Monday, October 17, 2016

The Problems with Hillary Clinton

The problems with Hillary Clinton:

Like racism? In a Democrat controlled world, your race equals your identity, and your views, and what rights you have and don't have, what you get to say or don't say, whom you get to criticize and not criticize.

Identity politics, and nothing else.

Racist racism, from the regressive left - which is *all* the left is nowadays, regressive.

So Vote For Her, if you want this, permanently, in America. And if she wins, well I just be joinin' all the other white folk so we can be in the "White Wing" of the Democrat party. We'll be down the list quite a bit, on the list of group-rights. Down toward the bottom, just above ex-Muslims.

There is argumentum ad hominem. Sometimes the shoe fits and thus argumentation to the person isn't always a fallacy as such, especially when the person in question is slimy repeated rapist & etc. Recently my views on the value of Alex Jones & his network & presence have changed mostly completely.

There's people in power, people who want to stay in power. They'll do pretty much anything to stay in power.

The Europe of the 70s - more nice.

The Europe of today: a disaster, nor a clarion of freedom. If you speak your mind, you will be ejected from your job & polite society, and you may be jailed. Also low birth rates in Europe are essentially a form of slow motion suicide. Europe is importing a medieval savage culture into their midst. Rape gangs in Cologne. Mass rape elsewhere. And if you're a 'native' European and you complain, you risk loosing your job & being otherwise slimed by everyone, and possibly jailed. Tell the truth, go to jail. This is Europe today. Geert Wilders. But now just the common Joe Schmoe can get locked up for speaking the truth. Not an idea society in several ways.

In my past naivete I saw socialism as ideal - but to get there you basically need a type of totalitarianism. The Mommy State which knows all & which does all. The Mommy State which replaces family & personal responsibility. And the Mommy State which decides which speech & thought is appropriate, and which speech & thought must be banned.

MSNBC has a constant drum beat. But it's a drum beat also taken up by banal & boring sites like the BBC & the PBS Newshour. The 'status quo' drumbeat which serves to keep the establishment cronies in power.

When a President is/was a rapist, and all the Newshour & CNN & MSNBC can do is engage in sociopathic evaluations which treat politics like a football game & so on, and when they show their clear bias by not addressing stories which cast shadows on their favored leaders - that's a problem.

There is a new phenomenon called the 'regressive left.'

Most of the left, the type which calls out people for being Islamophobic & so on, they *are* the cultural left nowadays. The types which have setup social hierarchies based on every imaginable category, with Caucasian males being near the bottom of that list. The current perceived & apparent hierarchy:

1. Muslims, and especially hijab/burqa wearing Saudi style Muslims.
2. "Childfree" third wave feminists with blue hair.
3. The gender dysphoric (transexuals).
4. The sexual orientation dysphoric (aka gays).
5. Mexicans.
6. 'Native' Americans AKA Amerindians.
7. Leftist black women.
8. Leftist black men.
9. Leftist white women.
10. Conservative black women.
11. Conservative black men.
12. Asian men & women.
13. Conservative white women.
14. Leftist white men.
15. Conservative white men.
16. Ex-Muslims.

What prompted me to change from a liberal socialist Democrat to an alternative-conservative:

Step 1, while still a leftist: Exposure to the ideas of Christopher Hitchens, a guy who spent much of his life questioning dominant paradigms. Eventually his basic human morality came at odds with the relativism of the left. So, he supported the war in Iraq & the Kurds, because he thought it was simply the moral thing to do, leftist peacenik politics be damned. He for his heresy, he was ejected from the 'polite society left.'

Step 2, while still a leftist: Exposure to intriguing info from Richard Dawkins (about memes), Daniel Dennett (how meme sets called religions are fully natural phenomena), and Steven Pinker (how humans are not 'blank slates.').

Step 3, viewing leftist Islamophilia and outright lies about Islam.
...but the UU position is fully illustrative of how the entire left acts, except for a few lonelies like Sam Harris.

"The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam." incredible betrayal of the ideals of the Enlightenment which helped to found America.

Step 4, marrying a socially conservative atheist from China who has zero connection to the Bible, Quran, or Book of Mormon. Where does rural Chinese social conservatism come from? From human nature. From evolution. Evolved traits.

Hippie 'scientists' love the permissive traits, but they then fully discount ingrained natural conservative ones.

Dawkins wrote a book about how Darwin had a 'dangerous idea.' Dennett had one also, regarding religion being a natural phenomenon - a fact which cuts several ways. One way it cuts is that fully natural & sometimes highly useful evolved moral codes can be and are couched within religious contexts. Hard thing for an ex-Mormon with a chip on his shoulder to admit.

Step 5, after taking an Alice in Wonderland style social journey through much of what the left has to offer (eg: nudist clubs, polyamory clubs, gay bars & parties, general over-permissiveness & relativism) I came to conclude that the cultural left basically denies human evolutionary history and basic biology just as much as the right does, and probably more - because at least the cultural right f-ing breeds.

Step 6, observing what happened with Hebdo (cartoonists killed) & Garland (winning ex-Muslim cartoonist almost killed), and with Obama and the establishment left's basic lying about Islam, I finally started to check out 'the right.' Not the religious right, but rather the libertarian and intellectual right - as currently portrayed and represented by people who're here today.

Douglas Murray, essentially a gay neocon. Tells the truth about Islam. A questioner of dominant paradigms.

Mark Steyn, who occasionally subs for Rush Limbaugh -
Tells the truth about Islam & other topics. A questioner of dominant paradigms.

I already knew about Ayaan Hirsi Ali & Theo Van Gogh. But it's worth making note that Ayaan is hosted in America by the American Enterprise Institute. Which leftist organization has the back of Ayaan & people like her? None, and that's telling.

Bosch Fawstin, the ex-Muslim winner of the Draw Mohamed Cartoon Contest in Garland, Texas, the one where two Muslim people tried to kill people there. Bosch is an appreciator of Ayn Rand. The people who hosted the event also like Rand: Pam Geller and Robert Spencer.

Step 7, checking out more libertarian and conservative thought & news & views. For the first time ever opening myself up to the entirety of what's out there on the right. I was raised as a Democrat by a Democrat Mormon father. He loved Bill Clinton & Carter. He hated Reagan & Nixon. And I followed in his footsteps. But for the first time I stopped assuming that everything on the right was inherently bogus.

Step 8, finding Milo Yiannopoulos, a gay conservative who sees high utilitarian value in Trump. Before encountering Milo I believed the basic establishment conservative (National Review) lie about Trump, that he's supposedly a shill for Hillary - a way to block other Republicans & to ensure that Hillary gets elected.

The interview that first swayed me to Trump's camp, between Milo & Dave Rubin:

Step 9, I allowed to fall away the last vestiges of being a leftist, by allowing myself to see high value in Rush Limbaugh and Fox News.

The only reason Rush has a voice & is popular, is because most of the establishment media aren't acting like fair journalists.

Wouldn't it be good if everyone thought like 'the left?' Such a result does not allow for proper selection within human societies. Single party rule excludes healthy selection (selection as is in natural selection). And when journalists are essentially shills and tools & propagandists for everything leftist, they cease being journalists. This is why Rush is so popular, because he can spend 3 hours every day making note of example after example.

As for Fox News, I particularly enjoy Sean Hannity's program, and also his talk radio show.

Step 10, don't forget about Andrew Breitbart, a man who stated that Christopher Hitchens helped make him the man he became:

To actually see if our suppositions are correct, there's needs to be a cogent and coherent and powerful opposition. Not every idea that pops into the head of a 'childfree' blue haired third wave feminist lesbian will help humanity survive & thrive & be happy.

What is the 'alt right?'

Part 1: A response to the big-money big-bank crony-whore-rooted betrayal of people who're on the right.

Part 2: Former leftists who've had it with the slow motion suicide policies of the left, the anti-freedom, anti-science, anti-intellectual inquiry, lies, deceptions, Islamophilia, 'childfree' status worshiping, and cronyism on the left.

Cackling Hillary thinks the 'alt right' is, well, I don't know what she really thinks because she's got as many faces as Sybil. Her pandering politician side claims the 'alt right' is fully equal to the ideas of David Duke. And Bill Clinton thinks that the core of Trump supporters are 'red necks.' Either they don't know, or they're just trying to virtue signal to get votes.

No one ever hears about David Duke, until every 4 years Republicans must disavow him. But when shall leftists be required to disavow their outlier nuts?

The near entirely of Milo's channel is a great trove of info regarding why exactly intelligent young people, and some older ones, see high utilitarian value in overturning the apple cart of the crony left & the crony right - AKA electing Trump & doing other related tasks.

Bathing in pigs blood.

Showing up as Ivanna Wall (I wan't a wall) drag queen.

Stating exactly why 'feminism is cancer,' and why 'Birth Control Makes Women Unattractive and Crazy.'

What if some precepts in leftist doctrine are in fact incorrect & hurtful. When we claim that our beliefs are not falsifiable, we're in a religion.

Wife of Bill called Milo & Breitbart out for the above quoted headlines. But, the left appears to have no tolerance for a.) nuance, and b.) ironic comedy, and c.) actually bothering to check why a person would say such a thing, and d.) are the roots of such claims based in science?

Sloganeering, and sliming people who spout views which don't tow the leftist party line. That's what a religion does, and it's what the left & the Clintons do. The basket of deplorables. Argumentum ad hominem - in a bad way which is a fallacy.

As for the Clintons, they have plenty of self generated slime.

Only Breitbart recently & fully interviewed the victims of Bill:

Hannity did follow up more recently though:

Trump has honorably given these victims of Bill & Hillary a proper voice:

Milo's main concern, and mine, are that Wife of Bill will reduce key freedoms in America. Vanderbilt talking about this:

Who's got the back of gays in America, threatened with death by Muslims? The politicians who lie & claim that such attacks have nothing to do with Islam?

I know Sam Harris doesn't like Trump nor Milo. Harris is essentially a very lonely leftist, and he's also rather myopic. Sam wishes the left would be honest about Islam, but it won't be.

Nuance from Milo:

1. The achievements of feminism were generally good, but third wave feminism is evil & abusive.

2. The achievements of civil rights campaigners in the past were good. But now that all the victories have been one, the left still has the righteous desire to keep fighting. To do so they must invent new categories of groups which 'need rights.'

Hillary and her drones will never understand the above points though.

Islam generates ruin. When will Bernie & Obama be stating that fact?

The schemers scheme in their back rooms & think tanks. They use one face in public & another in private. They use 'virtue signaling' as a means of claiming to be a great crusader for 'social justice,' while really being vacuous plastic wastrels (and real rapists) in reality.

Trump doesn't do that, from what we can tell - and that's another reason why some highly appreciate his tone & value.

Journalism is dead. You have to pick your side. I decided to stop listening the side which sides with the Islamic death cult, and the side which loves slow motion suicide, and the side which has an abusive hierarchy of group-rights which puts people like me near the bottom. 'Native' Amercians would never be allowed to be invaded & destroyed in today's world. But 'Native' Europeans? No problem. And there's many other problems with group-rights hierarchies and identity politics.

I probably aspire to the conservatism Jonathan Haidt mentions, with more equal alliance to Care, Fairness, Liberty, Loyalty, Authority, and Sanctity. The Sanctity of life, not the Sanctity of sacred cows. Loyalty to the Enlightenment and Enlightenment principles. The Authority of the Rule of Law. Care, but not through the Dole because the Dole helps no one mostly. Fairness, but not 'social justice.' Fairness through a fairness of opportunity - but not opportunity at the cost of group rights hierarchies nor identity politics.

A further summary I wrote:

Back to Sam Harris: I think he's a poor quality scientist, a hack at philosophy, myopic on politics, a drug addled wannabe Buddhist-style guru, and a new vegetarian who's fully placed himself on the road to probable Parkinson's (Robin Williams RIP). And I disagree with Harris on circumcision:

The fact that Glenn Beck hates Trump, makes me want to vote for Trump.

The fact that the regressive left hates Trump, makes me want to vote for Trump.

The fact that the establishment right hates Trump, makes me want to vote for Trump.

The fact that Bill Clinton is a rapist and that his wife slimed Bill's victims, makes me want to vote for Trump.

Reference materials, perhaps a library near us:

Clinton Cash:

Clinton Cash Graphic Novel - now at the City library thanks to my suggesting that they buy it:
...the pay to play schemes of the Clintons makes me want to vote for Trump.

Hillary's health issues, makes me want to vote for Trump.

Milo speaking after the Orlando massacre:
...makes me want to vote for Trump.

The writings of Roger Stone
...prompt me to be inclined to vote for Trump.

Oh, and Asians rank lower than Mexicans and blacks on the hierarchy:

Thursday, September 29, 2016

My Journey to Conservatism

The Aristotelian-Ptolemaic model of the universe ended up being wrong:

Galileo helped correct as did others.

Newton wasn't wrong, but his concepts didn't include Relativity nor Quantum Mechanics nor  Quantum field theory.

Jeffersonian Deism's clockwork universe with a Supreme Architect was the most reasonable one at the time, but in light of current observations such a stance can no longer be reasonably supported.

Questioning dominant paradigms is actually quite a useful activity. And questioning and sometimes lampooning sacred cows. It's essential.

Enlightenment Values are worth preserving. America is the best example of a country which exemplifies Enlightenment values.

Values not given by any god. But rather given by 13.8+ billion years of evolution by natural selection, and by our history & choices.

The religious right denies the facts of evolution, while living lives which are often in fact 'most true' to it.

The dogmatic de facto religious left claims to believe in evolution, while often living lives which are essentially traitorous to evolution.

"...Although the initial development of moral foundations theory focused on cultural differences, subsequent work with the theory has largely focused on political ideology. Various scholars have offered moral foundations theory as an explanation of differences among political progressives (liberals in the American sense), conservatives, and libertarians, and have suggested that it can explain variation in opinion on politically charged issues such as gay marriage and abortion. In particular, Haidt and fellow researchers have argued that progressives stress only two of the moral foundations (Care and Fairness) in their reasoning, and libertarians stress only two (Liberty and Fairness), while conservatives stress all six more equally."

Religion is a natural phenomenon, a fact which cuts several ways. Yes it's another reason for the mystical claims to be debunked. But it also means that fully natural evolved human moral codes of conduct are often couched within religious contexts.

Dennett on religion being natural:

...a fact also mostly fully lost on all dogmatic leftist atheists who still have a chip on their should regarding being lied to in their former conservative religions.

Being wrong can be a virtue, if we're willing to change our minds upon new evidence.

Was born an atheist.

At age 5 learned there was a sky god. Seemed strange to me, but ok.

At age 9 learned I was a sexual animal. Whodathunkit.

At age 11 learned that the sky god was more than a bit upset at my being a sexual animal. The natural man, and 11 year old kid coming of age, is an enemy to god after all, right?

Between the ages of 19 and 21 I spent 2 years making maps on 3x5 cards, taking pictures of sunsets, and avoiding a proper admission that I was a normal sexual animal.

While at BYU at the age of 23 I started questioning the shaming the sky god likes to do regarding being a normal sexual animal.

While at Weber State I learned about physics and evolution. What I learned filled a hole left by my increasing rejection of the mysticism learned in my youth.

At age 26 I fully rejected the mysticism, and I resigned from the religion of my youth (Mormonism).

Between the ages of 13 and 23 I was a socially (religiously) conservative Democrat, because my father was a somewhat rare Democrat within a sea of Republicans within his religion.

At 26 I became more socially liberal, an ultra-liberal essentially. Drafted an exit journal.

In response to leaving an ultra-conservative religion, I switched to being an ultra-leftist socially.

Participated in a few nudist events, until I realized they were hypocritical.

Fully bought into Bruce Bagemihl's theory that because there's gay animals therefore gayness must be valued as a primary trail which is being selected for - which I now realize is completely & utterly wrong. Homosexuality is an outlier effect of the way sex gets set up in humans & in all animals which exhibit the treat. A side effect which is not being selected for. What's selected for is reproduction & survival, period. The machinery of biological evolution produces outliers. Doesn't meant the outliers have inherent value. Also doesn't mean they should be thrown off buildings, except for outright pedophiles and psychopaths.

Was a fat bastard living in my parent's basement. Developed cataracts. Had cataract surgery. No more thick glasses. Lost 110 pounds. Lived in Portland, Oregon for a year and a half. While in Portland visited a swingers event once. Didn't witness anything explicit & didn't participate. But I saw basically how they operate. And my assessment was that the way they organized themselves was strange & basically abusive.

After leaving Portland I married a socially conservative atheist from rural China with zero connection to the Book of Mormon, Bible, or Quran.

Took in via videos & lectures much of the work of the following people:

Christopher Hitchens
Richard Dawskins
Daniel Dennett
Steven Pinker
Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Events like 9/11 happened. The Denmark Mohamed cartoons & the stupid & crazy responses. Theo Van Gogh being killed after he released a film about how women in Islam are abused. The Charlie Hebdo massacre. The Garland, Texas Draw Mohamed contest which two Islamic people tried to shoot up.

I examined the response of the left, of the Democrat part of my father, of all the stations & people who liked & listened to & would have listened to. As an ex-Mormon, I examined who exactly supported drawing Mohamed. Who supports ex-Muslims? Who supports Muslims leaving Islam? It's not he left. It's not the Democrats. So, I realized I was wrong, about politics.

My socially conservative atheist wife helped me question the socially leftist paradigm I had bought into as an ex-Mormon with a chip on his shoulder about the lies of Mormonism. Daniel Dennett's talks about religion being a natural phenomenon helped also. Plus I had years of experience of engaging in first hand observational de facto studies of what the left has to offer socially. The nhilism of narcissism of gay culture. What being 'childfree' really means: slow motion suicide. That the left is in denial regarding the roots of homosexuality. And when I told an atheist group in Salt Lake that I liked Duck Dynasty, they booted me in a worse way than I ever experienced when leaving Mormonism. A very religious way of booting.

The children of breeders will inherit the Earth. The 'childfree' will not, and neither will the non-breeding gays.

In the past I used to hate Ayn Rand. Now I'm willing to check out some of her ideas, because mostly *only* libertarians support drawing Mohamed nowadays, and a very few lonely leftists who're mostly in denial regarding how the left has left them behind.

Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, really was a eugenicist. And Christopher Hitchens has rightly pointed out that the unborn do have some rights. The left is wrong about these points also.

While a member of another leftist atheist group, Salt Lake Valley Atheists (now defunct), I observed how they kicked out of their midst a pro-life atheist woman. That experiencing was eye opening for me. Prior to that I thought that atheism equaled skepticism & reason. Now I realize it doesn't, not automatically. Leftist atheism is just another f-ing religion, a cult.

So I'm in recovery from leftistism, politically & socially.

The conservatism I embrace is not that of Glenn Beck, nor of establishment Republicans. I reject religios conservatism which seeks to shame people for masturbation & oral sex & an appreciation of art which falls into the nude and erotic spheres. There is no god who gets upset when gay people meet up. But, from an evolutionary perspective, they'd probably be happier if they lived straight lives.

Heresy, heresy, heresy, for your average leftist atheist who is just so upset with the conservative religions of their youths & etc.

Not throwing out the baby of good evolved highly valuable human values with the bath water of mysticism is a very hard task. Most just assume that 'without god everything is permitted.' But it's not. Not because there's no god, but because we're highly complex evolved moral animals. Evolved moral codes act as counter weights to also evolved proclivities which can lead to destructive dead ends.

Current people on my appreciation list:

Trump - what swayed me to his side after some initial skepticism:
(Milo Y talking with Rubin)

Christopher Hitchens - provided initial key skepticism regarding the Clintons, and regarding some leftist doctrinal tenants. No one left to Lie To, book info.

Daniel Dennett - a much better philosopher than Sam Harris (Harris is I realize now, a myopic hack)

Steven Pinker - debunked the 'blank slate' concepts of social constructivists. Related videos, longer part 1, part 2. And a Ted talk.

Bosch Fawstin - an ex-Muslim who won the Draw Mohamed cartoon contest in Garland, Texas. Talk to Children of Jewish Holocaust Survival. Cartoon contest talk.

Mark Steyn - skepticism regarding the 'hockey stick' concept regarding climate change. Very honest regarding the facts & impacts of Islam.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali - an ex-Muslim truth teller. Colleague of Theo Van Gogh who got killed as noted above. She needs round the clock security, and in America only a conservative think tank would help pay for that security. Leftists consider her to be racist & bigoted - so this is a key reason also why I'm no longer a leftist.

All Enlightenment thinkers, and the Enlightenment-based founders of America.

Roger Stone - a long time truth teller who I've newly found

Dinesh D'Souza - a debate partner with Hitchens. Hitchens told the truth about the Clintons, and Dinesh has a great movie about the issue now. Dinesh may be wrong about whether a god exists, but he's right about the impacts of leftist atheism (very negative nhilistic impacts).

Rush - a valuable truth teller who for too long I discounted & hated. He was right all along. I was wrong for many years.

Sean Hannity - a guy with 20 years of real work experience who hasn't forgotten what it's like to be a regular working Joe. Truth teller.

Milo Yiannopoulos - a brash conservative gay Brit who helped me see the high utilitarian value to a Trump presidency.

Doug Mainwaring - a guy who came to his sanity and returned to be with & support his straight family, AKA his family. My uncle wasn't so lucky, and was a victim of the ultra-right and the ultra-left.

Added August 2017:
Jordan B. Peterson - great info on the problems of neomarxist postmodernism.

Gad Saad - great evolutionary behavior scientist.

Related posts:

Lies present in conservative religion force children into the abusive arms of the denialist myopic left.

Where does social conservatism come from? From human nature.

Humans are not Bonobos - Response to Darrel Ray and his brand of so-called Secular Sexuality - Commentary about abusive leftist confusion regarding human nature, and the evolutionary roots and benefits of some degree of sexual shame.

Lives and families are destroyed by Tranny and Gay acceptance and promotion - LGBT abusive outliers are not equal

Homosexuality occurs in nature? So what. Can I be a "black atheist" too?

On American exceptionalism: the left's hatred of America

Thank God for the Crusades - speaking as an atheist

And the worst of these is Islam: Foolish bleeding hearts helped birth Islamic State

Naked women protesting: The EXACT response needed, to Islam in general, Islamic State, and censors of Charlie Hebdo cartoons.

Comments in response to the general Mormon stance on marriage

Latest thoughts on the pressing issues of the day

Leftist religion loves Islam and hates the West and the fruits of the Enlightenment

The Atheist Movement needs move laxative - Making room for social & political conservatives!

John Harvey Kellogg: what a fucker. Masturbation prevention is evil.

response to Rory Patrick's 100 day masturbation abstinence - the pain and sorrow of having genitals

Balkan Erotic Epic - part of the set of short films in Destricted - commentary & review

Liberal anger at being human - Criticisms of California Senate Bill SB 967

whitewashing history -- sex obsessed ancestors -- nudist hypocrisy

Are Mormonism & Catholicism homosexual & pedophile generators?

Questions for Mormon Missionaries - God, Sex, and honesty | 16 questions for Mormon Missionaries

Repackaged bullshit: Porn The New Tobacco | Jack Fischer | TEDxBinghamtonUniversity

The best part of social conservatism advocates for family & life & children & what leftists derisively call 'breeding.'

Breeders will inherit the Earth. Problems with "recovery" from religion

Really the children of breeders will inherit the Earth.

The worst part of religious-based 'conservatism' comes from religions which use fear & shame to teach children & adults to hate the evolved sexual systems in their bodies. But this 'conservatism' doesn't conserve anything. It just tends to churn out destructive ultra-right and ultra-left abusive extremists. The ultra-right religionists who stay in their religions & who continue teaching their children to hate their bodies & the fact that we're sexual animals. And the children who reflexively rebel, turning into non-reproductive outliers & 'childfree' wastrels.

Liberals have a strange alliance with ultra-right religious 'conservatives.' Leftists hate human nature just as much as the ultra-right religionists seems to. The combined human-nature-hating team consists of: Islam people, some Mormons, some Catholics, and leftists who a.) love Islam, and b.) hate the fact that human males are evolved to enjoy good looking women - and who hate 1.2 billion years of evolutionary sexual history just as much as the ultra-right religionists do. Leftists also hate the fact that humans are sexually dimorphic, and they actively ignore that we're not 'blank slates,' as Steven Pinker has commented on.

I'm for good women and men who put family & children first.

I'm proudly voting for Trump. He's my kind of Republican. Not a highly shaming human-nature-hating right-wing religionist, nor a human-nature-hating leftist.

Conserving through truth telling. Conserving through advocacy for family. Conversing through de facto advocacy that the Western Enlightenment continue - which also means conserving and protecting America & traditional American values.

Perhaps where I'm at is a socially moderate / conservative / pragmatic libertarian. But I strongly maintain that pot does rot your brain. And I don't dogmatically follow all libertarian principles. Libertarianism can be a de facto religion too, and I don't wish to join any religions.

I probably aspire to the conservatism Jonathan Haidt mentions, with more equal alliance to Care, Fairness, Liberty, Loyalty, Authority, and Sanctity. The Sanctity of life, not the Sanctity of sacred cows. Loyalty to the Enlightenment and Enlightenment principles. The Authority of the Rule of Law. Care, but not through the Dole because the Dole helps no one mostly. Fairness, but not 'social justice.' Fairness through a fairness of opportunity - but not opportunity at the cost of group rights hierarchies nor identity politics.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Racist retaliatory treatment by the University of Utah, within a Salt Lake County facility

The University of Utah South Main Clinic offers in person interpretation services for Spanish speakers. But if you speak another language or are from a non-Spanish country, you're out of luck.

The managers of the clinic are racist. The University of Utah is racist.

Most clinics of the University provide in person interpreters at no cost to patients, as is required by federal law.

But the South Main clinic only provides in person interpreters at no cost to patients if they speak Spanish.

They claim that over the phone is "just as good" as in person. But this is a lie. Over the phone interpretation creates more barriers, is more clunky to use, tends to negatively impact the experience of dealing with the provider in the room, and so on. "In person" is just better, better for us.

Their managers refused to listen to us. They refused to provide the name of their medical director. They run the clinic like a little fiefdom. A private little dictatorship. And they will engage in petty retaliation against anyone who complains or who raises their head.

Racist Whack-A-Mole is what they do de facto.

South Main Clinic, 3690 Main Street, Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 - Midwives for adults & teens; Teen mothers; Pediatrics - all University of Utah providers. But if you go there, you only get "top service" if you speak Spanish. Otherwise you're sorry out of luck. And they don't care about what you have to say, period.

They decide. You can either choose to live with their dictates, or go elsewhere.

Racist hostile treatment.

Clinic manager, "public servant" (in name only, not in deed), a Jeremy Egusquiza, is a racist in our view.

Do Spanish ancestry people hate Asians?

At the South Main Clinic, they do, de facto - by their actions at least, and that's what counts.

Racist treatment is racist treatment.

Additional key details:

1. University managers and staff promised to honor our interpretation preferences.

2. University managers and staff stated we would receive as a first preference an in person interpreter at the South Main Clinic.

3. In response to a complaint about a lack of an interpreter invite by schedulers for one visit, the manager of the South Main Clinic choose to illegally retaliate (illegal in more ways than one), and to pettily shut off our access to in person interpretation at that clinic. The actions of Jeremy Egusquiza were a de facto booting of my wife who is about to have a baby any day now. Petty. Shallow. Slimy. Racist. Retaliatory. And illegal in our view.

4. "They look down on Asian people." That's what my wife shared with me yesterday as we were sitting in a room at South Main waiting to see our preferred midwife.

5. On 5-18-2016 Leissa Roberts, Associate Dean for Factulty Practice with the College of Nursing, promised in writing "Your translator preference is noted in your wife's chart and we will continue to use the services you prefer in an effort to provide the best care possible."

6. On 8-9-2016 Leissa Roberts reneged on her promise, and stated "we will be unable to meet your request to have in person interpretation" at the South Main clinic.

7. On 7-20-2016 Melanie Wolcott stated "I have shared with management at South Main Clinic that the expectation is to have Catherine at all your visits--not phone translation services if at all possible."

8. On 8-5-2016 Melanie Wolcott responded to a complaint I sent about a lack-of-invite for an interpreter for one particular South Main clinic visit. She then stated: "I have passed this on to the clinic manager. You should hear back early next week about this."

9. However next on 8-10 Melanie Wolcott passes along the retaliatory response from the South Main clinic managers, via stating that the: "...South Main Clinic will not be able to provide in person translation services at the clinic."

10. Hostile treatment is hostile treatment.

11. Racist treatment is racist treatment.

12. A de facto booting is a de facto booting.

13. The tone & content of the response offered by Jeremy Egusquiza is outrageous. The man refused to share with me the name of the medical director for the South Main Clinic, a Wendy Hobson-Rohrer. I reminded him that he is a public servant and that the University is a public institution - and that as such he is required to provide such info when requested. He refused.

14. Our experience of being at the butt end of racist retaliation at the hands of University staff is being shared with Asian advocacy groups and people within Utah. We are letting people know that the South Main Clinic is not a welcoming place for anyone who doesn't speak Spanish.

15. Again, it is particularly slimy to treat a pregnant woman in this way who is about to have a baby. Two children at the University hospital. Thousands of dollars. Mr. Egusquiza doesn't care. He doesn't know what went on at Heartland, nor does he care. He gets to decide, like the king of his own little fiefdom. He gets to dictate what happens, everything else be damned. He get to retaliate in a racist manner against my wife. And the College of Nursing also gets to renege on the promise they made on 5-18 where they stated "Your translator preference is noted in your wife's chart and we will continue to use the services you prefer in an effort to provide the best care possible." All these people get to do this - unless you choose to change your mind. Is this possible? Can you honor your promises? Can you honor the law? Can you provide equal and equitable levels of service in this regard across the University Health System?
16. We like the midwives themselves. Usually kind women who are more than willing to help. But in the case of the the South Main Clinic, they are operating within an environment which is hostile to patient care. If we received in person interpretation at Heartland all while Heartland was open (2+ years), then we should be able to receive it at South Main (as per the midwife practice transfer from Heartland to South Main). This would be "equal treatment across the system." But this is only one reason to provide in person interpreters at South Main. Another is providing equal treatment for all races. If you provide in person interpretation for Spanish, then you must provide in-person for all. Another are the College of Nursing promises made to us in writing about honoring our interpretation preferences (5-18-16 and 7-20-16). And another is just common decency and proper treatment of a pregnant woman. If South Main started providing in person interpretation, then they cannot just unilaterally decide to cut us off. They have cut us off, and their treatment of my family is a de facto boot, plus it's also a de facto invite to leave the University system altogether. But other clinics at the University have been willing to provide a higher level of service, one which meets our needs interpretation wise. Yes sometimes an in person person is not available and we understand. Sometimes there's kinks in the system which need to be identified which he have helped with, and the past kinks have mostly been fixed (interpretation wise, for my wife's care). All other clinics try and get an in person interpreter. They try, and that's all we ask really.

