Thursday, June 13, 2013

The importance of having "kid friendly" events as a rule rather than an exception in atheist & exmormon groups

2. Original video (below).
3. Addendum added after I received a response from one of the groups involved.
4. Addendum video (also below)
5. Previous blog post (separate page).
6. Remaining concerns of note:

          A. The following Exmormon Foundation policy statement:

"...Due to the nature of the conference presentations and the serving of alcohol during the evenings, we have established a strict policy that no children are allowed except for nursing infants..."
B. Working to ensure that kids are welcome within the relevant groups I may be a part of, and perhaps starting groups or events of my own as needed.
C. Unitarian Universalism churches i.) requiring that children go away during their main meetings, ii.) being apologists for Mohamed & Islam, and iii.) having taboos against being critical of wacky New Age / Pagan type ideas (the freedom to believe - in bullshit). Believing bullshit is a time waster, whether you believe in Jesus, Thor, Zeus, or in homeopathy, the wacky woo woo of Depak Chopra, crystals, or in The Secret.

(2.) First video:

(4.) Second video:

(1.) Original open letter:

An open letter to atheist & ex-Mormon groups, on the issue of whether children are welcome at your events or not: [I did receive a further response from a relevant atheist group - click here to read my reply.]

Speaking frankly, I have no use for events which aren't "kid friendly." Family isn't a dirty word. Funny how people can embrace "Pride" and then jump straight on to having "kids around" as an "exception" rather than a rule. Where's the pride parade for straight people with kids? Maybe we deserve one too.

I never really thought about this issue until I had a kid myself. Pretty much the only "events" I *might* consider attending without my kid are these:

1. A gay bar I have been to before, with my gay nephew - if he happens to come to town and decides to pay a visit to my house & asks me to go there for a short visit to the bar & I decide to say yes.

2. The very occasional (officially rated as, & not merely "unrated") NC-17 film that is economically viable enough to actually be shown, and that's worth watching - a perhaps once every 20 year occurrence.

Other than that, from ex-Mormon meetings to atheist ones to church meetings, if my kid isn't welcome to sit beside me while I'm present, then neither am I. My family is more important than your little meetings - speaking frankly...
"...Due to the nature of the conference presentations and the serving of alcohol during the evenings, we have established a strict policy that no children are allowed except for nursing infants..." quoted from an exmormon conference website. But more recently I've encountered a similar de facto prohibition on admitting that I have a child in connection with an atheist semi-annual party at which elections were to be voted on. Well, I guess I won't be running in that election, right? I've got a kid after all, and the crazy meeting where they'll be doing the voting doesn't seem to be kid friendly. What's up with that?

Let me say here as a side note that the organizers of these various groups do work very hard, and deserve a lot of credit for helping a lot of people. But, on the other hand, my son takes precedence over even these otherwise hard working people. It's just that they don't (yet) realize what it means to be fully inclusive.

If you wish to be inclusive of "gay issues" then you also need to be inclusive of "straight ones," and of people who, yes, have children. And, from what I've been told, gay and bi people sometimes have kids also.

Does the right wing get to hijack and use-solely the word "family?" I don't think so. But the "left" doesn't either.

I'm not really into the self-hatred of the left or the right. Yes, family is a good thing and it should be supported and promoted. And social groups which are supporting people recovering from religion & people who're finding new ways to live after leaving religion should take into account that humans actually engage in sexual reproduction...

I don't leave home without my genitals attached - as Mormons would have preferred. And, I should not be required to leave home without my new son - or to keep him hidden away just for the privilege of socializing with fellows who are supposedly on a similar life path.

Children sometimes make a bit of noise. Yes, I'm willing to take them out temporarily if they're screaming. But the occasional child-originated outburst should be well tolerated in any group which is supposedly trying to be "welcoming" and "inclusive."

Also, I agree that there is a need for singles events & singles type dances in atheist & ex-mormon groups. That's fine. But, as for alcohol, remember that alcohol is also served at pubs, and pubs do not exclude children.

So anyway unless your event is somehow exactly the same as the singular gay bar my nephew may or may not ever invite me to visit again, or is similar to a loud dive-bar (a largely unhealthy atmosphere for anyone which I suggest you not try to emulate regardless), don't expect me to hide my children away...  Occasional "singles" events may be ok, which are designed for single people to meet each other. But sometimes single people have kids also.



