Showing posts with label censorship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label censorship. Show all posts

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Creeping Sharia in Limerick, Ireland: censorship by the Limerick Leader

Free speech, and therefore free thought, appears to be dead in Limerick, Ireland.

Creeping Sharia?

Sharia in fact.

In response to the following news article I posted an apt response. That response was then censored.


Dear Jonathan Higbee,

We have removed your post from for hate speech, which is a violation of the Terms of Service. Please note we will remove any profiles that continue to breach these terms which can be found at Please note that even if your comment is in response to another violation of the guidelines, it will be removed if found to be abusive. Since the moderation system in place is abuse-based, we will not be made aware of comments that violate the Terms of Service unless they are reported for abuse.

Comment Removed:

In Response to Limerick school apologises for upset over Charlie Hebdo
"Creeping sharia, in the minds of the pseudo-liberals on the cultural left - turning them all into new-fascists.

Apology for the murder of artists, and for censorship of art artists were just barely murdered for.

Conflating religion with race, and race with being human. Doublespeak. Belief maintenance. Heresy trials.. Excommunication. All these things happen within the de facto fascist cult religion of the new left today.

Jim Jones.
David Koresh.
L. Ron Hubbard.
Joseph Smith.

Charismatic charlatans all. Abusive cult leaders. But the WORST of these is Mohamed.

Additional related thoughts:

Leftist religion loves Islam and hates the West and the fruits of the Enlightenment"

Moderation Team

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----------- end of quote

Here's a response I just posted on their site, a response which may also be censored:

Creeping sharia? Sharia in fact.

Free speech, and therefore free thought, and the ability to be an intellectually and emotionally honest human being is dead in Limerick.

Thank goodness your little speck on the Internet cannot control what happens nowadays. The editors and operators of this site are partners in abuse. Child abuse. Adult abuse. The abuse that comes directly from life within a cult.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Naked women protesting: The EXACT response needed, to Islam in general, Islamic State, and censors of Charlie Hebdo cartoons.

Naked women protesting: The EXACT response needed, to Islam in general, Islamic State, and censors of Charlie Hebdo cartoons.

Femen revolution...

Women protesting nude in Stockholm in front of the Egyptian embassy.

Link to video.

Sharia is not a constitution...

Other good slogans including at the end of the vid: Arab women against Islamists.

When will they be showing this video on the PBS Newshour, or MSNBC, or the BBC, or the CBC? Macneil & Lehrer's eyes would be bugging out if they show this video. It's too much truth for your average mealy mouthed recalcitrant pseudo-liberal to handle.

More info:

Little Johnny, and little Suzie, the world is not all fluffy and nice I'm sad to say. In countries called Iraq and Syria they burn people alive, cut their heads off, stone them to death, and throw people off towers. And in other "more nice" Islamic countries they jail women and lash them for driving or for walking around unveiled.

Nothing to do with Islam (ie: everything to do with Islam - the oppression).

A perfect response is nakedness. The power of the pen. The power of the breast. The power of the nipple. The power of the hoohaw.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

DeWayne Wickham, Coward and Murder Apologist - Regarding Censorship of Charlie Hebdo


I am writing to file a complaint regarding the following employee of Morgan State University: DeWayne Wickham. The main focus of my complaint is one of journalistic malpractice, where this man who's the head of the journalism department in my view advocates for the murder of artists - such as the artists recently murdered at the offices of Charlie Hebdo in Paris.

A journalist should report the facts, not censor them. It's not your job to treat religion and cults with kid gloves, or to "protect" people from well-founded honest opinions about religions and cults.

Recently Mr. Wickham published the following article in USA Today:

Wickham: 'Charlie Hebdo' crosses the line

Here's my reply to that article:

De facto apology for, and support for, murderers and their actions. In the wake of the murder of 12 people this is the best you can do?

Papers which refused to show the art of artists just barely murdered for their art need to find useful apologists for their despicable and cowardly actions. USA Today has such a man on staff apparently.

Want to know about Islam? Ask an ex-Muslim. You'll get more honest answers about the totality of the situation. Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Faisal Saeed Al Mutar, Maryam Namazie, Salman Rushdie, Walid Shoebat, and so on. Also you'll get more honest answers from people who left other cults such as Mormonism. Ex-Mormons usually more easily sympathize & empathize with the plight of people in other cults. The two main differences between Islam & Mormonism are time-since-founding and that the core edicts of Islam are more dangerous & destructive & abusive than Mormonism.

Apology for murder. Apology for censorship. Apology for having a new de facto sharia, a new "Islamic-State-Light" in America and Europe. That's what people like DeWayne Wickham are apparently advocating for.

As for me I'll stand with Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Faisal Saeed Al Mutar, Maryam Namazie, Salman Rushdie, Walid Shoebat, Christopher Hitchens, Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, Steven Pinker, Sam Harris, and Caroline Fourest.

Here's a related article by Ms. Fourest:
Violence Against Charlie Hebdo: The Globalization of Moral and Intellectual Confusion

Cowardly "journalists" who aren't really journalists quickly apologize for murder and their own pusillanimous actions, search, find, and scratch for every possible reason for their cowardly actions. It's lame - but you're part of the "old media." Old-media is who's doing the censoring of art artists were just barely murdered for. Thank goodness for the Internet, where we need not ask amoral cowards to be our filters.

The "left" really does *nothing* to help Muslims leave the abusive cult they're in. So-called "journalists" stand by and watch murder happen, and then quickly go on and apologize for (and de facto support) the actions of the murderers. It's your job to report on the facts - that's it - not to be cowardly rear-end-covering filters in the wake or terrible murder and murder-enabled artistic censorship.

Additional related articles:

We Are Charlie: Free Speech v. Self-Censorship
by Douglas Murray

Charlie Hebdo stood alone. What does that say about our ‘free’ press?

Salman Rushdie on Charlie Hebdo: freedom of speech can only be absolute

Charlie Hebdo Editor To Chuck Todd: When You Blur Our Cover, 'You Blur Out Democracy' - Hebdo Editor Scolds Outlets For Not Showing Cover: ‘You Blur Out Democracy’ With Censorship

Men Without Chests: How C.S. Lewis Predicted Charlie Hebdo Censorship

Sam Harris' new entry on the murder of Hebdo artists, and the subsequent censorship.

After Charlie Hebdo and Other Thoughts

Thursday, January 15, 2015

PBS Newshour censorship of Charlie Hebdo art people died for!

PBS Newshour refused to show the latest issue of Charlie Hebdo. Here's the complaint I just filed with them:

Regarding your refusing to show the latest issue of Charlie Hebdo: The PBS Newshour is complicit with murder, and is acting as apologists for murder.

12 people just died for god's sake!

Excellent clarity from Douglas Murray:

Related complaint sent to the BBC regarding censorship of Charlie Hebdo:

The above referenced complaint also relates directly to the PBS Newshour.

"Old media," such as the Newshour can go the way of the Dodo (no offense to Dodos). Your main audience appears to be Luddites with no access to the Internet.

Latest issue of Hebdo available online

Very good lines on paper. Blood paid for this issue.

The future belongs to those who slander, and draw outrageously funny cartoons about, the prophet of Islam.

Children in Islam reportedly love Mohamed more than their parents - the sign of a cult.
"...for a Muslim, the Prophet Muhammad is more important than their own parents..."


From Indian TV:

Paris attack: Taslima Nasreen says freedom of expression is absolute

Speaking on the killing of Charlie Hebdo journalists, Bangladeshi author said that the freedom of expression is absolute and that the state failed to act against radicals.

Video at:



Quite true that the left is out to lunch on this issue.

More info recently found:

According to Mr. Murray behind closed doors European leaders know the truth. But they dare not speak it in public.

We don't need you to censor truth and facts on our behalf. We don't need you to be our filters of reality, and to hide us from the truth 12 people just died for.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Complaint sent to the BBC regarding censorship of Charlie Hebdo


I am writing to make a complaint regarding the BBC News division, and the matter of your choosing to now show copies of Charlie Hebdo.

It's almost as if you view these papers as a type of pornography. You also don't show graphic images of sexual activity. And also you refuse to show caricatures of the Islamic prophet Mohamed, even after several deaths of associated publishers & so on.

This is outrageous and highly immoral, these actions of yours.

You're not reporting the news. Your censoring it. Managing it.

You're acting in this matter very much like "old media." New media remains relevant because it's uncensored and often unfiltered.

We don't need the BBC to filter our eyes from sexuality. And we don't need the BBC to filter our eyes from caricatures of Mohamed.

Islam is not a race, it's a religion. I am an ex-Mormon and so I know what it's like to believe in a charismatic charlatan prophet. Joseph Smith had a 14 year old wife & he was married to women who were still legally married to other men. Mohamed had a 6 year old wife, and he was a warmonger & murderer.

So the bottom line is that you're not reporting the news accurately. Instead you're acting as a lame old-media-style filter. And you're acting as an enabler for murder.

Your actions in this matter essentially are complicit with, and an act of apologetics for, murders. And for what? For lampooning the prophet of a religion. An abusive religion. A religion which never had a Reformation, or maybe it's having one now with our help. But it will only have one effectively if we are willing to be honest, and to treat Islam with the same level of criticism we use for other religions.

We don't need your help to keep us from cartoons, especially when the cartoonists involved were murdered for what they drew.

Publish images of the latest issue of Hebdo.

p.s. Hebdo applied a near equal level of scrutiny toward all religions. That's the way it should be. Why should everyone be required to treat Islam with kid gloves? Because it's people are supposedly oppressed, or because it's a "race," or because angry Muslims will try & kill us for being critical of Islam? Which is it?

Muslims are oppressed by their own religion, and by the fact that Islam *never* had a proper Reformation like Christianity did. Maybe Islam is having it's Reformation now (where afterword it can have it's big boy pants on and be able to deal with cartoons like adults instead of like spoiled little brat kids) - but it will only have an effective reformation if we're willing to be honest about Islam.

Islam is not a race, it's a religion.

Everyone should be perfectly willing to be critical if all other religions.

Leftists often don't know what it's like to live in real religions, such as Mormonism, Islam, Scientology, the Jim Jones or David Koresh cults, and so on. All they know is about the light & fluffy stuff they hear in Anglican or Unitarian Universalist meetings. But those are no longer *real* religions, where people really *are* brain washed.

What's one key sign of a cult? When children view the cult leaders as being more important than their families.
In Islam children are taught to value Mohamed more than their parents.

That's abusive, and a key sign of a cult.

Can we handle honesty? Apparently some of us cannot. But news orgs should not keep of from cartoons of all things! Especially when the associated artists were murdered for their work.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Resignation from the FB group Uncensored LDS/Mormon Discussions

Today I resigned from the group Uncensored LDS/Mormon Discussions.

Why, might you ask?

Oh my god. The answer is so easy: Because the group has censorship!

Here's a copy of the letter I posted:

Ok I'm out of here. I returned to the Mormon pie for a while. Now it's time to leave I can see.

Previously I had mostly moved passed the need to constantly chat about the Mo church. Then I was invited to join this group. I was attracted by the "uncensored" label, and found some joy in being in a place which I thought was truly uncensored. An open forum. And so on.

My experience here was not fully pleasant. Personal attacks - once I questioned some people's dominant paradigms. Then having to block several people who either were directly offensive, piling on, and then as a defense to block a few others who looked to me like they probably were good candidates (because they probably wouldn't like hearing from the "other side" of a given issue as per their own profiles).

Many admins are still too "new exmo," or they've landed in a place where their whole being cannot easily tolerate criticisms of where they've landed.

I have no idea why I blocked one of the admins. But at the time I probably had a good reason. Maybe it's time to search for forums outside the scope of FB again. More anonymity. More freedom. Less control, in general. But mainly more freedom to speak.

FB does have a "blocking" feature. IMO it's generally an abuse to force people to refrain from blocking "all admins" on a given forum (especially when a given forum has many admins), if some of those admins are either a.) the attacking type, or b.) engage in admin-enabled pile ons, or c.) appear to be a person who probably would engage in an attack based on their own strong positions unyielding positions on a given issue.

Ok, so we'll see you on the flip side. Enough of the Mormon pie.

Recovery from Mormonism.

Recovery from the Exmormon Foundation.

Recovery from the Unitarian Universalists.

Recovery from the "PostMormon" coffee group.

Recovery from Atheists of Utah.

Recovery from naturalist & humanist groups who are religions unto themselves.

Recovery from a temporary wade back into the deep waters of Mormonism via this forum. Time to depart...

Don't stay too long w/recovery groups - for your own well being. Move on to greener pastures... That's my advise. I have. I need to remember that. Bye.

Anyway it's quite sad really. When Mormons leave the Mormon Church they easily retain their propensity to control & censor others. Is the reason for this that religion is a natural phenomenon? Perhaps. Perhaps it is simply natural to try to control other people. To try & force them to your own meme set's rules & ideals.

The "Uncensored LDS/Mormon Discussions" group is still hierarchical. Thus they MUST censor to maintain their hierarchy & leadership. Disrespect (or block for whatever reason) one of five admins, and you're out. That's censorship.

Also the group constantly chats about Mormon stuff. Really, I was mostly past the need to chat about Mormon minutia. I've got bigger fish to fry & better things to spend my time responding to. So really, it's perhaps a blessing in disguise that these ex-Mormons acted exactly like many ex-Mormons do: They act exactly like Mormons. So, time to move on past these people. And by the way, many other religions act like Mormons too. Heresy trials. Excommunication. Even liberal groups do this! That's why it's important to try & move beyond religion, where possible. To embrace fully free speech. Even free speech for those who hurt the feelings of others.

Honesty must take precedence.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Miley Cyrus and Breastfeeding: Don't censor either!

Part of an image shared on facebook in response to the Miley Cyrus incident:

The original facebook poster added words on the bottom of the image stating how they were outraged that the picture on the right was reportedly sometimes censored on facebook, and yet the image on the left was widely shared with no problem.

Well, facebook is no panacea. Here's my response though to both photos being combined and posted together:

Hey liberal: The first picture leads to the second picture - and it should!

Hey conservative: Don't be afraid of either picture!

I only barely knew about the VMA's before hearing about the incident on the BBC.

The apparent wildness of sex leads to the beauty of a child. Whodathunkit. It's not one or the other - it's both intertwined.

We apparently need sex ed for both sides of the social & political spectrum...

Hey liberals: have kids - it's a good thing!

Hey conservatives: Sex is fun, and it should be. Sex can free you from your made up gods. And: don't be too hung about about masturbation or oral sex. And if you're a Mormon woman, stop wearing your garnments during sex.


Friday, August 9, 2013

STFU, "STFU Parents" - ultra-lefties: making me more conservative every day.

In response to the following website:

And the following interview:

STFU (shut the fuck up). Strong words aren't they. This whole "child free" thing and being annoyed by children is something I have observed for some time.

If on facebook (FB) you or anyone are friends with someone with kids, if you think they're "oversharing" or if the letters or words associated with STFU pop into your mind, you don't deserve to be their friends or associated in any way with them.

Related posts with additional links:

STFU, "STFU Parents"

response to CBC and Jian Ghomeshi about STFU Parents

Friday, March 1, 2013

Iceland porn ban - thoughts on porn & the proposed banning of it

In response to two recent BBC World Have Your Say programs on banning pornography:

Iceland's pornography ban audio file:

Is pornography ever acceptable? audio file:

The first program about Iceland was more thoughtful. The second program though contained highly frantic and angry arguments on the anti-porn side. It's also true that the pay-for-porn industry has a corrosive aspect to it.

Speaking as an atheist, exmormon, & naturalist, there's actually several aspects at play here. But one thing I am reminded of is what people did in Pompeii. Has Iceland already banned films such as Caligula, Intimacy, or Destricted?

See what libraries have Destricted for example:

And Destricted played during the Sundance Film Festival.

And check out what most everyone saw at they went around Pompeii:

The frantic fear of human sexuality is sadly rampant, and as per today's program it's clear that such fear is not only present in the religious right, it's also present in "progressives" who appear just as eager to micro-manage what people do on the Internet as abusive fools like former Mormon prophet Spencer Kimball tried to do.

Here's relevant reviews of his hate filled book on sexuality:
and the content of his evil hate filled book:

and the consequences:

Online dating sites can waste a great deal of time. Online porn sites can indeed waste time also, and skew a person's view of normal natural human sexuality. On the other hand there is a need to have sites similar to youtube which do allow for free and open sharing of sexual content between adults.

So, how can such sites be paid for if not by advertising? How about these "progressives" who want to micro-manage what people see online pay to start a non-profit advertisement free versions of sites like xtube or youporn? That sounds like a good alternative. Don't like what Manwin does online? Then by F start your own advertisement-free web 2.0 adult video sharing site, rather than trying to shut down what you will not be able to shut down.

What is porn? Uncensored viewing of all aspects of human sexuality? Or is it just the commercialization of such? Mormons would view any viewing of sex in video or picture form as porn. Maybe in Iceland their definition is more limited. But the bottom line is that no amount of censorship will keep adults from seeing what they want to see.

No amount of frantic hand wringing, either from the frantic Christian/Islamic religious right, or from the frantic feminist controlling & micromanaging left, is going to stop that. But parents can and should take steps to protect their children from the highly commercialized, inaccurate, and violent content.

Further info:

Iceland's porn ban 'conflicts with the idea of a free society', say critics

Iceland's Plan To Ban Online Porn Spurs Outrage

Iceland’s proposed porn ban ‘like repression in Iran, N. Korea’ – activists

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Crazed old fart virgin decides to resign...

In response to the story here, the following comment was posted & then censored by the BBC:
Crazed old virgins have no appreciation for human nature. Mass child rape, enabled by the institutions they foster. Locking women up for being 'too pretty,' in Ireland (Magdalene asylums). These men have an abusive relationship with existence, and the institutions they lead and foster show it.

What's up BBC, is the truth too much for you? Are you willing to tell the truth? Yes, we're 'shocked,' so 'shocked' that a man who helped protect pedophiles is deciding to resign.

Everything isn't equal.
A trimmed down version was published by then later however.

In any case, who do crazed old farts get to run abusive religions?

Cults of personality, a religions run by men who exist in their own little self-supporting bubble. Everyone loves them. They have their own terminology. People who're critical on the outside are considered devils. It's all par for the course for such systems.

Related posts:

Crazed old fart virgins don't know shit - and keep them away from your children

Evangelical & 'religious' atheism - Utah Atheist Brunch

Friday, September 21, 2012

"The left" and Islamic fundamentalism

Speaking as a left-leaning anti-authoritarian myself:

What is up with the left wing in America? 

I think the Iraq war made them very upset, very upset indeed. So much so that they are now engaging in several logical fallacies and conflationary actions themselves - primarily in response to their own hatred for the right, their hatred for people like George W. Bush and so on.

But, one thing the left wing lacks is experience with what it's like to live in a real religion. They have no idea what it's like. Their primarily experience with religion is light and fluffy. So, they have no concept of what it's like to be a woman or a man living in a sexually repressed culture - in other words what it's like to live in an Islamic country.

Remember George Galloway?
Here's a debate between him & Hitchens:

Galloway is a buddy of Amy Goodman, of Democracy Now(?):

Remember Iran, where they kill people for all sorts of otherwise trivial reasons?

Do you know Galloway works for Iran's Press TV?

What's up with the connection between the "left" and Islamic fundamentalism? Galloway's own actions by working for Press TV shows they are now the same thing.

I don't want to be a tool of the left or the right. Not of Israel nor of Palestine.

Dictators should be opposed  & defeated. All of them, everywhere.

Freedom of speech should resign supreme, as should the right to offend cultish religions & their brain washed followers.

People who live in cultural prisons should be freed.

Offensive speech should never be banned. Rather, it should simply be responded to with other speech.

Just because the right to say certain things in certain countries has been and is being abridged, that doesn't make it right. Living together as a community doesn't mean forced silence. That's no solution for anything. It just causes feelings to be suppressed - to simmer until they boil over. Let everyone speak. Let there be a crucible. That's what true democracy is all about. That's what science is about. And only then can everyone truly figure out what is right & what is wrong, and separate fact from fiction.

Do we have "democracy now?" Can we have "democracy now?"  We could well ask Amy Goodman and her buddy George Galloway. But can we have true democracy within Islamic sharia, where even the supposed moderates cry for censorship of cartoons and films? No.

Sadly, and unfortunately, the ultra left now IS the same thing as Islamic fundamentalism and Islamic sharia. This happened due to anger, ignorance, and stupidity. What's the solution? Freedom of speech & education. Left originated censorship and self hatred is just as unappealing as right originated censorship and self hatred.


Oh, and p.s., a reading of the posts on the following page indicates that Pakistan is a prison. And so is Iran.

Before September 11, 2001 I never thought much about the Muslim world. But the prison they live in made them so upset, some of their representatives lashed out in anger & violence on that day. Bush may have overreacted with Iraq, but not with Afghanistan. Anyway...