Whether or not you agree with my comments about two public radio programs engaging in religious advocacy on the government's dime & time, perhaps at the very least you can agree that we should be able to comment about their existence to public radio stations. The programs: "To the Best of our Knowledge" by Wisconsin Public Radio, and "Krista Tippett on Being" (formerly known as "Speaking of Faith with Krista Tippett."
The call letters KUER are licensed to the University of Utah, and the University of Utah is a part of the State of Utah.
My contention is that the programs are religious advocacy programs, as per other posts I've made.
I sent detailed complaints to KUER about the matter.
Maybe you disagree with my conclusions, or maybe you agree. But in any case, at the very least make note of the fact that KUER is a part of the State of Utah.
FCC rules in Title 47, Section 73.1202 and Section 73.3527 state that stations should be prepared to receive comments from the public. Also the FCC website at http://www.fcc.gov/mb/audio/decdoc/public_and_broadcasting.html#_Toc202587598
states the following: "...Comments to Stations and Networks. If you feel the need to do so, we encourage you to write directly to station management or to network officials to comment on their broadcast service..."
Also note the First Amendment states that citizens have a right to address their government regarding grievances. And since the call letters KUER are licensed to a part of the government, it seems to me that part of the amendment would apply in this case.
If any of this sounds interesting or of concern, here's how you may be able to help...
Write and call the KUER station manager, and call to the University of Utah to help make sure that they will be willing to receive comments from the public regarding the separation of church and state:
John Greene, KUER station manager, jgreene@kuer.org - phone 801-581-6625, option 6, then option 1
Michael K. Young, University of Utah president - phone 801-581-5701, email president@utah.edu
Please email both men if you could, if you want to help.
--------quote beings of email from the KUER station manager
To: Jonathan
From: John Greene <jgreene@kuer.org>
Date: Thu, 9 Dec 2010 11:48:05 -0700
You have made your views abundantly clear. Please refrain from e-mailing me any further.
John Greene GM
--------end of quote of the email from the KUER station manager
The man has no interest in a conversation. He just wants me to shut up. But he is a government employee & representative. And his station is licensed to a part of the government. And so on.
They don't want separation of church and state - except in the form of lip service for official purposes. Same as many others. I wonder, do they also discuss Wican beliefs? Is Odin ever mentioned?