Friday, March 21, 2014

Mormon Bishops Are Child Abusers | Brain washed pretentious pompous claptrap, from a bunch of retrograde old farts: Thomas S. Monson, Spencer W. Kimball, Boyd Packer

1. Mormon Bishops Are Child Abusers

Oh my fucking god, and Jesus titty fucking Christ, here's a Mormon Bishop describing first hand how he intends to abuse children within his sphere of influence:

time index references as per original poster of the video:
Published on Jul 30, 2013

Recorded Aug 26th, 2012 from a special combined LDS meeting in North Ogden, UT. The topic is supposed to have come from a regional meeting, although it may have been inspired by my meeting with the bishop the week before when I protested the bishop talking about masturbation with my 8 year old for his baptismal interview.

The meeting was so important to them, that they took role of who showed up that Sunday, so that they could go visit the families in their homes who weren't present that day and give the presentation to them as well. 11:55 to 12:40 is where he talks how he explains to 8 year olds about their privates, but says that it may not be enough. He's concerned about how little kids don't know what chastity really is. 25:00-26:15 Questions for potential missionaries: same gender attraction, petting, masturbation, pornography. 26:35 Six month minimum waiting period after any of those sins are committed. 47:25-47:55 Apology to offended people, but excuses himself because of his "mantle."
...end of quote


2. Brain washed pretentious pompous claptrap, from a bunch of retrograde old farts:
Thomas S. Monson, Spencer W. Kimball, Boyd Packer

Examples of the abusive drivel from which the Mormon Bishop referenced above derives his fear-based diatribe against being human:

"We call upon members to renew their commitment to live the Lord’s standard of moral conduct. Parents should teach their children the sacred nature of procreative powers and instill in them a desire to be chaste in thought and deed. A correct understanding of the divinely appointed roles of men and women will fortify all against sinful practices. Our only real safety, physically and spiritually, lies in keeping the Lord’s commandments."


Jar Jar Binks, becomes a mormon leader:

"weesa call upon members to renew thesa commitment to live da lord’s standard of moral conduct.parents should teach thesa children da sacr nature of procreative powers and instill in them a desire to be chasta in thought and de.a correct understand of da divine appoint roles of men and women ganna fortify all against sinful practices.weesa on real safety,physical and spiritual,lies in keep da lord’s commandments."

Swedish Chef:

"Ve-a cell upun members tu renoo zeeur cummeetment tu leefe-a zee Lurd’s stunderd ooff murel cundooct. Um de hur de hur de hur. Perents shuoold teech zeeur cheeldree zee secred netoore-a ooff prucreeteefe-a pooers und insteell in zeem a desure-a tu be-a cheste-a in thuooght und deed. Bork bork bork! A currect understundeeng ooff zee deefinely eppueented rules ooff mee und vumee veell furteeffy ell egeeenst seenffool precteeces. Um gesh dee bork, bork! Oooor oonly reel seffety, physeecelly und spureetooelly, leees in keepeeng zee Lurd’s cummundments. Um gesh dee bork, bork!"


Also from the King of retrograde a-holes, Spencer W. Kimball, we have:

"Most youth come into contact early with masturbation. Many would-be authorities declare that it is natural and acceptable, and frequently young men I interview cite these advocates to justify their practice of it. To this we must respond that the world's norms in many areas: drinking, smoking, and sex experience generally, to mention only a few - depart increasingly from God's law. The Church has a different, higher norm."

"Thus prophets anciently and today condemn masturbation. It induces feelings of guilt and shame. It is detrimental to spirituality. It indicates slavery to the flesh, not that mastery of it and the growth toward godhood which is the object of our mortal life. Our modern prophet has indicated that no young man should be called on a mission who is not free from this practice."

"While we should not regard this weakness as the heinous sin which some other sexual practices are, it is of itself bad enough to require sincere repentance. What is more, it too often leads to grievous sin, even to that sin against nature, homosexuality. For, done in private, it evolves often into mutual masturbation--practiced with another person of the same sex and thence into total homosexuality."


Jar Jar Binks version:

"most youth comein into contact ear with masturbation.many would-be authorities declare da isa natural and acceptable,and frequent young men missa interview cita these advocates to justify thesa practice of dis weesa must respond da da biiig empire s norms in many areas:drink,smok,and sex experience general,to mention onda few - depart increasing from biiig one s law.da church has a different,higher norm."

"thus prophets ancient and today condemn induces feelings of guilt and shame.isa detrimental to indicates slavery toda flesh,no da mastery of it and da growth toward godhood which is da object of weesa mortal life.weesa modern prophet has indicat da no young man should be call onda mission who is no free from dis practice."

"while weesa should no regard dis weakness as da heinous sin which some other sexual practices is,isa of itself bombad enough to require sincere repentance.what is more,it too often leads to grievous sin,even to da sin against nature,homosexuality.for,done in privata,it evolves often into mutual masturbation--practic with another person of da same sex and thence into total homosexuality."

Swedish Chef:

"Must yuoot cume-a intu cuntect ierly veet mestoorbeshun. Muny vuoold-be-a oothureeties declere-a thet it is netoorel und eccepteble-a, und freqooently yuoong mee I interfeeoo ceete-a zeese-a edfucetes tu joosteeffy zeeur precteece-a ooff it. Um de hur de hur de hur. Tu thees ve-a moost respund thet zee vurld's nurms in muny erees: dreenking, smukeeng, und sex ixpereeence-a generelly, tu menshun oonly a foo - depert increeseengly frum Gud's lev. Zee Choorch hes a deefffferent, heegher nurm."

