Showing posts with label climate hysteria. Show all posts
Showing posts with label climate hysteria. Show all posts

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Pale Blue Dot, Best Actions While Here

Pale Blue Dot, Best Actions While Here:

1. Survive & thrive the best ways we know.
2. Learn as much about our place here.
3. Call out liars, cheaters, Ponzi schemes, and grifters.


Pale Blue Dot, Philosophy, Left, Right, Climate Hysteria, Grifters, Ponzi schemes, survive, thrive, choose life, honest science, science

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Leftist Scientists Aren't Scientists

Leftist Scientists Aren't Scientists

Whenever there's social or political involvement, leftist scientists become non-scientists. Leftist Scientism is a bastard religion.

The religious right have a big point regarding problems with the scientific endeavor: Tribalism. Follow the money Ponzi schemes. Cash-flow vs the truth.

Climate Hysteria is a huge Ponzi Scheme.

Climate Scientists who say CO2 is evil and bad, are liars and grifters.

The cultural left to include leftist scientists, are anti-human, and anti-life. The cultural left is a suicide cult.

Additional links on the climate Ponzi scheme issue:

Valiant people speak the truth in the face of social pressure.

COVID19 came from dangerous irresponsible gain-of-function virus research.

The people who value life look at the activities of leftist scientists and they see blackness & death. They see an anti-life project, and they're right in that assessment.

Leftists via abortion are in favor of black genocide.

The climate hysteria Ponzi scheme teaches that the human project and the project of having kids are wrong.

Kids are born innocent, including pink skinned children.

America was founded on Western Enlightenment values, values which ended slavery on the American continent. The Civil War also helped end slavery. Related:

Leftist culturally Marxist postmodernism teaches the lies that gender is changable in the human animal, when it's not. Related:

The leftist tribe is all about divisionism, racism, race baiting, group rights & group blames, anti-humanism, the lies of postmodernism, mass abortions, and so on.

Leftist see themselves as broken, and they seek to outsource the baby making project to immigrants & invaders.

Don't trust leftist scientists.

Climate, climate hysteria, climate change, science, scientism, leftist, leftist death cult, ldc, ponzi scheme, covid19, gain-of-function, coronavirus, abortion, UMFA, UMOCA, postmodernism


Freedom & life, versus anti-life Marxist Ponzi schemes & dead end secular cults.

Freedom & life, versus anti-life Marxist Ponzi schemes & dead end secular cults.

video link:

The value of Dinesh D'Souza.

Atheist Community of Austin is a leftist cult.

Black Lives Matter is a terrorist group populated by chump slaves of the Democrat party.

Antifa are Marxist fascist thug terrorists.

Leftist atheist groups are death cults. Climate hysteria is a Ponzi Scheme.

Choose life instead.


Dinesh D'Souza; Atheist Community of Austin; Black Lives Matter, Antifa, BLM, left, leftist, chump, Atheists of Utah, atheism, ldc, climate hysteria, atheists


Thursday, September 12, 2019

Eat. Breathe. Rumpy-pumpy. Have kids. Repeat.

Eat. Breathe. Rumpy-pumpy. Have kids. Repeat.

Is this sequence really so hard?

When others stand to gain monetarily or otherwise because you skipped a step in the chain, you can be the recipient of life-blocking lies.

Smart people should have more kids, the more the better.

People in First World countries should have more kids also, because right now there's not enough kids being produced w/in such environments. Lower than the replacement levels in many cases. And importing third worlders to have kids on your behalf isn't that healthy of an activity. Outsourcing breeding results in slow motion suicide for you and a degradation of Western Culture in general.

Ideally smart people should stay in their home countries and help those countries rise.

I'm ok with a limited refugee system, but right now people from south of the border are horribly abusing that system for economic gain.

#ClimateHysteria is a Ponzi scheme & anti-human anti-life cult.

Nobel laureate Ivar Giaever:

Leftist Charlotan Virtue Signalers want your money:
Priests of Climate Hysteria: