Showing posts with label marxism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label marxism. Show all posts

Friday, October 2, 2020

Postmodernism Is Anti Science

Postmodernism Is Anti Science

Richard Dawkins, Michael Shermer, and Sam Harris don't get it. Sam Harris did "Letter to a Christian Nation." He should have done "Letter to a Dumbshit Postmodernist Nation."

Jordan Peterson: Please come back.

Religion doesn't poison everything. Religion couches good & bad, evolved morality. In group morality. Out group morality. Religions Are a natural evolutionary process. If you toss the baby of evolved morality out with the bathwater of mysticism you are cheating yourself & others.

Postmodernism is cultural Marxism. Denial of human nature. Race baiting. Denial of the Western Enlightenment project.

Western Enlightenment values Ended universal slavery. 365K Northern Army Soldiers during the American Civil War helped also. 

Enlightenment values: Equal opportunity, not an equal outcome.

All founders of Italian fascism were Marxists.

Socialism is where you have a totalitarian grifting Ponzi scheme in charge of your life & everyone's lives except the grifting leaders of socialist schemes.


postmodernism,anti-science,antiscience,science,richard dawkins,sam harris,michael shermer,marxism,marxist,ponzi scheme

Thursday, August 13, 2020

The Evolutionary Lens is Powerful.

The Evolutionary Lens is Powerful.
1. Leftist atheists deny human nature & they don’t understand evolution.
2. Religions couch evolved morality.
3. Culturally Marxist Postmodernism is utter BS.
4. Physically leftist scientists aren’t scientists. 
5. How to “move naturalism forward?” Apply the evolutionary lens, and don’t assume that leftist social policies are the best ones. Does a leftist scientist ever ask themselves “are my beliefs falsifiable?”
6. The fallacies of Sean Carroll, Michael Shermer, & Daniel Dennett.
7. In the secular world there’s resource acquisition Ponzi schemes.
8. When the god people talk about god it’s for evolutionary & human nature reasons. The shared dream that provides survival & continuance benefits.


leftism, leftist atheism, atheism, religion, religions couch evolved morality, evolution, postmodernism, marxism, naturalism, sean carroll, michael shermer, daniel dennett, ponzi scheme

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Lost Boys via Leftism & Islam

Lost Boys: Leftist postmodernist ideology & Islam both are generators.

Fascism is an offshoot of Marxism

Some meme sets can create lost boys and which promote nihilism.

Teach that pink skins should hate their skin color.

Teach that boys should have their evolved male human nature.

Systematic hatred of being male and hatred of having pink skin.

That's going to have some downstream effects and create disconnected boys.

Islam teaches young men that one way they can have a sexual relationship is via a suicide bombing. This is a real thing. Listen closely to Tawfik Hamid:

Good guys with guns kill bad guys with them. More good guys with guns is a good thing.

Less shaming for being male & having pink skin would help.

Democrats want to import voters from south of the border, at the expense of the native born Americans of all skin colors.

Postmodernism promotes nihilism.

Having an abusively open southern border pushes wages down for the native born, and pushes up the houses prices also.

Examine how Islam creates nihilistic psychopaths.

The cultural left creates nihilistic psychopaths.

Disconnected boys & men.

Be prepared. All "fish in the barrel" type shops should have at least two armed guards in each one, and all schools too.

More people with a concealed weapons permit.

Will the Democrats be denouncing #Antifa? No. Antifa is the violent arm of the Democrat party. And again fascism is an offshoot of Marxism.

Multifaceted approach: Protection, plus realizing what meme sets create disconnected boys & psychopaths.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Leaving the Fascist Marxist Left

As per Berkeley, the fascism is on the left now. And really it always was. Name of the Nazi party: National Socialist German Workers. Thus a left spectrum endeavor.

Marxists and fascists only differ regarding the groups they love & the groups they hate. Group rights. Group blames. A hierarchy of group rights and group blames. Neither are conservative based ideologies.

Up until very recently, smart people on 'the left' defended free speech. Those (now increasingly vanishing & very hard to find) 'smart people' have been fully sidelined and silenced by mobs of entitled jack booted brownshirted moron proto-nazi youth.
In response, many are leaving the fascist Marxist left. Waking up from the cult. Milo attracts many such people. Trump also.

Dave Rubin and Gad Saad and Dennis Prager are generally helping. Mark Steyn. Douglas Murray. Ayaan Hirsi Ali.

Also the people Saad and Rubin tend to interview.

All people referenced including Trump are implicitly or explicitly Western Enlightenment advocates, and America is they best cradle of Enlightenment values.

The Berkeley Brownshirted fascist-Marxists are violent. The angry traitorous seditious beta males and violent SJW lesbians. So the gays are involved in the war also.

Free speech wars (Rubin):

Leaving the left (Rubin):

Fighting social constructivism (aka reheated denialist abusive fact-free Marxism) on campus:

Saad with Michael Rectenwald:

Saad with Philip Carl Salzman:
Elbert Guillory on the current fascist left:

...people were also beaten unconscious, clubbed with bats, and maced. And there was over $100,000 in property damage. One of the fascist groups involved:
Another: Berkeley antifa. Brownshirt leftists. The Nazi Youth, of today.

My Journey to Conservatism: