Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Crazed old fart virgins don't know shit - and keep them away from your children

From the BBC today:

"...Pope Benedict reaffirms the importance of the Christian belief in the virgin birth, that Jesus was not conceived through sexual intercourse but through the Holy Spirit."

Isn't that nice.

Back to the sex is evil gig of a bunch of crazed old farts.

An apt response from Andrew Sullivan:
"...The Catholic church does not condemn a whole class of human beings, regardless of their acts, as deemed inferior by God for all time because of their biological nature, having to wait even in the hereafter behind all other groups to become gods themselves. It condemns non-procreative sex for all, and by that teaching uniquely singles out gays for lives of loneliness, celibacy and repression, while permitting the infertile and the elderly to be full members of the church even as they too have non-procreative sex..."

Also check out:

Now, then there's the perverse alternative from Mormonism, where we learn that God the Father (Elohim) had sex with Mary the Mother of Jesus.

Didn't they teach you that in Sunday School?

And, once again my friends, Joseph & Brigham, they like'd'em young, and also women who were simultaneously married to other men:

But then, later, it's the f-ing old farts again, who screw things up. Spencer Kimball's hate filled book:

Boyd KKK fudge Packer comes out with his anti-masturbation little factory pamphlet:

Spencer Kimball tells Mormons that oral sex is bad:

So, what's the bottom line?

Crazed old fart virgins don't know shit, AND keep them away from your children.

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