"Thoos pruphets unceeently und tudey cundemn mestoorbeshun. It indooces feeleengs ooff gooeelt und sheme-a. It is detreementel tu spureetooelity. Bork bork bork! It indeecetes slefery tu zee flesh, nut thet mestery ooff it und zee groot tooerd gudhuud vheech is zee oobject ooff oooor murtel leeffe-a. Oooor mudern pruphet hes indeeceted thet nu yuoong mun shuoold be-a celled oon a meessiun vhu is nut free-a frum thees precteece-a."

"Vheele-a ve-a shuoold nut regerd thees veekness es zee heeenuoos seen vheech sume-a oozeer sexooel precteeces ere-a, it is ooff itselff bed inuoogh tu reqooure-a seencere-a repentunce-a. Vhet is mure-a, it tuu oofftee leeds tu greeefuoos seen, ifee tu thet seen egeeenst netoore-a, humusexooeleety. Bork bork bork! Fur, dune-a in preefete-a, it ifulfes oofftee intu mootooel mestoorbeshun--precteeced veet unuzeer persun ooff zee seme-a sex und zeence-a intu tutel humusexooeleety. Bork bork bork!"

Pig Latin:

"Ostmay youthay omecay intoyay ontactcay earlyyay ithway asturbationmay. Anymay ould-beway authoritiesyay eclareday atthay ityay isyay aturalnay andyay acceptableyay, andyay equentlyfray youngay enmay Iyay interviewyay itecay esethay advocatesyay otay ustifyjay eirthay acticepray ofyay ityay. Otay isthay eway ustmay espondray atthay ethay orld'sway ormsnay inyay anymay areasyay: inkingdray, okingsmay, andyay exsay experienceyay enerallygay, otay entionmay onlyyay ayay ewfay - epartday increasinglyyay omfray Od'sgay awlay. Ethay Urchchay ashay ayay ifferentday, igherhay ormnay."

"Usthay ophetspray ancientlyyay andyay odaytay ondemncay asturbationmay. Ityay inducesyay eelingsfay ofyay uiltgay andyay ameshay. Ityay isyay etrimentalday otay iritualityspay. Ityay indicatesyay averyslay otay ethay eshflay, otnay atthay asterymay ofyay ityay andyay ethay owthgray owardtay odhoodgay ichwhay isyay ethay objectyay ofyay ouryay ortalmay ifelay. Ouryay odernmay ophetpray ashay indicatedyay atthay onay youngay anmay ouldshay ebay alledcay onyay ayay issionmay owhay isyay otnay eefray omfray isthay acticepray."

"Ilewhay eway ouldshay otnay egardray isthay eaknessway asyay ethay einoushay insay ichwhay omesay otheryay exualsay acticespray areyay, ityay isyay ofyay itselfyay adbay enoughyay otay equireray inceresay epentanceray. Atwhay isyay oremay, ityay ootay oftenyay eadslay otay ievousgray insay, evenyay otay atthay insay againstyay aturenay, omosexualityhay. Orfay, oneday inyay ivatepray, ityay evolvesyay oftenyay intoyay utualmay asturbation--practicedmay ithway anotheryay ersonpay ofyay ethay amesay exsay andyay encethay intoyay otaltay omosexualityhay."

Valley Girl:

"Most youth come into contact early with masturbation. Many would-be authorities declare that it is natural and acceptable, like, and frequently young men I interview cite these advocates to justify their practice of it. To this we must respond that thuh world's norms in many areas: drinkin', man, smokin', like, wow, and sex experience generally, man, to mention only a few - depart increasin'ly from God's law. The Church has a different, man, higher norm."

"Thus prophets anciently and today condemn masturbation. It induces feelin's of guilt and shame. It is ya know, like, detrimental to spirituality. It indicates slavery to thuh flesh, like, not that mastery of it and thuh growth toward godhood which is like wow! the object of our mortal life. Our modern prophet has indicated that no young nerd should be called on a mission who is not free from this practice."

"While we should not regard this weakness as thuh heinous sin which some other sexual practices are, oh, baby, it is ya know, like, of itself mean enough to require sincere repentance. What is more, man, it too often leads to grievous sin, like, even to that sin against nature, man, homosexuality. For, like, wow, done in private, mostly, it evolves often into mutual masturbation--practiced with another person of thuh same sex and thence into total homosexuality."

I think my favorite versions are Swedish Chef.


There's many reasons to extract oneself from such insantiy.

Here's more I just found:
Apostasy A to Z - Or, why I don't go to church any more. by Chris Tolworthy

Down toward the bottom of the last page there's a defunct link. But here's a copy:
Who Are The Lamanites?

Attention, Spencer Kimball: Masturbation does not lead to homosexuality. But your constant obsessions about it may.

Attention, Boyd Packer: Keep your hands off of my little factory, and out of the bedrooms of all children & adults in your cult.

Attention, Thomas Monson & cohorts: You're a bunch of f-ing old farts. What about Joseph Smith sleeping with a 14 year old, and with the wives of other men? What about Brigham Young sleeping with a 15 year old and with the wives of other men?

No More: End Mormons' Sexually Invasive Interviews of Children

Teaching children to fear their own bodies. That is what the Mormon Church teaches. Teaching eight, and eleven, and twelve year old children that masturbation may lead to homosexuality. Crazy. Stupid. Abusive. This must be stopped!

Related images found on the web:

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