Showing posts with label Reason and Logic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reason and Logic. Show all posts

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Apologetics, Philosophy, Reason and Logic - another de facto atheist religion & leftist echo chamber

Atheism Is A Religion series...

Got booted today from the facebook group "Apologetics, Philosophy, Reason and Logic," in response to the following post:

Amerindian Culture condemns an 11 year old to death, today, now, in 2014

Two admins on the group, one named Mark Wittgruber (the apparent group founder), and a Sean Michael Carter took particular special exception to my presence on the group, when I had the audacity to do the following:

As an atheist, challenge the general leftist stance of atheists.

The two men were essentially a tag team engaging in an admin enabled pile on.

Threatening to kick if one refuses to kow tow to the cherished views of the leaders.

Not really engaging in a debate or discussion.

Instead engaging in abusive attacks - when they find your views particularly inconvenient.

Hey, when admins do it, it's ok right?

Not really an atmosphere for an honest & open discussion, to say the least!

This is not new.

Actually this type of activity by admins on facebook is very common.

But it's also a sad commentary on human nature.

Religion is so damn natural (ref Daniel Dennett) that even atheists cannot help (!) but form one when they gather together in groups. Very hard for them to avoid!

The apparent founder of the group appears to be an atheist. But he has no problem with engaging in personal attacks when it suits his apparent needs to have a playground centered around HIS questions, and HIS thoughts, ensuring that HIS beliefs are not questioned or challenged, and that's it.

Here's some of the supposed rules of the group in question:
1. No preaching.
2. No personal attacks.
3. No politics.
4. Do not ban the admins
5. Enjoy the discussion!
The admins of the group are free to break rules two and five.

And so, onward.

Atheists in general don't value free speech any more than anyone else.

And in fact, if they're on the cultural left they usually value it LESS than the cultural right does. A lot less.

Liberals often cannot wrap their heads around problems with their own culture.

I'm generally speaking an economic liberal and a social moderate. A 9/11 liberal. A Christopher Hitchens liberal.

But I have no use for fools, even liberal ones, who can't handle deeper discussions about ALL issues, without restriction (other than, perhaps, a banning of commercialized spam).

Things are related. There's synergies between views. Not everything is one way or the other. Politics and religion are joined, even for the liberal.

When the Unitarian Universalist uses his religion to back his actions, he doesn't see a problem with that. But he gets very upset with a right wing person refers to his religion as something of value.

Apologetics, Philosophy, Reason and Logic - not a debate group nor a regular discussion group. A group where the admins have no concept of what the word "debate" actually means. Actively telling participants what they are allowed to say in their replies. Using threats against those who refuse to comply (threats to ban & kick). Using petty expletives to refer to posts they don't agree with. And so on.

It's par for the course, a course I've seen several times on Facebook.

Atheists don't like their beliefs challenged, by fellow atheists. They get just as upset as any right wing religious person - and they will happily engage in heresy trials & excommunication against those who challenge their beliefs in any meaningful way.