Wendy Hobson-Rohrer and Jeremy Egusquiza an Asian-hating racist employees of the University of Utah

Wendy Hobson-Rohrer and Jeremy Egusquiza are Asian-hating racist manager at the University of Utah Hospitals and Clinics.

More info:

Jeremy Egusquiza is an Asian-hating racist employee of the University of Utah

Jeremy Egusquiza is an Asian-hating racist manager at the University of Utah Hospitals and Clinics.

More info:

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

University of Utah South Main Clinic: Racist hostile discrimination

Racist retaliatory treatment by the University of Utah, within a Salt Lake County facility.

The University of Utah South Main Clinic offers in person interpretation services for Spanish speakers. But if you speak another language or are from a non-Spanish country, you're out of luck.

The managers of the clinic are racist. The University of Utah is racist.

Most clinics of the University provide in person interpreters at no cost to patients, as is required by federal law.

But the South Main clinic only provides in person interpreters at no cost to patients if they speak Spanish.

They claim that over the phone is "just as good" as in person. But this is a lie. Over the phone interpretation creates more barriers, is more clunky to use, tends to negatively impact the experience of dealing with the provider in the room, and so on. "In person" is just better, better for us.

Their managers refused to listen to us. They refused to provide the name of their medical director. They run the clinic like a little fiefdom. A private little dictatorship. And they will engage in petty retaliation against anyone who complains or who raises their head.

Racist Whack-A-Mole is what they do de facto.

South Main Clinic, 3690 Main Street, Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 - Midwives for adults & teens; Teen mothers; Pediatrics - all University of Utah providers. But if you go there, you only get "top service" if you speak Spanish. Otherwise you're sorry out of luck. And they don't care about what you have to say, period.

They decide. You can either choose to live with their dictates, or go elsewhere.

Racist hostile treatment.

Clinic manager, "public servant" (in name only, not in deed), a Jeremy Egusquiza, is a racist in our view.

Do Spanish ancestry people hate Asians?

At the South Main Clinic, they do, de facto - by their actions at least, and that's what counts.

Racist treatment is racist treatment.

Additional key details:

1. University managers and staff promised to honor our interpretation preferences.

2. University managers and staff stated we would receive as a first preference an in person interpreter at the South Main Clinic.

3. In response to a complaint about a lack of an interpreter invite by schedulers for one visit, the manager of the South Main Clinic choose to illegally retaliate (illegal in more ways than one), and to pettily shut off our access to in person interpretation at that clinic. The actions of Jeremy Egusquiza were a de facto booting of my wife who is about to have a baby any day now. Petty. Shallow. Slimy. Racist. Retaliatory. And illegal in our view.

4. "They look down on Asian people." That's what my wife shared with me yesterday as we were sitting in a room at South Main waiting to see our preferred midwife.

5. On 5-18-2016 Leissa Roberts, Associate Dean for Factulty Practice with the College of Nursing, promised in writing "Your translator preference is noted in your wife's chart and we will continue to use the services you prefer in an effort to provide the best care possible."

6. On 8-9-2016 Leissa Roberts reneged on her promise, and stated "we will be unable to meet your request to have in person interpretation" at the South Main clinic.

7. On 7-20-2016 Melanie Wolcott stated "I have shared with management at South Main Clinic that the expectation is to have Catherine at all your visits--not phone translation services if at all possible."

8. On 8-5-2016 Melanie Wolcott responded to a complaint I sent about a lack-of-invite for an interpreter for one particular South Main clinic visit. She then stated: "I have passed this on to the clinic manager. You should hear back early next week about this."

9. However next on 8-10 Melanie Wolcott passes along the retaliatory response from the South Main clinic managers, via stating that the: "...South Main Clinic will not be able to provide in person translation services at the clinic."

10. Hostile treatment is hostile treatment.

11. Racist treatment is racist treatment.

12. A de facto booting is a de facto booting.

13. The tone & content of the response offered by Jeremy Egusquiza is outrageous. The man refused to share with me the name of the medical director for the South Main Clinic, a Wendy Hobson-Rohrer. I reminded him that he is a public servant and that the University is a public institution - and that as such he is required to provide such info when requested. He refused.

14. Our experience of being at the butt end of racist retaliation at the hands of University staff is being shared with Asian advocacy groups and people within Utah. We are letting people know that the South Main Clinic is not a welcoming place for anyone who doesn't speak Spanish.

15. Again, it is particularly slimy to treat a pregnant woman in this way who is about to have a baby. Two children at the University hospital. Thousands of dollars. Mr. Egusquiza doesn't care. He doesn't know what went on at Heartland, nor does he care. He gets to decide, like the king of his own little fiefdom. He gets to dictate what happens, everything else be damned. He get to retaliate in a racist manner against my wife. And the College of Nursing also gets to renege on the promise they made on 5-18 where they stated "Your translator preference is noted in your wife's chart and we will continue to use the services you prefer in an effort to provide the best care possible." All these people get to do this - unless you choose to change your mind. Is this possible? Can you honor your promises? Can you honor the law? Can you provide equal and equitable levels of service in this regard across the University Health System?

16. We like the midwives themselves. Usually kind women who are more than willing to help. But in the case of the the South Main Clinic, they are operating within an environment which is hostile to patient care. If we received in person interpretation at Heartland all while Heartland was open (2+ years), then we should be able to receive it at South Main (as per the midwife practice transfer from Heartland to South Main). This would be "equal treatment across the system." But this is only one reason to provide in person interpreters at South Main. Another is providing equal treatment for all races. If you provide in person interpretation for Spanish, then you must provide in-person for all. Another are the College of Nursing promises made to us in writing about honoring our interpretation preferences (5-18-16 and 7-20-16). And another is just common decency and proper treatment of a pregnant woman. If South Main started providing in person interpretation, then they cannot just unilaterally decide to cut us off. They have cut us off, and their treatment of my family is a de facto boot, plus it's also a de facto invite to leave the University system altogether. But other clinics at the University have been willing to provide a higher level of service, one which meets our needs interpretation wise. Yes sometimes an in person person is not available and we understand. Sometimes there's kinks in the system which need to be identified which he have helped with, and the past kinks have mostly been fixed (interpretation wise, for my wife's care). All other clinics try and get an in person interpreter. They try, and that's all we ask really.


August 2017 addendum:

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Old fart establishment Republicans are against Trump.

Old fart establishment Republicans are against Trump.

Trump wants to do populist trade changes which should make hipster Bern supporters happy.

The more establishment rightists which come out against Trump, the more I realize he must be in.

He's not an Xtian fundie.

He's not a slimy raping (murdering?) Clinton.

And he's got some good big foreign policy balls.

Plus the soldiers like him most. And for flipping once the people who defend America should be given deference on such matters.

Response received:
Q: Clinton is raping & worse?
Q: Trump has been accused of rape. What about that?
Q: Doesn't having big foreign policy balls mean we'll just nuke everyone?

My responses:
Yes the Clintons have raped, and probably worse.

Christopher Hitchens
on Hillary:


No one left to lie to, interviews:Charlie Rose:


And worse probable crimes of the Clinton crime family:

You know those tin pot hat righties who we all just chuckled about? Oh boo haa haa - Alex Jones, what a kook!

But, as OJ implied, if the gove fits, you must not aquit.

And Paul Joseph Watson is a mutch better representative of that section of the alt-right.

Hitch (on Iraq).

Milo Y.


Douglas Murray
It takes a Britisher to remind Americans about key unique American values worth honoring.

In any case regarding the Clintons: apply the same moral compass you use for all things leftist. All the things you obsess about, to your current party leaders.

Oh pith. What's a little rape? Well, that's just "natural."

She "stood by her..." raping husband.

"Stand by your raping husband...." to the tune of the song by Tammy Wynette, in a half drunk cornball country tone with a twang twang twang...

As for Trump:

ce upon a time, I was a lib-chump.

In 1998, I was more of a full-on one. A morbidly obese virgin with no children, living in his parent's basement.

--------------- quote of: September 21, 1998 letter sent to a nephew, quoting from a letter I sent to congress

The more people that do what Ms. Lewinsky & Clinton physically did with each other the better. While I agree that Clinton lying to his wife was probably bad - his responses are to be expected. Why? Because when you force humans into a puritanical culture where their natural inherent proclivities cannot be properly exercised, what else do you expect to happen?

--------------- end of quote of: September 21, 1998 letter sent to a nephew, quoting from a letter I sent to congress

...and the above naive and stupid statement I made back then shows how stupid I was.

Cheating in marriage destroys marriages & families, and ruins childrens' lives. So shaming for cheating is also natural, and that's the type of natural that should take precedence in such cases.

But by 2008, I had wised up a bit:

--------------- quote of the file: note for hillary clinton - may 16, 2008.txt

May 16, 2008

To the DNC from Jonathan []

Hillary Clinton has on her web site a petition about "counting the votes in Florida and Michigan." These attempts on her part to change the rules of the game are dishonest, unfair, conniving, and not helpful.

The "votes" in Florida and Michigan should >not< count in the primaries. Why? Because Obama promised not to campaign there & Hillary broke her promise. So the "votes" are tainted.

Do not give in to the unfair, conniving, and the end run type of approach Hillary is trying. Obama is the nominee. Period. Move on - and let's now win against McCain.


in Portland, Oregon

----------------------- end of quote of my message to the DNC

A further note for Ms. Clinton:

Your tactics in this campaign have been in the style of Karl Rove and George Bush, and they have been highly disturbing, corrosive, and racist.

Earlier in the race I could have gone either way between yourself & Obama. But your actions these past few months have fully convinced me that Obama is the most suitable President. I frankly feel that you've shown yourself to be unstable, and completely unsuited to the Presidency of my country.

Furthermore, the rose coloring of my proverbial glasses relative to yourself and your husband has now been lifted. When your husband was in office I supported him. Now I feel as if I were hoodwinked.

I know many republicans were disturbed by the actions of your husband when he was in the White House. In those days I supported him and yourself. But after what I've witnessed and learned about these past few months, I can now finally see why so many republicans were upset with you both. And I say this as a person who is politically a United Kingdom style Green.

You've now embraced the "politics of personal destruction" by being an advocate for it. In the past you and your husband rejected this type of politics, supposedly. Now it's your primary modus operandi. So it's sad to see this.

This is an honest message.


in Portland, Oregon

--------------- end of the file: note for Hillary Clinton - may 16, 2008.txt

Now, as a finally married man with kids, I've wised up even more. A man with a wife and kids naturally becomes more socially conservative. I have. That's "my journey." So why do journeys to slow motion suicide (eg: journeys to gayness AKA sexual orientation dysphoria, gay marriage AKA outlier flaky abusive not even a comparison to the real thing "marriage," transgenderism AKA gender dysphoria, abortion, being "childfree," and journeys to death cults like Islam) get to be the ones most honored by leftists, whereas journeys to social conservatism don't? Runs counter to their narrative.

Big balls: You know, like the microscopic ones of Obama compared to Putin. Crimea? Gone. Islamic State? Born & flourishing.

Nuking? I take the neocon view: We'll only nuke as a last resort, or if one of our cities gets nuked.

But the leftist rhetorical pouncing on the nuke option may show a not-so-hidden desire for them to do some nuking of their own: namely those who don't tow the leftist party line. "Hate speech" Crimes into differing categories based on "what was in the mind of the killer" - but such actions lend credence to though crime censorship via having "hate speech" laws and codes. And thus the entire concept of "hate" crime is corrosive to free speech. There's just crime. All crime is "hate crime." Camel nosing in the "mind of the killer" brings in a whole host of freedom-threatening problems.
Current leftist hate, hate, hate, freedom of speech & thought. They hate conservatives, family values, and anyone who tells them they're being abusive dickheads for being overly & abusively permissive & relativist. They hate narratives with run counter to their abusively permissive lines of thought.

The Clintons are playing everyone for fools. They know which SJW (social justice warrior) buttons to push. But such pushing no longer works for me.

The establishment Republicans who really want Hillary in, de facto, are showing that voting for Trump is even more important.

Is Trump playing everyone for fools? I don't think so.

Taking into account the totality of reactions from all parties, I find high utilitarian value in a Trump presidency.

What swayed me to Trump:

Milo's Y's interview with Dave Rubin:

His interview with Joe Rogan:

Related posts:
Trump & Brexit: The Leftist Armageddon

Friday, July 29, 2016

Trump & Brexit: The Leftist Armageddon

The left's version of Armageddon: Voting for Brexit or Trump.

Regarding the following article:

The article appears to consider Brexit and Trump to be a sort of leftist Armageddon.

I 100% agree with Pat Condell regarding the value and necessity of a Brexit:

And I 100% agree with Milo Yiannopoulos regarding the high utilitarian value of Trump.

The ultra-leftist conspiratorialism present in the article reminds me of the ultra-rightist conspiratorialism I encountered while I was in Alaska. Tin pot hat leftistism.

Here's responses to a few key sections of the article:

"The liberal intellectuals are always in the minority."


Liberals such as they are control most of the media. NY Times. NPR. MSNBC. BBC. CBC. PRI. CNN. Washington Post. LA Times. USA Today. Cable comedy news programs. Nighttime comedy interview shows. Twitter. Facebook. Google.

Liberals such as they are control most of the Academy. Most college campuses are iron fistedly controlled by leftists, and now most pander to the social justice warrior (SJW) left.

"The people who see that open societies"

Open societies like Europe, where we now have rape gangs & mass rapes, women and children at risk via rape & attack, cartoonists murdered & under threat, Orwellian speech & thought control codes (ie: "hate speech" laws), a Voldemort affect regarding Islam (active denial that Islam is a problem or THE problem, again and again, murder after murder by Islamic people).

"being nice to other people"

It's not nice to let people simmer in their human spirit destroying cults. They get upset when we do. 9/11 is one such example. Misdirected anger. Iraq & Afghanistan were perfectly reasonable responses to 9/11.

Leftists seem to have a high appreciation for the value of brutal & bloody dictators. And come to find out Sadam did have WMDs after all:

And remember what Hitch said about Iraq:
...before the 2010 revelation from wikileaks.

Hitch was right, and he was right even before WMD material was found in Iraq.

"not being racist"

Leftists are the most racist people I know nowadays. Everything is about race, even religion is now a race. Islam is a race according to them. And everything is about fervently and frantically maintaining a hierarchy of social justice 'rights' and shaming.

Islam is at the top.

Amerindians, perhaps next.

Blacks, next - so long as they tow the liberal party line & don't go off the Democrat plantation.

Gays, next - but only leftist gays.

Gender dysphoric people (AKA 'transgender'), next.

Mexicans, next, but only leftist Mexicans who want to erase the borders & come to the U.S. illegally.

Women, next, but only leftist women and preferably women who're 'childfree.' If you're a stay at home 'breeder,' that's bad. (An abusive stance by the way)

Asian men, next - because they're 'too successful.'

Pink skinned men (aka 'whites'), bottom of the pile.

Any cultural values derived from 'whites' are on the bottom of the SJW pile of rights-hierarchy. The right to exist. The right to be promoted. The bottom-pile items have mostly zero rights.

Meme sets aren't races. And race is a racist concept to begin with.

"not fighting wars"

Wars like WWII? Wars like those which took place in Afghanistan & Iraq (Afghanistan especially)? The war which needs to happen with the newest 'Islamic State?' And yes, a culture war between the Western Enlightenment culture and Islam - a war of ideas, and if needs be of force so as to protect the Enlightenment values of freedom of speech & freedom to be a Western-type person in a Western country unthreatened by abusive crazy murderous Islamic Puritans?

Sitting on our hands doesn't work. Doing this allowed Islamic State to be born.

Obama told the UN that his preferred future belongs to those who never talk smack about the prophet of Islam. This was perhaps the biggest betrayal ever of The Enlightenment by a sitting U.S. President. The United States was founded on Enlightenment principles. And to state that a given religion cannot be criticized, that's a betrayal.

Obama & Wife of Bill helped birth Islamic State.

Saying it so doesn't make it so. Saying that Islam is a religion of peace doesn't make it a religion of peace. As per historical Islam and current Islam, the leaders, the documents, everything, Islam is a religion of war. It's a religion of conquest. It's a religion of murder and of rape and of pedophilia. Oh, and it's also a religion of genital rape of both females and males (even in 'moderate' Muslim countries, there's a very high dual-gender genital mutilation rate).

"is a better way to live"

So allowing psychopathic dictators to rule everything is a better way to live?

Lying about the abusive nature of some cultures is a better way to live?

Squandering the values and principles of The Enlightenment is a better way to live - values with led to the greatest & most free country humanity has ever known (America)?

No Enlightenment, no major scientific advances, no moon visit, no medical advances, no advancing of art & literature, no healthy entrepreneurism. Oh, and also no abolishment of slavery (in The West anyway - slavery still goes on in Islamic places though), nor giving women the vote, and on and on.

We only end up 'loosing fights' when we cut and run.

Islamic State is the latest example.

The ultra leftist hippie fear mongering isn't swaying me.

Trump is a breath of fresh air. Inasmuch as the traditionalist old fart right hates him, and the SJW left hates him, he's of very high value indeed.

And Brexit was accomplished by people who are tired of having their culture destroyed via unhinged immigration. By people who want to take control of their own 'tribe' and their own 'homeland.'

Friday, May 27, 2016

Ultra-leftists force women to use the men's restroom at UMOCA

Utah first? Opposites attract? In the shadow of the Temple the Utah Museum of Contemporary Art forces women to use the men's - since both restrooms are now man-welcome.

Not just femmy men. Not just Bruce Jenner deranged gender dysphoric  messed up men. All men - can use both restrooms at UMOCA, and so women have no choice but to watch men use the restroom and to allow easy access to their restroom activities.

Ultra-right wing Mormons spawn and attract ultra-left wing abusively permissive moronic dogmatic Stonewall-agenda leftist fascists.

Strange but true. Welcome to Salt Lake City. The shadow of Stonewall is higher than the shadow of the Mormon Temple. Is that a good thing?

Ask a socially conservative atheist woman from rural China with zero connection to the Bible and Book of Mormon: It's a genuinely dangerous and stupid and abusive idea to have mandatorily all-gender and all-outlier crazy dysphoric fool welcoming restrooms.

I love rebellious cutting edge art. I love pissing off Puritans and ultra-leftists alike.

But look: outliers exist. Dangerous predatory men exist. Women and girls need protection from such men, period.


August 2017 addendum, video commentary: