Showing posts with label reading. Show all posts
Showing posts with label reading. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Psychics are charlatans who prey on the gullible and uneducated

Psychics are, generally speaking, charlatans who use word games and common sense to prey upon the gullible and uneducated. Good work if you can get it, but let's not pretend that it should ever be taken seriously.

Good videos:

By Richard Dawkins:

Derren Brown - longer interview - part 1 of 6:

Derren Brown on faith healers - similar charlatans to psychics:

"...where hope is peddled at the price."

James Randi exposes James Hydrick:

BBC on the issue - exposes three mediums:

Penn & Teller:

Psychics are leeches, sometimes self-deceived, often damaging, and always either wrong or right by fucking happenstance.

Similarly, we can easily replace the title "psychic" with "cultish religious founder." Same people. Same difference. Same result.