Sunday, July 29, 2012

Self-hatred in the "skeptical" community via angry neurotic so-called "feminists"

Here's some additional thoughts of the recent thunerf00t thing and some further digging revealed the following on a conservative wiki site: Dawkins' comments have been removed from PZ Myers' website but I found the above link.

I'm not a big fan of the wiki site referenced above but at least they've got some documentation about what has occurred in the past. I believe I do share the following key value with anti-authoritarian conservatives expressed by the following phrase: "Go F yourself and stop taking yourself so F'ing seriously." While the ideology test at shows that I am a left leaning anti-authoritarian, I do find shared value in this phrase that is basically an appropriate response to liberal authoritarians who want us all to be censored and suppressed apparently just as much as the conservative authoritarians do.
Go F yourself and stop taking yourself so F'ing seriously.
The above phrase really is quite useful. It can help us all improve our lives and the lives of others to a great extent. And frankly, the anti-male anti-normal-human-relations type rhetoric which is criticized on the following website also yields this reaction:

And here is a link to the crazed demented drivil from a woman who's got a number of skeptical undies in a bundle:

But thankfully, in addition to thunderf00t's responses*, here's an appropriate response I found today:

And a very good video from the above site:!

The phrase "don't sexualize me" by Ms. Watson reminds me of the anti-sex anti-normal-human-relations rhetoric from the book Miracle of Forgiveness, a book that draws a direct link between masturbators and murderers. Kimball's Miracle of Forgiveness book was and is used as a virtual bible in Mormonism to teach children to hate their own bodies as they are coming of age.

And similarly, this femist bullshit concept that naked women, or women in general shouldn't be "sexualised?" That sounds like the same abusive anti-human rhetoric I heard as a boy in the Mormon Church. And the response to such a request should be exactly the same as what I should be to the Mormon Church:
Teaching children to hate their own bodies is abusive.

And, so is asking that men & women "de-sexualize" their brains and the natural responses thereof as we open our eyes and look out on the world.
The knee-jerk reactions from some quarters of the "skeptical" community in response to Ms. Watson's pedantic bayings are as follows:

CFI (Center For Inquiry) announces an anti-discrimination policy:

And here's my response to CFI's overreaction:

*Some of thunderf00t's responses:
and more info is at

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