Saturday, August 11, 2012

Sam Harris responds to a-hole trolls like PZ Myers

Sam Harris responds to his critics & a-hole trolls like PZ Myers...

"...My correspondent is right about one thing, however: It was all there in my first book, The End of Faith. Since the moment I began criticizing religion in public, I have argued that Islam merits special concern—because it is currently the most militant and retrograde of the world’s major religions. This has always made certain people uncomfortable, because they find it difficult to distinguish a focus on Islam—specifically, on the real-world effects of its doctrines regarding martyrdom, jihad, apostasy, and the status of women—from bigotry against Muslims. But the difference is clear and crucial. My criticism of conservative Islam has nothing to do with race, ethnicity, or nationality. And, as I have often said, no one suffers the consequences of this pernicious ideology—the abridgments of political and intellectual freedom, the mistreatment of women, the fanaticism and sectarian murder—more than innocent Muslims..."

as from

Related posts here:

Sam Harris, Scott Atran, banning Islam, racism, and apology for abusive religion

Self-hatred in the "skeptical" community via angry neurotic so-called "feminists"

Two videos found on feminism - challenging politically correct dogma

Atheist conferences and sexual harassment rules

Thunderf00t vs P.Z. Myers: I vote for thunderf00t

I think the main mistake made by recent atheist conference organizers by inviting an unhinged stinky troll like PZ Myers into their and our midst. Some people have class. Myers has an bung hole for a mouth and a rotten pea for a brain.

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