Showing posts with label memetic cancer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label memetic cancer. Show all posts

Friday, August 9, 2013

STFU, "STFU Parents" - ultra-lefties: making me more conservative every day.

In response to the following website:

And the following interview:

STFU (shut the fuck up). Strong words aren't they. This whole "child free" thing and being annoyed by children is something I have observed for some time.

If on facebook (FB) you or anyone are friends with someone with kids, if you think they're "oversharing" or if the letters or words associated with STFU pop into your mind, you don't deserve to be their friends or associated in any way with them.

Related posts with additional links:

STFU, "STFU Parents"

response to CBC and Jian Ghomeshi about STFU Parents

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

response to CBC and Jian Ghomeshi about STFU Parents

for my own records a copy of a post I just put on the CBC's website, here in it's uncensored form:

STFU - strong words aren't they. This whole "child free" thing and being annoyed by children is something I have observed for some time.

If on facebook (FB) you or anyone are friends with someone with kids, if you think they're "oversharing" or if the letters or words associated with STFU pop into your mind, you don't deserve to be their friends or associated in any way with them.

Parents should not STFU. If you don't like being reminded about your lack-of-children state by a passive-aggressive attack on them via STFU-ing them, then de-friend.

Maybe it's a New York thing, but STFU isn't a particularly funny phrase. An attack on parenthood, even an attack *supposedly* couched in humor, is still an attack. Basically the STFU site is transmitting a message to all parents that they should not share the joys & pains of being a parent.

Parents shouldn't STFU. Just the opposite.

Y-E-S, to your question "Should those who don't want to see parental posts filter or unfriend instead of passing judgement?"

If your some childless leftie who's annoyed by parental updates, unfriend the people, instead of complaining about them. Or STFU. The site owner used the acronym first, and Jian fawningly interviewed them. But let's remember what those letters mean. Jarring, & shocking really. Not funny Jian.

The site:
and fb page:

Crass, narcissistic, & mean spirited. A de facto "lack of life" cult - brought to you by the same cultural hole that bought us overpopulation hysteria, & ultra-lefties having no children as a result.

Related posts:

Jian & the CBC brought us this page, this info, about this crass woman and her pages. So funny. So cute. No, not really.


Related post:
STFU, "STFU Parents"