Saturday, December 18, 2010

Krista Tippett, Templeton, and the denial of basic human rights

My December 18, 2010 letter to, John Greene <>,, "Paulson, Steve" <>, "Fleming, Jim" <>,,


To the University of Utah, the University of Wisconsin, and American Public Media.

Right to Petition:

Regarding Krista Tippett & also the program "To the Best of our Knowledge," both Templeton funded and cheered on by Templeton.

Did you know that the director of the Templeton Foundation was the third-largest donor to the "Yes on Proposition 8" campaign in California, which in took away from California's gays and lesbians the right to marry?

Check out

If someone asked you what two plus two equals would you say four? Or would you say that it either doesn't matter or that we should hear from both sides on the issue and let your listeners decide?

Did you enjoy "Passion of the Christ," or did you think it was a ghoulish anti-Jewish film? Did you know that Templeton deemed it the most inspirational film of 2004?

Isn't that special?

Don't you guys just love Templeton money? Don't you love the appreciation they give Krista Tippett's program and also the work of "journalists" who create science subverting, religion & science conflating, dishonest programs like "To the Best of our Knowledge?"

On Templeton's websites they say you guys are doing a spiffy job with your programs. Isn't that special. And yet, do you care that they are apparently:



And anti to an honest discussion about the problems with religion & mysticism, and about continuing to have a demon haunted world (ref. Sagan's book on the issue)?

As recipients public tax dollars, you are not exempt from the right to petition. You don't work for a fully private entity. Public money either comes to you directly, or it supports your being able to do what you do. And what you do represents the government, my government. And radio stations must be prepared to receive, on a continuing basis, comments from the public.

And so, with all due respect, you had better be prepared to receive public comment, like it or not, and whether you agree or not.

When an anti-gay anti-Jewish anti-science & reason anti-Enlightenment organization supports and lauds your efforts, that shows there's problem in the "house of reason."

Will "To the Best of Our Knowledge" and "Krista Tippett On Being (formerly known as Speaking of Faith)" be talking about the problems with the Templeton Foundation? No. They are your funding source. You are in their pocket. But, since these programs are broadcast from public universities, and from publicly funded organizations, it just so happens that I get to have a say in what you all do, on a continuous basis. John Templeton is not your only boss. The public gets to have a say in what you do, and no, you don't get to tell the public to shut up and go away.

Since you are all duty bound to serve the public interest as public servants, I request that you examine the following additional hyperlinks regarding this matter:,_science_and_philanthropy/

The mixing of church and state is not a trivial issue. And taking money from a group headed up by people who overtly worked to overturn the rights of citizens in California to marry - well, that's not a neutral act either.

Templeton support for Passion of the Christ was a key indicator. Templeton support for more Bible study courses nationwide is another. But Templeton leadership support for ending gay marriage in California, well, I guess that may just push the ball over the edge bit, don't you think?

You may go work for a private company where your actions may not be scrutinized by the public so much. But while you're working on the public dime, and in my name, expect to receive public scrutiny on a continuous basis, and especially as an anti-gay anti-Jewish anti-science & reason organization continues to fund and laud your efforts and actions.



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