticism you are cheating yourself & others.

Postmodernism is cultural Marxism. Denial of human nature. Race baiting. Denial of the Western Enlightenment project.

Western Enlightenment values Ended universal slavery. 365K Northern Army Soldiers during the American Civil War helped also. 

Enlightenment values: Equal opportunity, not an equal outcome.

All founders of Italian fascism were Marxists.

Socialism is where you have a totalitarian grifting Ponzi scheme in charge of your life & everyone's lives except the grifting leaders of socialist schemes.


postmodernism,anti-science,antiscience,science,richard dawkins,sam harris,michael shermer,marxism,marxist,ponzi scheme

What upsets people about Trump?

What upsets people about Trump?

Trump upsets the corrupt status quo. He upsets the slimy established good old boy & girl network. He upsets the corporatists, and the gov job pay to play people. Democrats have zero to do with support for the working class. The Democrat party is about cronyism and pay to play, and how to make as much money as possible off of government jobs. The Democrat is not about free speech. The Democrat party promotes postmodernism & cultural Marxism. They want to remove the ability for you to choose what you should do in your own life. Racism. Ponzi schemes. Donald Trump upsets all this, and his supporters do to.

Trump also upsets establishment Republicans. If you are anti-establishment you should be for Trump.
If you are for free speech, free thought, and free inquiry, you should be for Trump and against the traitor Democrats.

Your average Democrat will Not say that Children are Born Innocent. America was founded on Western Enlightenment values.


Atheist Groups Aren't about Reason, Truth, or Honest Intellectual Inquiry

Atheist Groups Aren't about Reason, Truth, or Honest Intellectual Inquiry Atheist groups are dogmatic leftist social groups, period. KJQS0697.MOV 6-20-2020

Contributions of Jordan Peterson.

Contributions of Jordan Peterson. Leftist culture fueled by postmodernism is anti-human, anti-science, and destroys lives. IRVT7907.MOV 6-20-2020