Showing posts with label racketeering. Show all posts
Showing posts with label racketeering. Show all posts

Friday, January 13, 2017

Today, I am grabbing life by the pussy. And I want my golden shower.

Today, I am grabbing life by the pussy. And I want my golden shower.

It's worth noting how & why these stories came to light (pussy grabbing, and golden showers):

DEFLECTIONS from the raping ways of Bill Clinton. Smoke, designed to defect from where the true problem lies.

"...they let you do it..." Hollywood starlets do use their bodies as a means of getting ahead. Trump was commenting on that state of affairs in what he thought was an off the record joking conversation.

Whereas, here's a list of women which didn't give consent to Bill:

As for Michelle Obama being teary eyed about mention of pussy grabbing, does rap music get her upset also? How about Pussy Control by Prince?

And what about Mrs. Slocombe's pussy?
...from the British comedy 'Are You Being Service?'

Does plastic hypocrite moron Michelle Obama get upset these? And does Bill & Hillary get her upset also - you know, Team Rape?

So, the smoke keeps blowing from the left, and the left continues to ignore the real crimes of Bill.

This singular highly useful man helped free me from the Cult of Clinton: - Christopher Hitchens.

I voted for Obama twice. I was a chump. My memories of Hitch and other still present people helped me wake up from that (Obama appreciation) stupid dream as well.

Thank the good parts of human nature, and the great legacy of the Enlightenment, that Trump won.

As for the Enlightenment values which founded America, Obama & the Clintons are no friends to those values.



Why it was good that Trump won:

So I'm all for grabbing life, by the generally consenting & happy pussy. And golden showers are fun for some. But these frolicking romps are a.) not crimes, and b.) they're nothing compared to the real crimes of Bill.

Don't let Democrat smoke distract from where the real crimes lie. And Bill's raping ways are just the tip of the Democrat/Clinton-crime pile (eg: pay to play racketeering, having an illegal home server w/classified info, and on and on).