Showing posts with label Democracy Now. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Democracy Now. Show all posts

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Leftist religion loves Islam and hates the West and the fruits of the Enlightenment

"I am an Islamophillic leftie and you cannot change my mind. You can show how the Quran and Mohamed are reprehensible and evil, you won't change my moral and cultural relativist mind. You can advocate that we really stand up for the value of comedy, satire, and art which help free people from mental and physical slavery, and you still won't change my Islamophillic tendencies. I love Islam and hate Ametica, the West, and the Enlightenment, and I'm a traitor to all three. Mohamed was an advocate for social justice and women's rights. And all things are relative. Plus I belong to a de facto death cult that advocates for very low rates of reproduction, so in the end the brain washed people will of course win!"

...says your average watcher of Democracy Now(?), and appreciators of Amy Goodman, Noam Chomsky, Glenn Greenwald, and Reza Aslan. Also your average BBC, New York Times, MSNBC, CNC, Sky News, Toronto Star, CBC, and PBS Newshour editor. And your average UU member or leader.

So the left has their denialist de facto religion with dogma, heresy trials, and excommunication also.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

What was it like, when God had sex with Mary?

Today I found a Family Guy clip about the conception of Jesus, and that reminded of the following question:

What was it like, when God had sex with Mary?

Even in Catholicism, how did the Holy Ghost overshadow Mary's vajayjay?

Here's Mormon references for your spiritual and humor-bone edification:

Here's the relevant Family Guy clip:

And my own video commentary is attached below.

Relevant clip from an older film, showing Elohim knocking on the door of Mary:

Also, whodathunkit, Joseph Smith thought Jesus was married also?

The whole video is interesting and is mostly accurate.

Here's more on the Catholic version, where a guy in a sheet gets to have sex with her...

The Mormon oral sex letter stating it's bad:

And yet, Joseph & Brigham had 14 & 15 year old wives & also wives who were still married to other men:

Additional thoughts, regarding the issue of marrying young & whether people in the past married at 14 or 15:

In this case I would have a slightly easier time sympathizing with 17 or 16. There are some older looking 14 year olds. Both Joseph & Brigham took other men's wives as brides. Also consider Aisha:
and the lego version of Moohamed's meeting with her at age nine:

Relevant quote: "...According to traditional sources, Aisha was six or seven years old when she was betrothed to Muhammad and nine when the marriage was consummated..."

Maybe on a Fiddler on the Roof type of scenario 14 is ok, if one or the other are 14 or 15 are they are in love. But some older cult leader took taking a 14 year old to wife, that's when the icky poo factor comes in more. Also Moohamed having a 9 year old one was not so good.

Moohamed was a great man though, nine year old fully consummated bride and all, according to the national Unitarian organization:
[previously at: ]

But Islam is about social justice, right? According to muff brained Unitarians, Amy Goodman, and Reza Aslan. Sometimes we go to Unitarian meetings, but we don't go to the congregation where they said Mohamed was a "great man who cared about women & treated them well," and for the one we do sometimes go to we'll be monitoring any religious education curricula to ensure it's not whitewashing dogma. Liberals can have dishonest religion too...

Related blog post:
Unitarian Universalist fawning appreciation of Mohammad and Islam:

I'm personally all for "marrying young" and evening having babies young if a couple feels so inclined, but when when at least one of the parties is under say 18 or 21, then the age difference should be less than can be common for people over 18 or 21. And the whole cult or warlord leader taking yougin' to wife is a different scenario from similarly aged youngsters hooking up.

Friday, September 21, 2012

"The left" and Islamic fundamentalism

Speaking as a left-leaning anti-authoritarian myself:

What is up with the left wing in America? 

I think the Iraq war made them very upset, very upset indeed. So much so that they are now engaging in several logical fallacies and conflationary actions themselves - primarily in response to their own hatred for the right, their hatred for people like George W. Bush and so on.

But, one thing the left wing lacks is experience with what it's like to live in a real religion. They have no idea what it's like. Their primarily experience with religion is light and fluffy. So, they have no concept of what it's like to be a woman or a man living in a sexually repressed culture - in other words what it's like to live in an Islamic country.

Remember George Galloway?
Here's a debate between him & Hitchens:

Galloway is a buddy of Amy Goodman, of Democracy Now(?):

Remember Iran, where they kill people for all sorts of otherwise trivial reasons?

Do you know Galloway works for Iran's Press TV?

What's up with the connection between the "left" and Islamic fundamentalism? Galloway's own actions by working for Press TV shows they are now the same thing.

I don't want to be a tool of the left or the right. Not of Israel nor of Palestine.

Dictators should be opposed  & defeated. All of them, everywhere.

Freedom of speech should resign supreme, as should the right to offend cultish religions & their brain washed followers.

People who live in cultural prisons should be freed.

Offensive speech should never be banned. Rather, it should simply be responded to with other speech.

Just because the right to say certain things in certain countries has been and is being abridged, that doesn't make it right. Living together as a community doesn't mean forced silence. That's no solution for anything. It just causes feelings to be suppressed - to simmer until they boil over. Let everyone speak. Let there be a crucible. That's what true democracy is all about. That's what science is about. And only then can everyone truly figure out what is right & what is wrong, and separate fact from fiction.

Do we have "democracy now?" Can we have "democracy now?"  We could well ask Amy Goodman and her buddy George Galloway. But can we have true democracy within Islamic sharia, where even the supposed moderates cry for censorship of cartoons and films? No.

Sadly, and unfortunately, the ultra left now IS the same thing as Islamic fundamentalism and Islamic sharia. This happened due to anger, ignorance, and stupidity. What's the solution? Freedom of speech & education. Left originated censorship and self hatred is just as unappealing as right originated censorship and self hatred.


Oh, and p.s., a reading of the posts on the following page indicates that Pakistan is a prison. And so is Iran.

Before September 11, 2001 I never thought much about the Muslim world. But the prison they live in made them so upset, some of their representatives lashed out in anger & violence on that day. Bush may have overreacted with Iraq, but not with Afghanistan. Anyway...