Showing posts with label John Dehlin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John Dehlin. Show all posts

Thursday, June 12, 2014

The Mormon Church is not pro-family. | The old farts cannot stop us! | Moving forward.

Quotes from the Church of the Fridge

Under the Pretense of Love

"Yesterday the NY Times reported the purge of three notable voices who spoke out on real Mormon Issues from within the LDS church. John Dehlin of Mormon Stories, Kate Kelly, founder of the Ordain Women Movement, and Alan Rock Waterman of Pure Mormonism were delivered letters summoning them to church disciplinary councils where they are to be tried for apostasy. The news hit me harder than I expected it would. I have not met any of these people. But I know intimately the emotions they are facing in this moment..."

----end of quote

Tearing families apart, while claiming you're trying to help them be together forever.

Directly putting a wedge between husband and wife, when one or the other aren't in.

Agreed. The Church is not about love. It's about control, hate, and money, and using the great & huge lie of "we love you" as a primary means of control.

Hearing that shit like this happens today reminds me that the cancer known as Mormonism is still fully alive. The old farts can still pull the levers.

The Mormon Church is not pro-family. Not fully. Not honestly. Yes families are produced. But they're families split right down the middle.

Attention Spencer Kimball, many of my nieces & nephews are out & free. Attention Boyd Packer, you couldn't keep us in. Our little factories are none of your fucking business. Attention, all the old farts at
... you will not hold us down. Not any longer. The net has made us free. Excommunicate a thousand people, and you won't stop us. Our brains, bodies, and souls are no longer yours to command, nor control, nor abuse.


Initial exit journal created when I was more leftist, in response to being in recovery from the ultra-right:

Subsequently moved more toward the middle, after "recovery from recovery:" Also after finally starting a family, and meeting a socially conservative atheist woman from a completely non-Biblical culture.

Families Can Be Together Forever... Through Evolution!