Friday, August 2, 2019

Dave Rubin, Feminism, Gay "Marriage," & Postmodernism

Downstream effects of denialist social constructivist postmodernist ideology: 1. Gay "marriage." 2. Feminism, especially third wave. 3. All the letters of the Stonewall project, LGBTQPZetc. 4. Basic human nature denialism. The cancer of culturally Marxist postmodernism cuts deeper than even so-called conservatives will admit. Abusively permissive libertarians, just don't get it. The traditionally religious (especially the so-called religious right) live lives which are more true to our evolutionary heritage. Why? Because they've been hoodwinked by postmoderist ideology less. Key facts denied by the cultural left & postmodernist morons: 1. Humans are a sexually dimorphic species. 2. Sex only happens when two sexual animals engage in activities with their sexual organs which are directly inherently reproductive. 3. Other activities with one's sexual organs are either mutual or individual wankery. And while mutual wankery can enhance pair bonding within a reproductive man & wife couple, still such activites are not selected for by evolution. And all the abusive denialist dead end slow motion suicide letters of the Stonewall project are not selected for by evolution, either. 4. Children need for their own best evolved well-being a man & a woman present as parents. Love, exists to help bring babies into the word and to support them. Same with sex. And same with what we have for a long time now called marriage. Marriage is simply a word which traditionally meant a committed sexual relationship, and a sexual relationship is one where kids are naturally produced. It is sad that there are people sucked into the Stonewall faggyfag gay project. Petty dead end lives, largely. Yes a few exceptions, such as Alan Turing, Oscar Wilde, and Steven Fry. But in contrast to those lights there's also a great deal of abuse, and yes even direct undeniable links to pedophilia (homosexuality & pedophilia, mostly the same diff' with a great deal of overlap - come on, let's be f-ing honest). Evolution doesn't care about your feelings. It doesn't care about the feelings of young Earth creationists, and it doesn't care about the feelings of postmodernists either. Dave Rubin & other classic liberals are in denial on these key points. Rubin should see himself as a victim, of the abusively permissive & abusive ultra left. Yes, he's that. Douglas Murray. Steven Fry. Even Milo Yiannopoulous. Too bad. So sad. No children produced au natural, the way 1.2 billion years of evolutionary history has "intended." People sucked into a denialist meme set. Two gay guys hook up and live together. I'm not asking that such be outlawed. But, don't fucking call that hookup marriage, nor even sex. What the hookup is is just two guys engaging in mutual wankery - not sex, again because sex only & solely happens when there's the possibility of inherent reproduction. Thus I can sympathize with the concerns of the religious right regarding gay marriage & the homosexual project in general. Yes, the concept of gay marriage IS an absolute abuse and an affront to human nature, what human nature is, our evolutionary history, and what basic words like sex & marriage & family actually mean.

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