Related post:
Regarding the group Atheists of Utah, suggestions posted June 12, 2013

postscript: After leaving Mormonism I searched for new groups to associate with. The groups mentioned above represent at least three I've tried so far. Nothing is absolutely cut & dry and I realize that anyone can start a group. But this is just something I've noticed after a.) leaving Mormonism, and now b.) having a kid.

In the old days the exmo conferences were more laid back. But I was shocked to see the more recent restrictions on kids - strange. The Unitarians can only tolerate kids at their meetings for the first few minutes. Why? What if I don't want my kid to be shuffled away to some other room, and what if I think all the kids should stay with their parents?

Also separately UUism is I've found not really friendly to Enlightenment values, since they embrace the "freedom to believe - in bullshit" via embracing paganism/fluff-a-muff-crazy-unfounded-views and they have a taboo against being critical of views which are otherwise crazy.

Well, anyway, I do have suspicions on exactly why things are the way they are. Discrimination against people who have kids - yes, it exists, apparently. And apparently those of us with kids have to fight for our rights to "come out" as straight people with kids as well...


(4.) June 13, 2013 10:45PM addendum:

I received a more cogent response from the president of Atheists of Utah regarding my concerns in this & the previous blog post. Here is what I have posted in reply:

---quote begins



>I couldn't find any such post on any of our
>online presence locations. I saw you post this at
>several locations, but no "copy" of your blog post.

There was an original copy which I then deleted once it was copied in total to my blog, and then a link to the post was posted for convenience & consolidation.

The original queries which caused the original first concerns were posted in the announcement for the party itself. Regarding the discouragement of the attendance of children, as far as I could tell at least one board member and another attendee recommended (in rather strong terms) that children not attend - in the specific announcement area for the meeting. Then I heard nothing from anyone else, and no further feedback until now.


The wheelbarrow is perhaps indicative of the target audience for the meeting in question. I had forgotten about Joel starting the wheelbarrow thing - perhaps once the meetings were moved to Richard T.’s house. Back when they were still at Joel’s house I don’t think such a thing was occurring.  Clearly there’s a need to attract college age fratsters to atheist meetings (seriously & not in jest). They have a lot of dynamic energy worth tapping into.

Regarding music we never heard back whether there would be music at this particular party. But for us it’s a moot point at this point.


>Most of the members in the group have children of various ages.
>There are only a few of the more than 150 of our gatherings where the exclusion
>of children is explicitly stated.

In the wake of my previous chats with people about these issues I came away with the impression that it was only the “ice cream socials” which were really welcoming for children.


>It is always stated explicitly in the event description
>if it is recommended that children do not attend. For all other events,
>children are implicitly welcome.

Regarding group and committee suggestions, I’ll consider which options would be most fruitful. There’s certainly room to grow in either direction.

Well, in this case I don’t wish to impede anyone’s ability to have a raging good time with fellow youngsters without the perceived impediments or impositions the presence of a child may pose, since it was rather strongly previously made clear to me by others in the related forums that for the event in question that children not attend.

I realize the main announcement didn’t explicitly exclude kids, but like I say later conversations, which weren't merely completely unofficial (to my perception) made it clear to me that it would be unusual and not advisable to bring kids to this particular event.

Like I say there is a need for such events which are young-person-party-animal-wild-man-and-woman focused, so by all means have fun at the party - all those people who want to hook up with some hot atheist chick or dude. Just remember what may happen if you do:

I’ll see about amending my text & video blogs appropriately in response, now that I’ve finally received a more official response. I’m glad that you were finally able to get back. In this case I still believe the party in question is really more of one intended for young people to get more than a bit tipsy so that they can more effectively meet each other. And I shall take the advice of others and keep our son home. He’s too young for a baby sitter.

At the very least we’ll work on announcing events which may be of value to those with youngsters... Here’s some related ideas I found:

So by all means attend & have fun. We'll just stay home with our young kid - that's all...

Our kid is too young for a baby sitter. But to tell you the truth I wasn't just concerned about this group. There's another group which does have a more explicit "no kids" policy which is quite a bummer. So the conversation here was kind of a tipping point, for what it's worth.


---end of quote of addendum to Atheists of Utah.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Regarding the group Atheists of Utah, suggestions posted June 12, 2013

Copy of a post made in an Atheists of Utah forum today. Posted here in part to keep track of my own thoughts & writings... Note that I did receive further feedback. See this newer post with key addendum notes and videos.

---------------- quote begins

Group suggestions:

Regarding the summer solstice party, it sounds as if it's really primarily a members-only singles event where children are not welcome (and by default, people who have infant children are not welcome either). I agree there's a need for there to be atheist singles groups. The Unitarians certainly aren't stepping up (& their church really isn't atheist, Enlightenment-values, and science & skepticism friendly). And in past years there was pretty much no options other than bar hopping & random chance. Now there's the Internet though & more opportunities to start groups.

As for this group, for the future may I suggest:

1. Having meetings/parties that don't have a membership requirement - but allow for donations via a donation box at the party.
2. Having parties that are pot lock, and simple.
3. Having parties that allow for alcohol to be brought, but not to raffle off a "wheelbarrow of booze" at such parties. We could also raffle off a "wheelbarrow of cigarettes," or a "wheelbarrow of hydrogenated oil" - with similar outcomes & value.
4. Having parties which do not have amplified music.
5. Having parties which do not explicitly or implicitly exclude people who happen to have engaged in sexual reproduction (eg: they have children).

I'm aware that anyone can host a party or start a group. "Official parties & events" should be more inclusive though, if your goal is to be inclusive. And I know that running an atheist group or any group requires a lot of work, and a partially-unfair personal investment of funds.

So without question there's a need for events focused on the need for single people to meet, and for dances which serve to meet that need, and so on, outside of the context of religious groups. I would just suggest being rather explicit about how events are labeled, so as to avoid confusion.

"This party is for single people who don't have young children, or for married people who don't have children or who only have older children - children who can be kept at home away from our party or event." Please add that label up front to events if it turns out that a given event deserves such a label.

I suggest opening up this facebook group so as to allow "trolls" to once again be educated. If a given troll becomes a rather large problem, they can then be banned. But until then, they should at the very least be allowed to be educated. By comparison, if comparisons are valid, the Atheist Community of Austin manages to have an open group on this website.

There are inherent problems with an increased organizational structure being created. But I'd like to thank Zac, Joel, and Richard for their past work with creating groups and organizing things at various venues, restaurants, cafes, and houses. And Harald and Qian Qian. Our new son probably would not be here if it weren't for all these factors being present, and people who worked to organize atheist meetings in the past.

As for group dynamics & politics: I've seen the evolution of various groups, related to atheism and not. I know where I personally stand within the "movement" - pretty much with the left leaning anti-authoritarians, with occasional alliances with right leaning anti-authoritarians where necessary and fruitful... There is definitely an evolution that takes place with groups, depending on personality type and who happens to show up. Perhaps it's time for more such evolution now (making a note to myself also)...


Related post:
The importance of having "kid friendly" events as a rule rather than an exception in atheist & exmormon groups

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Karezza is dangerous & abusive - teaches us to be afraid of orgasms, very afraid

Shocker: Science reveals orgasms feels good.

Shocker: Science also shows certain drugs feel good.

Drug abuse - bad and therefore orgasm - bad.


art credit:
Welcome to the world of blue balls, prostate cancer, and inflamed epididymides & seminal vesicles.

And welcome once again to the world of sexual shaming, first brought to you by religious fucks, and now later by New Age nut jobs.

In Karezza they really really like orgasm avoidance, and fear about the natural hormonal & neurochemical cycles that come with sex.

One good example of all this bull is at the site

Worrying about orgasming too soon is one thing. Yes, you should try to go longer. But not too long! Going days on end with painful blue balls, or having your partner "milk" your prostate so that you can avoid orgasm - that is wacky, strange, unnatural, and not healthy.

A relevant quote from these idiots:
...karezza is a gentle, affectionate form of intercourse in which orgasm is not the goal, and ideally does not occur in either partner while making love...
Karezza is not gentle. Worrying about whether you can avoid orgasming AT ALL is not gentle nor loving.

Karezza is not kind. Fearing orgasm, and having orgasm avoidance as the IDEAL situation, is not loving nor kind.

Kerezza is dangerous claptrap bullshit.

Further quote from:
"...Marnia admits that she and her husband are not religious, both enjoy orgasms, and feel no sexual guilt. They simply feel very convicted about this one idea: orgasm addiction is an undercover problem, creating chaos between our sheets!..."
...misleading doubletalk. And being fearful of sex the same way one fears cocaine really is abusive. Sex is about life. Sex is about love. Sex is love. And so is orgasm. "Chaos between the sheets" - yes, that is part of sex. Don't be afraid of the wonderful chaos. Don't be afraid of the cycles of life. The ups and downs of life that come through sex - yes, you should learn to deal with them & embrace them, not be afraid of them.

Teaching people to avoid orgasm, as the ideal situation, really is abusive. That's the bottom line.

Here's a good quote I found at another site:
"...if someone said lets have sex but you won’t have an orgasm, I think most of us would rather go to bed...So on that note, I call Bullshit on Karezza, because sex without an orgasm is like hunger with no food"
As at

Fear the natural normal consequence of sex: orgasm! 

Teach your children to fear masturbation and what an orgasm might do to their brains Orgasms & brains - oh my, they should never mix!

...sounds all damn similar to the bullshit I learned in Mormonism about masturbation.

Here's a pertinent response to all that:
I have a penis,or: the evils of the Mormon stance on masturbation
as at

More relevant links:

The Mormon fear of masturbation & orgasm - a fear apparently shared by advocates of karezza:

Sin & Death in Mormon Country - deadly consequences to teaching children to fear masturbation & sex: : discover the perversity or Mormonism: and - the same shit just in different clothes, one from fucking hippies, and the other from fucking squares. Don't be sucked in by shame based quakery, from any side or source.

To recap:

Orgasm is good. Orgasms are good. Orgasms help your marriage! Orgasms help you be happy! Orgasms are healthy! Orgasms SHOULD be part of sex, most every time! Oh, and masturbation with orgasms is good also!
Yes, delaying orgasm can be fun and very useful - up to a point. Eventually you, your body, and your partner need an orgasm, and you should not be afraid of that either!

American Indians: No group of humans are uniquely more noble

Today I happened across the following story:

Hollowed out: US Army fights brain drain

The story had a reference to the American Indian Wars. Then I decided to check out some wiki articles on the American Indian wars...

302 years of war with the Amerindians...

Note how the wars apparently started with a massacre in 1622 of humans from Europe.

But we also have the earlier Spanish conquest:

People are people & savages are no more noble than anyone else. Also people born here are just as much a 'native' as anyone else. That's what native means - born in a given place. Also everyone here is a descendant of immigrants, whether it's 100 or 500 or 10,000 or 20,000 years ago. And children should not be saddled nor blamed for the sins of their parents or people who happen to have the same skin color. Again people are people regardless of color. Sometimes noble & sometimes not so much.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Tariq Ramadan to speak in Salt Lake City - commentary

The Salt Lake City Public Library & several other public & private groups have invited slick Islam apologist Tariq Ramadan to speak. Speech title: "Islam and Human Rights: How will the Arab Spring bring Peace to the Middle East?" Some of the sponsors of his March 20, 2013 visit: Friends of the City Library, University of Utah, Westminster College, Gandhi Alliance for Peace, with more listed at

My commentary in response:

Links, videos, and books for your research:

Ibn Warraq's review of a book by Caroline Fourest on Tariq, a book entitled Brother Tariq: The Doublespeak of Tariq Ramadan. Book review:
Ibn Warraq speaking at the Secular Islam Summit:

In the book Infidel by Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Christopher Hitchens wrote the forward. On page xviii Hitchens states the following about Tariq Ramadan:

...end of quote.

Here are links to views & videos critical of Ramadan's views & history:

Article including an interview with Fourest:

Tariq Ramadan’s Arab Winter by Samuel Helfont

The Flight of the Intellectuals: The Controversy Over Islamism and the Press by Paul Berman

Terror and Liberalism by Paul Berman

Panel discussion: Independent Voices on the Middle East, which includes Paul Berman and Ibn Warraq

Ibn Warraq and Paul Berman talk about "Is the West Best?"

Ibn Warraq's review of Fourest's book on Ramadan:
Brother Tariq and the Muslim Hoods: Towards a Taxonomy of Islamic Subterfuges

NER Interview with Ibn Warraq - The Albatross of Liberal Guilt

Christopher Hitchens and Tariq Ramadan Debate: Is Islam a Religion of Peace?

Ayaan Hirsi Ali has debated Ramadan in the past on more than one program. Hirsi Ali worked on the film Submission (a film critical of Islam) for which Theo Van Gogh was killed. Thus Hirsi Ali's views are a counterweight to that of Ramadan's.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali speaking at the Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center for Holocaust Studies. Has a lot of great background & research info which is critical of the apporach of people like Ramadan:

Hirsi Ali responding to questions at Ohio State University - further background info:

Additional background info from Hirsi Ali on Islam:

Irshad Manji debates Ramadan about cartoons:
part 2:

My own blog post on all these issues:
Liberal Socialist Democrats against Islam - yes we are here too

I frankly feel like all the groups who are sponsoring Ramadan's Salt Lake visit have been hoodwinked by his charms, charisma, and slick presentational style. Your own presuppositions have allowed you to be sucked in. But, the City Library is a public institution, and as such they're subject to public comment about events and about how public money is spent.

So, how about having Ayaan Hirsi Ali or Sam Harris in to speak about "Islam & World Peace" and how to achieve it? Hiding the truth & facts about Islam & it's founding prophet is not a path toward peace. Neither is forcibly sticking our heads in the sand. Honesty, and being willing to state that the emporer has no clothes is perhaps the most important thing we can do in this case, and in the case of all religiouns founded by charismatic charlotans.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Margaret Sanger - as amoral as Peter Singer sadly

Ayaan Hirsi Ali has stated that everyone is a little bit racist & I agree. Maybe everyone is a little bit of a eugenicist also. Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, apparently wrote a rather distasteful article on the issue. Check out page 107 of the following document:

And a more readable version:

"The main objects of the Population Congress would be:
    a. to raise the level and increase the general intelligence of population.

    b. to increase the population slowly by keeping the birth rate at its present level of fifteen per thousand, decreasing the death rate below its present mark of 11 per thousand.

    c. to keep the doors of immigration closed to the entrance of certain aliens whose condition is known to be detrimental to the stamina of the race, such as feebleminded, idiots, morons, insane, syphilitic, epileptic, criminal, professional prostitutes, and others in this class barred by the immigration laws of 1924.

    d. to apply a stern and rigid policy of sterilization and segregation to that grade of population whose progeny is tainted, or whose inheritance is such that objectionable traits may be transmitted to offspring.

    e. to insure the country against future burdens of maintenance for numerous offspring as may be born of feebleminded parents, by pensioning all persons with transmissible disease who voluntarily consent to sterilization.

    f. to give certain dysgenic groups in our population their choice of segregation or sterilization.

    g. to apportion farm lands and homesteads for these segregated persons where they would be taught to work under competent instructors for the period of their entire lives..."

---end of quote

Well, isn't that nice. All the good old fashioned family values we've come to expect from rather famous eugenicists. I guess what pops into the brain of one totalitarian zealot who had only one testicle can easily somehow pop into the pretty brain & eyes of another - the second person having no testicles at all. What's up with that? Was advocacy for eugenics just a 1932 "thing," or was this all just a coincidence?

Further thoughts:

Hitchens on abortion:

I am reminded of the crazed hysteria on the left revolving around overpopulation, a hysteria which has caused some people, sadly, to not have children of their own. "Those people in the third world have a lot of babies & so therefore I should have none." Crazy & stupid in my view.

More smart people and more atheists should have children. Yes, Planned Parenthood may do some good. But, Margaret Sanger was a eugenic authoritarian nutbag also - no better than parents who consider after-birth abortion today. Oh, who else thinks such a thing is ok? Peter Singer:

In looking at source documents by Margaret Sanger, it appears that she was an amoral fuck also.

Women raped, and all women up until the baby is viable, should be able to get abortions if they want them. But I also agree that the procedure should, in general, be highly discouraged.

Not everything is equal. Sanger & Singer are in rather the same boat - a boat I prefer not to be in.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Evil Santa is in Islam also - related Ayaan Hirsi Ali video found

Here's a video about how, what is essentially, yet another evil Santa Claus view of a god exists in Islam. Making a list and checking it twice, to find out who's naughty or nice - and burning in hell forever the naughty.

In Islam "...our energy ... goes into investing in the hereafter..." and apparently teaching children to fear hell and the Islamic god.

Santa Jesus / Allah...

can quickly turn into Evil Santa Jesus / Allah

when he gets upset about your not kissing his ass...

Another great video of Ayaan speaking at the Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center for Holocaust Studies...

...has a lot of great background & research info.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Iceland porn ban - thoughts on porn & the proposed banning of it

In response to two recent BBC World Have Your Say programs on banning pornography:

Iceland's pornography ban audio file:

Is pornography ever acceptable? audio file:

The first program about Iceland was more thoughtful. The second program though contained highly frantic and angry arguments on the anti-porn side. It's also true that the pay-for-porn industry has a corrosive aspect to it.

Speaking as an atheist, exmormon, & naturalist, there's actually several aspects at play here. But one thing I am reminded of is what people did in Pompeii. Has Iceland already banned films such as Caligula, Intimacy, or Destricted?

See what libraries have Destricted for example:

And Destricted played during the Sundance Film Festival.

And check out what most everyone saw at they went around Pompeii:

The frantic fear of human sexuality is sadly rampant, and as per today's program it's clear that such fear is not only present in the religious right, it's also present in "progressives" who appear just as eager to micro-manage what people do on the Internet as abusive fools like former Mormon prophet Spencer Kimball tried to do.

Here's relevant reviews of his hate filled book on sexuality:
and the content of his evil hate filled book:

and the consequences:

Online dating sites can waste a great deal of time. Online porn sites can indeed waste time also, and skew a person's view of normal natural human sexuality. On the other hand there is a need to have sites similar to youtube which do allow for free and open sharing of sexual content between adults.

So, how can such sites be paid for if not by advertising? How about these "progressives" who want to micro-manage what people see online pay to start a non-profit advertisement free versions of sites like xtube or youporn? That sounds like a good alternative. Don't like what Manwin does online? Then by F start your own advertisement-free web 2.0 adult video sharing site, rather than trying to shut down what you will not be able to shut down.

What is porn? Uncensored viewing of all aspects of human sexuality? Or is it just the commercialization of such? Mormons would view any viewing of sex in video or picture form as porn. Maybe in Iceland their definition is more limited. But the bottom line is that no amount of censorship will keep adults from seeing what they want to see.

No amount of frantic hand wringing, either from the frantic Christian/Islamic religious right, or from the frantic feminist controlling & micromanaging left, is going to stop that. But parents can and should take steps to protect their children from the highly commercialized, inaccurate, and violent content.

Further info:

Iceland's porn ban 'conflicts with the idea of a free society', say critics

Iceland's Plan To Ban Online Porn Spurs Outrage

Iceland’s proposed porn ban ‘like repression in Iran, N. Korea’ – activists

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Liberal Socialist Democrats against Islam - yes we are here too

Video commentary:

Recently Geert Wilders visited Australia. What was the response? Violent protests & slander against Mr. Wilders. Funny how easy it is for Islam-apologists to throw stones, figuratively & literally against people who already have to live with round the clock security due to past & present threats from Islamists. Geert Wilders. Ayaan Hirsi Ali. Sam Harris. Danish cartoonists & editors.

Here's an article about Wilders' visit to Australia:

And here is my response to Eric Ellis' piece:

Ellis's article is a terribly inaccurate, prejudiced, and in my view a libel-ridden rant about Wilders. Guilt by association. Painting with a broad brush. All the things the reporter-writer may well claim to hate. Is the 'far right' in favor of leaving Islam and becoming atheistic? Are they in favor of gay or women's rights? Islamophobia? How about Scientologyphobia? Mormonphobia? Cultphobia? Or even Wildersphobia,  truthphobia, or factsphobia?

Using terms like Islamophobia, and the other abusive ad-hominem and guilt-by-claimed-association attacks in this article - it's a way of shutting the conversation down.

Should Islamic people leave Islam for atheism or maybe liberal Christianity? Would that make their lives better?

Examine the recent work of Sam Harris, and his book The Moral Landscape. In his book Harris advocates for comparing religions & world views on a scale that measures happiness & well being. Are women & men really happy if they are taught to fear human sexuality, where women are bagged from head to toe, and where young men are taught in a de facto way that the only way they can actually have a relationship with a woman is to engage in murderous jihad so that they can then have 72 virgins in the afterlife? Let's hope it's actually raisins instead of virgins. More info on that front from a former member of the Muslim Brotherhood:

Islam is not a race. It never has been a race. It's a religion, a meme set, and all meme sets deserve to be evaluated on their merits.

On 9/11 no Christian or Jew or Hindu flew planes into buildings in New York. On 7/7 not even a Scientologist or a Jehovah's Witness took similar actions. Ideas matter. Doctrine matters. History matters. Facts matter. And what people actually believe matters.

So, with Eric Ellis's rather petty, dismissive, and attacking-type article, he's attempted to blow a huge amount of smoke, all in attempt to be yet another apologist for Islam. But, the terrorists speak for themselves, and their world view can be accurately pulled directly from the Quran and from modern Islamic societies where young men & women are taught to fear normal human sexuality and to hate the outsider.

In additional to Australia Europe also has problems with allowing free speech & free thought. What is the status of free speech in Europe? Both the Organization for Islamic Cooperation (an international Islamic country organization), and the European Council consider racism to include taking smack about a religion - blasphemy laws essentially.

Here's more info for your research:

Geert Wilders interviews about his Australia visit:

a speech of Wilders in Australia:

related people:

Winston Churchhill on Islam:

"How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property - either as a child, a wife, or a concubine - must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the faith: all know how to die but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome."
as from

Article responding to what happened in Australia with Wilders' visit:

Cowardly critics of Geert Wilders shame our country

Stephen Coughlin, Part 5: The Role of the OIC in Enforcing Islamic Law
---how the OIC considers criticism of Islam to be racist

More on free speech in Europe:
Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff speech, European Parliament, Brussels July 9 2012

Michael Coren with Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff

Blasphemy laws in Austria - de facto sharia...

"...Whoever publicly a person or thing that is the object of veneration of a domestic existing church or religious society, or demeans a doctrine, a lawful custom or a lawful establishment of such a church or religious community may or ridiculed, behavior under which his is liable to arouse legitimate offense, with imprisonment up to six months or a fine of up to 360 daily rates to be punished..."

Translation of original source page:

EU's blasphemy law...

And it's effects - the prosecution of Sabaditsch-Wolff & Wilders & others...
...quashing free speech about the prophet who married a 6 year old and who consummated the marriage when she was 9

Eric Allen Bell: He was working on a documentary for an Islamic mega mosque in Tennessee. Changed his mind after meeting an Egyptian Coptic Christian taxi driver and investigated Islam & Mohamed further.

His website:
Former blog:

Rowan Atkinson on free speech in Britain:

and some small progress: 'Insulting' to be dropped from section 5 of Public Order Act

We fought to save the EU countries from Hitler. But apparently they're still embracing some of his policies via outlawing the heart & roots of free speech. People in religions, particularly conservative religions like Islam & Mormonism, are in memetic prisons. Free speech is one key way to free these people, and pin headed politicians often don't understand that democracy & science & true progress depending on unhindered free speech & free though. Let there be a crucible, and let's work to get something very similar to the U.S. First Amendment enacted in the EU & elsewhere.

Other 9/11 liberals: Bill Maher, Christopher Hitchens, Salman Rushdie, & Sam Harris.


3-11 addendum:

Found the following story today:

Israel condemns Zionism comments by Turkey's PM Erdogan

Even Turkey wants to elevate "Islamophobia" to the status of racism or genocide.

"If you say something which either offends me or which may cause me to change my mind, I get to punish you the same way as if you physically attacked me."

And Turkey is a member of the OIC.
More info on the doublespeak of the OIC:


Thursday, February 21, 2013

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Mormon meeting house visit - 2-17-2013

My wife & son & I attended part of the Mormon meeting this morning. We tried some bread and water, listened to a couple of hymns, and part of a boring wrote-recitation-style talk by some lady. My son's fussiness gave us an excuse to escape early.

We went to the same meeting house where my father's family had Christmas parties when I was young. Last weekend the monk at the Salt Lake Buddhist Temple suggested that we just go back to our first religion. So today I followed his advice & we tried out Mormonism today. The result? Same old boring stuff. Oh, and the sound was up too loud in the place. On the way out we saw pictures of the leaders. As we passed by Spencer Kimball's photo we made note of his abhorrence for certain, if not most, expressions of sexuality.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Discrimination again atheists in Islamic countries

Moohamed didn't like detractors. In his Quran he states:

"...4:56 Lo! Those who disbelieve Our revelations, We shall expose them to the Fire. As often as their skins are consumed We shall exchange them for fresh skins that they may taste the torment. Lo! Allah is ever Mighty, Wise..."

Even today, in Islamic countries atheists are threatened with death or jailed:

For example, we have the case of Alexander Aan - jailed in Indonesia for posting "God does not exist" on facebook.

Group advocating his freedom:

Lars Hedegaard - Danish journalist narrowly escapes death:

A quote from Mr. Hedegaard:
“Criticism of religion is not only the starting point of all criticism. It is the prerequisite of any kind of criticism. In a society where religion cannot be criticized, everything becomes religion from the length of your beard to what hand to use when wiping your backside. Where there is no criticism of religion, life and society in their entirety become religious and the littlest squeak against the existing order is an act of blasphemy.”
Additional info:

Info about other people persecuted by Islam - about Theo Van Gogh, Salman Rushdie, and 9/11 liberals:

Preventing nutjobs from going over the edge

Regarding Chrisopher Dorner:

My familiarity with administrative hearings and the pinheads who run them leads me to believe on first glance that Dorner may have been wrongfully terminated, solely from the perspective of supposedly false statements about another officer...

Check out:

I read some of his manifesto. It sounds as if they may have shafted him, just from the perspective of what they state that he got fired for. But on the other hand most people wronged, especially cops, don't go on shooting rampages. 

His manifesto:

I wonder if he would have been treated better by the LAPD, if he could have then been helped in other ways with counseling, and stayed on. Then the people Dorner killed would still be alive? It's a worthy thought experiment to conduct, especially for people who run administrative hearings and who run police departments...

So far the guy is confirmed to have killed four people. So, in his case it's good that he's dead. But everyone should realize the part they may play in the course of actions of someone who is unstable enough to do such things. They need to be treated with more care, and not sent to the wolves, where they can act out in negative ways. They should be a.) treated fairly, and b.) guided toward necessary mental health counseling. So while Dorner is responsible for his actions, and it's good that he's dead, there is simultaneously other people who're responsible for tipping a person with a propensity for being unstable over the edge via an apparently unfairly harsh & retributive environment (at the LAPD).

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

the violence of Buddhism - relativism, cult of personality, ignorance, & pacifism


About our February 10th, 2013 visit to the Salt Lake Buddhist Temple.

During the service the following item was read, as from article 10 of the Japanese Seventeen Article Constitution, by Shōtoku Taishi:
Let us cease from wrath, and refrain from angry looks. Nor let us be resentful when others differ from us. For all men have hearts, and each heart has its own leanings. Their right is our wrong, and our right is their wrong. We are not unquestionably sages, nor are they unquestionably fools. Both of us are simply ordinary men. How can any one lay down a rule by which to distinguish right from wrong? For we are all, one with another, wise and foolish, like a ring which has no end. Therefore, although others give way to anger, let us on the contrary dread our own faults, and though we alone may be in the right, let us follow the multitude and act like men.
Shōtoku Taishi - authored in 604 and published in 720 CE

Also we have article 6:
Chastise that which is evil and encourage that which is good. This was the excellent rule of antiquity...

'How can any one lay down a rule by which to distinguish right from wrong?' - contrast that with the claim that we should '...Chastise that which is evil and encourage that which is good. This was the excellent rule of antiquity...' ?

Human morals come from a combination of socialization and genetics.

Additionally the preacher guy stated that people who come to his church from other religions should consider going back to their religions. How uneducated can a person be about what actually happens in other religions?

Related links: : discover the perversity or Mormonism

Rationalism, Naturalism, Cultural Relativism, and having an accurate view of the world

atheist morality: response to Peter Singer, Moshe Averick: after birth abortions, infanticide, and human rights

Salt Lake Buddhist Temple:

Japanese 17 article constitution:

Criticism of Buddhism:

Shōtoku Taishi: