Friday, April 24, 2020

Google Blogger Deletes Bosch Fawstin's Blog

Google recently decided to delete the regular blog of Bosch Fawstin. 14 years worth of posts, deleted by Google. Mr. Fawstin is a cartoonist & ex-Muslim.

Mr. Fawstin’s store:

Mr. Fawstin’s regular blog which google deleted, archived at

Related video commentary about the deletion, and also regarding the Islamophilic nature of Islam:

Mr. Fawstin speaking to a Children of Jewish Holocaust Survivors:

Mr. Fawstin speaking with Gad Saad:

Recent interview with Mr. Fawstin:
Bosch Fawstin on Combating the Evil of Islam

Related links:

Unitarian Universalist fawning appreciation of Islam (issue also mentioned in my vid).

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Croppertology: a Logan Utah Cult

My response to the Croppertology cult which stole away two nieces and one nephew, away into an apparent & perceived Mormon splinter micro-cult. All three changed their first names, and they all changed their last names to match that of the cult leader.

Above: Bitchute video link:     Youtube mirror:

Cult leader:
Camille Sebrina Cropper of Logan, Utah
...from what I can tell based on online research.

Cult member names:

Madelyn Higbee original name.

Maline Johanna Cropper cult member name.

John David Higbee original name.

Paul Michael Cropper cult member name.

Janessa Rose Higbee original name.

Elisabeth Joan Cropper cult member name.

Why did these three all change their names?

Yes Mormonism is abusive in its own right, but good grief one can leave Mormonism without having to fully cut yourself off from every single person in your family.

Cult is as cult does. Those who do cult like behavior are cultists.

Additional commentary regarding the abusive nature of the Mormon Church, specifically regarding Bishop led interrogations of children and adults regarding sexual matters. Behind closed doors, strange men interrogate children regarding whacking off.

It took me many years to recover from Mormonism and during those years I was an angry ultra-leftist reactionary.

Now I'm an evolutionary social conservative, but I will identify and call out abuse on all sides.

To the Cropper Cult Three, my blood kin, I say:

Your father is very frail now. After several heart attacks he is a whisper of a man. Your parents think of you every day, and your new assumed names mixed with your total disconnection from any of your family, well, you've gone too far with your cultistic craziness.

I am bunt in my vid. I'm not a fan of cults of any flavor. This vid is long overdue.

The Mormon Church is a pornographic church.

Joseph Smith had a 14 year old wife plus he had sex with women who were still legally married to other men (his plural "wives").

Brigham Young, ditto with a 15 year old, and also ditto re the wives of other men.

Mormon Prophet Spencer Kimball wrote the evil book "Miracle Forgiveness" which claims that whacking off will make one a faggyfag.

This lie, probably drove Many to be angry reactionaries including many "Pride" attendees as such.

Kimball also produced a January 1982 letter stating that oral sex is not ordained of the Mormon god.

Plus advanced Mormon doctrine states that God the Father, Elohim, had literal sex with Mary the mother of Jesus. Next that Elohim has many wives in heaven, whom he has sex with with create spirit babies for worlds without end. Thus Joseph Smith and his cohorts dreamt up a sex-crazed ramptant orgy type of heaven for themselves to live in. And thus, Mormonism is an Abusively pornographic church at its core. Utterly hypocritical.

When I was an ultra-leftist virgin living in mommy's basement, yes I used porn some. But frankly my porn use drove me to want real in person interactions.

Now I am a father with kids, and a family man, and I have mostly no use for commercialized porn. Yes porn does hijack. Yes kids should be protected from it. Yes humans have evolved hidden sexuality. That's all fine.

But hypocritical Mormons should not go around preaching to others about porn, while still believing that Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, or Spencer Kimball were in any way prophets of a god.

To Madelyn, John David, and Janessa I say:

Whatever your parents did, that doesn't warrant cutting yourself off totally from all of your family, or even from your parents now that they're becomming increasingly frail.

Your father is now a more humble man, and he's been very kind to my family.

This "cut," these "cuts" of yours to people who don't mean you harm per se, is immoral.

And yes leaving people stuck in cults is immoral too. Thus, leave the Croppertology cult I advise you.



Madelyn Higbee, Maline Johanna Cropper, Maline Cropper, John David Higbee, John Higbee, Paul Michael Cropper, Paul Cropper, Janessa Rose Higbee, Janessa Higbee, Croppertology, cropper, cult, mormon, lds, utah, logan, Elisabeth Joan Cropper, Elisabeth Cropper, Camille Sabrina Cropper, Camille Cropper, bishop, child abuse, sexual abuse, porn, masturbation, coming of age, interviews

Friday, February 14, 2020

October 14, 2016 letter to Harald Illig

Documenting the October 14, 2016 letter I sent to Harald Illig:

From: Jonathan []
Date: Fri, Oct 14, 2016 at 3:20 PM
Subject: Leftists have devils too - was Re: Satan’s Version Of Reality
To: G M <>

Thanks for the link.

There is argumentum ad hominem. Sometimes the shoe fits and thus argumentation to the person isn't always a fallacy as such, especially when the person in question is slimy repeated rapist & etc. Recently my views on the value of Alex Jones & his network & presence have changed mostly completely.
There's people in power, people who want to stay in power. They'll do pretty much anything to stay in power.
The Europe of the 70s - more nice.
The Europe of today: a disaster, nor a clarion of freedom. If you speak your mind, you will be ejected from your job & polite society, and you may be jailed. Also low birth rates in Europe are essentially a form of slow motion suicide. Europe is importing a medieval savage culture into their midst. Rape gangs in Cologne. Mass rape elsewhere. And if you're a 'native' European and you complain, you risk loosing your job & being otherwise slimed by everyone, and possibly jailed. Tell the truth, go to jail. This is Europe today. Geert Wilders. But now just the common Joe Schmoe can get locked up for speaking the truth. Not an idea society in several ways.
In my past naivete I saw socialism as ideal - but to get there you basically need a type of totalitarianism. The Mommy State which knows all & which does all. The Mommy State which replaces family & personal responsibility. And the Mommy State which decides which speech & thought is appropriate, and which speech & thought must be banned.

MSNBC has a constant drum beat. But it's a drum beat also taken up by banal & boring sites like the BBC & the PBS Newshour. The 'status quo' drumbeat which serves to keep the establishment cronies in power.
When a President is/was a rapist, and all the Newshour & CNN & MSNBC can do is engage in sociopathic evaluations which treat politics like a football game & so on, and when they show their clear bias by not addressing stories which cast shadows on their favored leaders - that's a problem.
There is a new phenomenon called the 'regressive left.'
Most of the left, the type which calls out people for being Islamophobic & so on, they *are* the cultural left nowadays. The types which have setup social hierarchies based on every imaginable category, with Caucasian males being near the bottom of that list. The current perceived & apparent hierarchy:

1. Muslims, and especially hijab/burqa wearing Saudi style Muslims.
2. "Childfree" third wave feminists with blue hair.
3. The gender dysphoric (transexuals).
4. The sexual orientation dysphoric (aka gays).
5. Mexicans.
6. 'Native' Americans AKA Amerindians.
7. Leftist black women.
8. Leftist black men.
9. Leftist white women.
10. Conservative black women.
11. Conservative black men.
12. Asian men & women.
13. Conservative white women.
14. Leftist white men.
15. Conservative white men.
16. Ex-Muslims.

When prompted me to change from a liberal socialist Democrat to an alternative-conservative:
Step 1, while still a leftist: Exposure to the ideas of Christopher Hitchens, a guy who spent much of his life questioning dominant paradigms. Eventually his basic human morality came at odds with the relativism of the left. So, he supported the war in Iraq & the Kurds, because he thought it was simply the moral thing to do, leftist peacenik politics be damned. He for his heresy, he was ejected from the 'polite society left.'
Step 2, while still a leftist: Exposure to intriguing info from Richard Dawkins (about memes), Daniel Dennett (how meme sets called religions are fully natural phenomena), and Steven Pinker (how humans are not 'blank slates.').
Step 3, viewing leftist Islamophilia and outright lies about Islam.
...but the UU position is fully illustrative of how the entire left acts, except for a few lonelies like Sam Harris.

"The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam." incredible betrayal of the ideals of the Enlightenment which helped to found America.
Step 4, marrying a socially conservative atheist from China who has zero connection to the Bible, Quran, or Book of Mormon. Where does rural Chinese social conservatism come from? From human nature. From evolution. Evolved traits.
Hippie 'scientists' love the permissive traits, but they then fully discount engrained natural conservative ones.
Dawkins wrote a book about how Darwin had a 'dangerous idea.' Dennett had one also, regarding religion being a natural phenomenon - a fact which cuts several ways. One way it cuts is that fully natural & sometimes highly useful evolved moral codes can be and are couched within religious contexts. Hard thing for an ex-Mormon with a chip on his shoulder to admit. Yes Spencer Kimball and Boyd Packer went too far and were crazy. But in general there's some high utilitarian evolutionary value to discouraging outlier behavior in human communities.
Step 5, after taking an Alice in Wonderland style social journey through much of what the left has to offer (eg: nudist clubs, polyamory clubs, gay bars & parties, general over-permissiveness & relvativism) I came to conclude that the cultural left basically denies human evolutionary history and basic biology just as much as the right does, and probably more - because at least the cultural right f-ing breeds.
Step 6, observing what happened with Hebdo (cartoonists killed) & Garland (winning ex-Muslim cartoonist almost killed), and with Obama and the establishment left's basic lying about Islam, I finally started to check out 'the right.' Not the religious right, but rather the libertarian and intellectual right - as currently portrayed and represented by people who're here today.
Douglas Murray, essentially a gay neocon. Tells the truth about Islam. A questioner of dominant paradigms.

Mark Steyn, who occasionally subs for Rush Limbaugh -
Tells the truth about Islam & other topics. A questioner of dominant paradigms.

I already knew about Ayaan Hirsi Ali & Theo Van Gogh. But it's worth making note that Ayaan is hosted in America by the American Enterprise Institute. Which leftist organization has the back of Ayaan & people like her? None, and that's telling.
Bosch Fawstin, the ex-Muslim winner of the Draw Mohamed Cartoon Contest in Garland, Texas, the one where two Muslim people tried to kill people there. Bosch is an appreciator of Ayn Rand. The people who hosted the event also like Rand: Pam Geller and Robert Spencer.
Step 7, checking out more libertarian and conservative thought & news & views. For the first time ever opening myself up to the entirety of what's out there on the right. I was raised as a Democrat by a Democrat Mormon father. He loved Bill Clinton & Carter. He hated Reagan & Nixon. And I followed in his footsteps. But for the first time I stopped assuming that everything on the right was inherently bogus.
Step 8, finding Milo Yiannopoulos, a gay conservative who sees high utilitarian value in Trump. Before encountering Milo I believed the basic establishment conservative (National Review) lie about Trump, that he's supposedly a shill for Hillary - a way to block other Republicans & to ensure that Hillary gets elected.

The interview that first swayed me to Trump's camp, between Milo & Dave Rubin:
Step 9, I allowed to fall away the last vestiges of being a leftist, by allowing myself to see high value in Rush Limbaugh and Fox News.
The only reason Rush has a voice & is popular, is because most of the establishment media aren't acting like fair journalists.
Wouldn't it be good if everyone thought like 'the left?' Such a result does not allow for proper selection within human societies. Single party rule excludes healthy selection (selection as is in natural selection). And when journalists are essentially shills and tools & propagandists for everything leftist, they cease being journalists. This is why Rush is so popular, because he can spend 3 hours every day making note of example after example.
As for Fox News, I particularly enjoy Sean Hannity's program, and also his talk radio show.
Step 10, don't forget about Andrew Breitbart, a man who stated that Christopher Hitchens helped make him the man he became:
To actually see if our suppositions are correct, there's needs to be a cogent and coherent and powerful opposition. Not every idea that pops into the head of a 'childfree' blue haired third wave feminist lesbian will help humanity survive & thrive & be happy.
What is the 'alt right?'

Part 1: A response to the big-money big-bank crony-whore-rooted betrayal of people who're on the right.
Part 2: Former leftists who've had it with the slow motion suicide policies of the left, the anti-freedom, anti-science, anti-intellectual inquiry, lies, deceptions, Islamophilia, 'childfree' status worshiping, and cronyism on the left.
Cackling Hillary thinks the 'alt right' is, well, I don't know what she really thinks because she's got as many faces as Sybil. Her pandering politician side claims the 'alt right' is fully equal to the ideas of David Duke. And Bill Clinton thinks that the core of Trump supporters are 'red necks.' Either they don't know, or they're just trying to virtue signal to get votes.
No one ever hears about David Duke, until every 4 years Republicans must disavow him. But when shall leftists be required to disavow their outlier nuts?
The near entirely of Milo's channel is a great trove of info regarding why exactly intelligent young people, and some older ones, see high utilitarian value in overturning the apple cart of the crony left & the crony right - AKA electing Trump & doing other related tasks.
Bathing in pigs blood.
Showing up as Ivanna Wall (I wan't a wall) drag queen.

Stating exactly why 'feminism is cancer,' and why 'Birth Control Makes Women Unattractive and Crazy.'
What if some precepts in leftist doctrine are in fact incorrect & hurtful. When we claim that our beliefs are not falsifiable, we're in a religion.

Wife of Bill called Milo & Breitbart out for the above quoted headlines. But, the left appears to have no tolerance for a.) nuance, and b.) ironic comedy, and c.) actually bothering to check why a person would say such a thing, and d.) are the roots of such claims based in science?
Sloganeering, and sliming people who spout views which don't tow the leftist party line. That's what a religion does, and it's what the left & the Clintons do. The basket of deplorables. Argumentum ad hominem - in a bad way which is a fallacy.
As for the Clintons, they have plenty of self generated slime.
Milo's main concern, and mine, are that Wife of Bill will reduce key freedoms in America. Vanderbilt talking about this:
Who's got the back of gays in America, threatened with death by Muslims? The politicians who lie & claim that such attacks have nothing to do with Islam?
I know Sam Harris doesn't like Trump nor Milo. Harris is essentially a very lonely leftist, and he's also rather myopic. Sam wishes the left would be honest about Islam, but it won't be.
Nuance from Milo:

1. The achievements of feminism were generally good, but third wave feminism is evil & abusive.
2. The achievements of civil rights campaigners in the past were good. But now that all the victories have been one, the left still has the righteous desire to keep fighting. To do so they must invent new categories of groups which 'need rights.'
Hillary and her drones will never understand the above points though.

Islam generates ruin. When will Bernie & Obama be stating that fact?
The schemers scheme in their back rooms & think tanks. They use one face in public & another in private. They use 'virtue signaling' as a means of claiming to be a great crusader for 'social justice,' while really being vacuous plastic wastrels (and real rapists) in reality.
Trump doesn't do that, from what we can tell - and that's another reason why some highly appreciate his tone & value.

Journalism is dead. You have to pick your side. I decided to stop listening the side which sides with the Islamic death cult, and the side which loves slow motion suicide, and the side which has an abusive hierarchy of group-rights which puts people like me near the bottom. 'Native' Amercians would never be allowed to be invaded & destroyed in today's world. But 'Native' Europeans? No problem. And there's many other problems with group-rights hierarchies and identity politics.

I probably aspire to the conservatism Jonathan Haidt mentions, with more equal alliance to Care, Fairness, Liberty, Loyalty, Authority, and Sanctity. The Sanctity of life, not the Sanctity of sacred cows. Loyalty to the Enlightenment and Enlightenment principles. The Authority of the Rule of Law. Care, but not through the Dole because the Dole helps no one mostly. Fairness, but not 'social justice.' Fairness through a fairness of opportunity - but not opportunity at the cost of group rights hierarchies nor identity politics.
Back to Sam Harris: I think he's a poor quality scientist, a hack at philosophy, myopic on politics, a drug addled wannabe Buddhist-style guru, and a new vegetarian who's fully placed himself on the road to probable Parkinsons (Robin Williams RIP). And I disagree with Harris on circumcision:
When Joel Layton's pro-life-atheist girlfriend was kicked out of Salt Lake Valley Atheists, that was an eye opening experience for me.
Joel's group, Atheists of Utah, engaged in outreach to 'Pride,' and so now A of U is run by ultra-leftist gays.
Ironically Joel hooked up with that pro-life atheist woman and had a kid with her.
And A of U continued in the hands of ultra-leftist gays.
When I told them one day that I liked Duck Dynasty, they booted me - in a more mean fashion than by booting from Mormonism.
A de facto religion has all the trappings of a religion. Dogma. Doctrine. Heresy Trials. Excommunication. These are a few of religion's favorite things.
The fact that Glenn Beck hates Trump, makes me want to vote for Trump.
The fact that the regressive left hates Trump, makes me want to vote for Trump.
The fact that the establishment right hates Trump, makes me want to vote for Trump.
The fact that Bill Clinton is a rapist and that his wife slimed Bill's victims, makes me want to vote for Trump.
Reference materials, perhaps a library near us:
Clinton Cash Graphic Novel - now at the City library thanks to my suggesting that they buy it:

...the pay to play schemes of the Clintons makes me want to vote for Trump.
Hillary's health issues, makes me want to vote for Trump.
Milo speaking after the Orlando massacre:
...makes me want to vote for Trump.
The writings of Roger Stone
...prompt me to be inclined to vote for Trump.
We've seen this first hand. At the South Main clinic for the University of Utah, Mexicans get free in person interpretation. If you're not a Mexican (non-Spanish speaker), you get a lower level of service:


On Wed, Oct 12, 2016 at 3:27 AM, G M <> wrote:
I could be remembering it wrong. I think you said Alex Jones. I think you said Alex Jones is one who had some good reasons for Trump being president. So I googled it. Also I googled it because Alex Jones was mentioned at the end of the RACHEL Maddow show today. So I thought Can this be the one? I could be wrong but I think you did mention Alex Jones. Please tell me I am mis-remembering. This guy actually believes in the devil!  And spouts Breitbart conspiracies. Maybe this video picks up at the end but I could only watch about to it's mid  point.  Did you actually say say Alex Jones today – or which Alex Jones did you mean? I am sincere; Maybe I heard / remembered the name wrong.

|=================================================| G

Monday, February 10, 2020

Leaving Facebook After ~11 years

This past week my wife and I engaged in the following activity: #deletefacebook

Here’s excepts from text shared with friends and family:

You are being f-ed with on Facebook. On my wife’s account they are now blocking our ability to send the following text IN FACEBOOK MESSENGER.

Facebook is watching you.

Facebook is controlling you.

It is highly inadvisable to stay here.

Programmatic AI is watching what you type, and now all manner of shadow banning is now easily triggered.

Wake up.

——- text blocked from New individual messages in Messenger for the account of my wife:

We are leaving Facebook (including Facebook Messenger) on February 10, 2020:

Should you wish continued contact, you can contact us via Skype and email:



Skype (vid and text chat):


If possible please move all communication paths to these new venues.

As of February 10 all our Facebook accounts will be deleted.

Regarding "Facebook similar" activities, for now these activities are being moved to minds and twitter.

Minds dOt com forwardslash jhigbee
(Facebook also sometimes blocks minds URLs)

Minds is similar to Facebook in feature set.

All of our photo albums have been moved to Google Drive (high quality unlimited upload mode).

We will not be on Facebook in any way after February 10, 2020.

We will not support the psychopathy of the operators of Facebook.



=============end of quote.

Leave Facebook. They HAVE imposed new programmatic AI to monitor what YOU type, even in f- ing MESSENGER! And if the AI doesn’t like what you’re touring, a Beijing style shadowban will be implemented.

======end of all quotes 

Friday, February 7, 2020

Preserving a film by Jean Luret: Comme des bêtes

The following blog documents preservation work for the out of print film, Comme des bêtes by Jean Luret:

Here is the Wordcat entry for the film:

A SECAM VHS cassette held by the Bibliothèque nationale de France.

The best capture version to date of the film:

When we see the nature of other animals, we see ourselves. The nature, of life. How life, continues, The drive to survive.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Andrew Torba & Gab Go Off the Deep End: Hysteria regarding the human body.

Gab’s #AndrewTorba utterly undermines the existence of his site, with his discussion on #porn. Torba: Main points from Torba, reasonable paraphrasing and interpretation: 1. “People who object to me are addicted to porn.” 2. “Let’s put legal barriers against speech I don’t like.” 3. Children. Save the children, as a reason for item 2. My responses: A. Yes humans have evolved to have “hidden sexuality.” B. Yes adult #sexuality should be appropriately hidden, from children. C. Adult porn, that is explicit portrayals of human sexuality, are absolutely free speech. D. Torba is inviting legal blocks regarding speech some don’t like. Utterly hypocritical. Absolutely undermining his pwn brand. E. It’s lazy and stupid to state that people who object to gov blocking access to legal images and words, via forced identity verification, are “addicted to porn.” F. Gov regulation of what adults can share, about adults between adults, opens the door to too much control and regulation of human thought and interaction. G. What is legal speech? Adult porn is legal. H. If you’re a parent who’s concerned, use technology to block the content you consider inappropriate for viewing by children. The alternative is, what? Inviting censorious totalitarians to creep more into power. I. The balance between what should be legal and not, has been reasonably reached already in America. We don’t ask the government for permission to read legal material or to see legal images, period. Adults viewing adults. Adults reading what adults do. Adults sharing with adults. Freedom of association. #Freedomofspeech. Freedom of thought. #Gab and Andrew Torba are off the rails. J. Yes humans aren't bonobos. But gov requiring ID checks to view certain pixels or ink, is regressive and a quick path to totalitarianism. Nuance: 
The destruction of #GetOffGab #DumpGab #LeaveGab #GabIsNotFree p.s. Torba has blocked me on Twitter. He's Tetchy and is in a forced Silo.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Postmodernism births sterile wastrels. Choose life instead.

Postmodernism births sterile wastrels. Choose life instead. Postmodernism (and racist eugenicist Margaret Sanger's birth control pill): Helps females become fat pigs. Next, overly attractive males have no females to hook up with. And thus, the Stonewall LGBTQPZ project was born: a place for abused abusive wastrels to go, so as to engage in mutual wankery to no good effect, other than some nice art perhaps, but zero kids born into best-for-the-kids settings. Lives derailed. Lives destroyed. Yes, it's true, wankery in and of itself won't make you a LGBTQPZ. For the Mormons & Ex-Mormons in my feed: Mormon Prophet Spencer Kimball's claim that wankery will may you a sexual invert (i.e. a g,a,y), which was taught textually AND verbally in the Mormon (LDS) Church, yes that's not correct. And mandatory sexually explicit interviews of children and adults absolutely drives some of those people to be angry reactionaries when they get older or become more mature. All abusive Mormon she'at which other flavors of Christianity don't do (e.g. Evangelical and other protestant). But the ultra left is not a panacea answer to the abuses of sections of the ultra right. Oh, yes, as an ex-religionist, you can be so angry angry angry, with religion in general. But, we being evolutionary animals with emergent properties, happen to couch our evolved morals within religious contexts. Religions are evolutionary artifacts and engines themselves. The (French) bullshit postmodernist ideology, derails the lives of many. Gender is binary in the human animal. Yes, children need a mother and a father, for their own best evolved and natural well being. Gender is not changeable in the human animal. There's no such thing as "gender identity," just moronic and stupid and abusive gender dysphoria. Secular people can have bad dumbshit memes running on their brains, too. Thus, to be a conservative, means you want to conserve things. Today being a conservative means conserving free speech. Conserving British Western Enlightenment values. Conserving the American project is the best example of those values. Universal slavery, ended. Science and human knowledge, advanced. True free speech, present, something not as fully present in any other country or community. The ability to fry sacred cows, yes, that's included. But let's not toss the baby of evolved morality out with the bathwater of mysticism. And I agree with Jordan Peterson that even the mystical stores have evolved natural good utilitarian value. Social conservatism is the >default< useful natural evolved position, because that position promotes live, preserves life, and continues life. Ok let's call out abuses, but let's also value what should be valued. Sincerely, Jonathan

Saturday, October 5, 2019

The Youtube Purge Hits Jonny: Fighting the Leftist Death Cult, and Choosing life instead.

The Youtube Purge Hits Jonny: Fighting the Leftist Death Cult, and Choosing life instead.

Youtube AKA Google, a piece of shit regressive company, banned the vid which is part of this 2015 post:

My channel on youtube:
My new channel on bitchute:
My minds feed:
My twitter feed: - backup in case primary gets shitcanned:
Gab feed:
(aka: You ain't stoppin' me be'atch!!!)

The vid they banned, now on the venerable site BitChute:

Copy of censorship notification email is below. Their assertions are absurd, libelous, and slanderous. I want to fucking, SAVE LIVES (!!!) by not having people drawn into the bastard religion secular cult which is, All The Letters of Stonewall! L G B T, oh and P and Z. One letter after another, one reason after another, to not have kids, or to fuck up the lives of children you happen to have had before being sucked in.

Additional related screen clips:




Censorship shall result in amplification, duplication, and increased visibility.

Operation Clambake, Fighting SJW Edition is in operation.



Thursday, September 12, 2019

Eat. Breathe. Rumpy-pumpy. Have kids. Repeat.

Eat. Breathe. Rumpy-pumpy. Have kids. Repeat.

Is this sequence really so hard?

When others stand to gain monetarily or otherwise because you skipped a step in the chain, you can be the recipient of life-blocking lies.

Smart people should have more kids, the more the better.

People in First World countries should have more kids also, because right now there's not enough kids being produced w/in such environments. Lower than the replacement levels in many cases. And importing third worlders to have kids on your behalf isn't that healthy of an activity. Outsourcing breeding results in slow motion suicide for you and a degradation of Western Culture in general.

Ideally smart people should stay in their home countries and help those countries rise.

I'm ok with a limited refugee system, but right now people from south of the border are horribly abusing that system for economic gain.

#ClimateHysteria is a Ponzi scheme & anti-human anti-life cult.

Nobel laureate Ivar Giaever:

Leftist Charlotan Virtue Signalers want your money:
Priests of Climate Hysteria:

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Reza Aslan's Leftist Violent Nihilism vs Life, Happiness, and Freedom

Reasonably responding to Reza Aslan & the Anti-Life Nihilistic Left, versus Trump & his supporters.

Regarding the constant drip, drip, drip of nihilistic psychopaths:

The charlatan virtue signalers are pointing fingers everywhere except where they should be pointed. Leftist generators of cultural nihilism & lost boys:

1. A key generator of nihilism in the West is culturally Marxist postmodernism.

2. Third Wave Feminism.

3. The LGBTQPZ Stonewall project.

4. The leftist competition to see who's the very best at not having children.

5. Redefining marriage.

6. Denial regarding the sexually dimorphic nature of humans.

7. Devaluing motherhood & fatherhood.

8. Shaming pinks skins AKA whites for having pink skins.

9. Shaming boys for being boys.

Pink-Skin-Carried British & American Western Enlightenment Values ended universal slavery.

Where's my reparations for that (not that I'm asking for any)?

Children are born innocent. Meme sets however can be blamed. When you have a culture which generates nihilists that culture has a problem.

Democrats seek to import voters. The nihilistic violent youth who're members of #Antifa support the corporatist elitist gated community leftists with these goals: open the floodgates.

The native born of all colors are pitted by the Democrats against the people whom the Democrats wish to import as a means of maintaining & gaining power. So that's an abusive situation.

Another meme set that the cultural left loves, Islam, also generates lost boy nihilists so they can have virgins in an afterlife. This is a real thing. Listen to Tawfik Hamid:

Thus nihilism can come from various places.

In today's world we need to be be prepared. Take a multi-faceted approach. The Democrats lie about the motives of Trump and of Trump supporters. 99.9% of Trump supporters would like all potential mass shooters erased.

The Democrats have their violent arm, the death cult army of #Antifa.

Promote life. Find a way to make life - the most important thing we can do during our speck of time here. Christopher Hitchens said this.

Question the dominant paradigm. Question your own beliefs. This is the key spirit of what Christopher Hitchens advocated for.

The people putting out the most racist & pro-violence dog whistles these days are the Democrats.

Reza Aslan is such a one, a man who's apparently pro-violence-against-Republicans type of guy.

Reza Aslan is a slick tongue opportunistic charlatan who promotes a rose colored view of Islam. His longer term game has been to go on legacy media news outlets and basically lie about Islam.

POS violence promoting Aslan claimed that Ayaan Hirsi Ali is "dangerous."

Hirsi Ali and Theo Van Gogh created the film "Submission Part 1," a film critical of how Islam treats women. Van Gogh was killed as a result. And Hirsi Ali must have round the clock security & moved to the USA a result of threats against her. And yet asshat Aslan thinks Hirsi Ali is dangerous.

The film Submission Part 1:

Yes and while Aslan should be rightly seen as a lying opportunistic charlatan, the same can also be said of prominent Democrats especially Democrat blacks, who belong to a party which enslaved their ancestors, a party which booted the Amerindians off their lands, a party which interned the Japanese Americans during World War II, and a party which has imported anti-American anti-Enlightenment culturally-Marxist postmodernism into America.

The Republican Party was against all these things.

If you're going to ascribe blame to meme sets, let's blame the Democrat Party for what they should be blamed for. This is why I renounce my prior association with the Democrat Party.

I voted for Obama twice, but now I regret those votes primarily because of:

1. Obama utterly betrayed the Western Enlightenment & American projects by stating that his preferred future must belong to those who don't slander the prophet of Islam. Does Obama consider himself to be the America's Islamic Imam? Blasphemy laws are antithetical to the American & Enlightenment projects.

2. Obama associated with leftist terrorist Bill Ayers.

3. Obama greatly appreciated the work of anti-American anti-Enlightenment leftist traitor Saul Alinsky.

Democrats de facto and in fact support the violent terrorist organization Antifa - the angry nihilistic youth who misdirect their anger toward people who can help them be less nihilistic, toward the cultural right in other words.

Trump has denounced white supremacy. If you're a virtue signaling lying Democrat, you'll seek to deceive the chump left regarding what Trump has actually said & what Trump's supporters actually believe.

Lost Boys via Leftism & Islam

Lost Boys: Leftist postmodernist ideology & Islam both are generators.

Fascism is an offshoot of Marxism

Some meme sets can create lost boys and which promote nihilism.

Teach that pink skins should hate their skin color.

Teach that boys should have their evolved male human nature.

Systematic hatred of being male and hatred of having pink skin.

That's going to have some downstream effects and create disconnected boys.

Islam teaches young men that one way they can have a sexual relationship is via a suicide bombing. This is a real thing. Listen closely to Tawfik Hamid:

Good guys with guns kill bad guys with them. More good guys with guns is a good thing.

Less shaming for being male & having pink skin would help.

Democrats want to import voters from south of the border, at the expense of the native born Americans of all skin colors.

Postmodernism promotes nihilism.

Having an abusively open southern border pushes wages down for the native born, and pushes up the houses prices also.

Examine how Islam creates nihilistic psychopaths.

The cultural left creates nihilistic psychopaths.

Disconnected boys & men.

Be prepared. All "fish in the barrel" type shops should have at least two armed guards in each one, and all schools too.

More people with a concealed weapons permit.

Will the Democrats be denouncing #Antifa? No. Antifa is the violent arm of the Democrat party. And again fascism is an offshoot of Marxism.

Multifaceted approach: Protection, plus realizing what meme sets create disconnected boys & psychopaths.

Friday, August 2, 2019

Evolutionary Social Conservatism

Naturalistic Secular Advocacy for Social Conservatism.

Normal, natural, evolved human nature. What shall we call this? In today's world racked by the cancer of postmodernist denialism, how about: Evolved Social Conservatism.

Being naturally pro life, pro children, pro family, and pro having children born to and raised by the setting which is best for them via a 1.2 billion year evolved process (the time sex has existed on this planet).         August 2nd, 2019

Related vids:
Happiness vs A failure to Fuck:

Milo Yiannopoulos & Sargon of Akkad, Denialist abusively permissive classic liberals

Promote Life!

Redpill toward choosing life

Coming out as a normal inherently reproductive animal  Big Whoop

Being good without god?


Dave Rubin, Feminism, Gay "Marriage," & Postmodernism

Downstream effects of denialist social constructivist postmodernist ideology: 1. Gay "marriage." 2. Feminism, especially third wave. 3. All the letters of the Stonewall project, LGBTQPZetc. 4. Basic human nature denialism. The cancer of culturally Marxist postmodernism cuts deeper than even so-called conservatives will admit. Abusively permissive libertarians, just don't get it. The traditionally religious (especially the so-called religious right) live lives which are more true to our evolutionary heritage. Why? Because they've been hoodwinked by postmoderist ideology less. Key facts denied by the cultural left & postmodernist morons: 1. Humans are a sexually dimorphic species. 2. Sex only happens when two sexual animals engage in activities with their sexual organs which are directly inherently reproductive. 3. Other activities with one's sexual organs are either mutual or individual wankery. And while mutual wankery can enhance pair bonding within a reproductive man & wife couple, still such activites are not selected for by evolution. And all the abusive denialist dead end slow motion suicide letters of the Stonewall project are not selected for by evolution, either. 4. Children need for their own best evolved well-being a man & a woman present as parents. Love, exists to help bring babies into the word and to support them. Same with sex. And same with what we have for a long time now called marriage. Marriage is simply a word which traditionally meant a committed sexual relationship, and a sexual relationship is one where kids are naturally produced. It is sad that there are people sucked into the Stonewall faggyfag gay project. Petty dead end lives, largely. Yes a few exceptions, such as Alan Turing, Oscar Wilde, and Steven Fry. But in contrast to those lights there's also a great deal of abuse, and yes even direct undeniable links to pedophilia (homosexuality & pedophilia, mostly the same diff' with a great deal of overlap - come on, let's be f-ing honest). Evolution doesn't care about your feelings. It doesn't care about the feelings of young Earth creationists, and it doesn't care about the feelings of postmodernists either. Dave Rubin & other classic liberals are in denial on these key points. Rubin should see himself as a victim, of the abusively permissive & abusive ultra left. Yes, he's that. Douglas Murray. Steven Fry. Even Milo Yiannopoulous. Too bad. So sad. No children produced au natural, the way 1.2 billion years of evolutionary history has "intended." People sucked into a denialist meme set. Two gay guys hook up and live together. I'm not asking that such be outlawed. But, don't fucking call that hookup marriage, nor even sex. What the hookup is is just two guys engaging in mutual wankery - not sex, again because sex only & solely happens when there's the possibility of inherent reproduction. Thus I can sympathize with the concerns of the religious right regarding gay marriage & the homosexual project in general. Yes, the concept of gay marriage IS an absolute abuse and an affront to human nature, what human nature is, our evolutionary history, and what basic words like sex & marriage & family actually mean.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Review of the National Museum of African American History and Culture, and the National Museum of the American Indian

Review of the National Museum of African American History and Culture, and the National Museum of the American Indian.

History as portrayed by these "national museums" isn't true history. Both omit the following key facts & points:

1. The American project AKA the Western Enlightenment project, ended universal slavery.

2. The role of Islam w/slavery.

3. The fact that Amerindian tribes had slaves & wars of conquest.

4. The fact that the American Civil War was primarily fought over slavery. Member states of the Confederates States of America had to allow for slavery.

David Barton on the issue:

5. The black person museum talks of a paradox. Slavery being present in America at its founding was not a paradox, it was simply an indication of a transition period from universal slavery to an abolishment thereof. The gears of Western Enlightenment values took a few years to fully engage and to become more fully realized within an incorporated America.

6. 365,000 Northern Army pink skins AKA whites died so that universal slavery could be ended. The British Royal Navy also helped - more whitey blood spilt to end slavery.

If we're going to have group rights & blames & tribal rights & blames, where's my skin-color and lineage-based "reparations" for the fact that whitey blood was spilled to end universal slavery?

7. Yes some bad things happened when Europeans came to the American continent. But what good things happened as a result of European migration & settlement of America? What, good? The museums don't say. They omit the big oppressive problems with Amerindian culture pre-European influence. They omit the Islamic slave trade. They omit how Western Enlightenment values, as held in the hearts of people like George Washington & Thomas Jefferson helped to eventually and not that far off from America's founding, to end universal slavery. 

8. The Democrat party is the party of slavery, Jim Crow, the KKK, booting Amerindians off their lands, interning Japanese ancestry Americans during WWII, and importing anti Enlightenment anti American Marxism into America. Children are born innocent and are not to blame for past sins, but meme sets can be blamed. This is why I renounce my prior association with the Democrat party.

9. The African museum starts at 1400 and ends with the pinnacle of black American culture: The election of President Obama, a half black half pink-skin Marxist. When Obama was elected I banged on pots & pans also I recall, in celebration. But Obama's subsequent actions turned my good will to ashes, particularly how he trashed those who voted for Trump. Obama voters who decided to vote for Trump were trashed by Obama. Plus there's this issue: <-traitorous to the Western Enlightenment & American projects.

10. Obama loved leftist terrorist Bill Ayers & anti-American anti-Enlightenment traitor Saul Alinsky. He also enjoyed anti-American racist race baiter Jeremiah Wright. Obama's father was basically an anti-Western-Civilization type guy whom Obama followed in the footsteps of.

Check Obama related books:

11. Nothing of what D'Souza has reported on is mentioned at either museum. Actual historic facts don't fit into the preferred historical narrative of leftist elitist whites, academics, & race-baiting Ponzi scheme operating blacks & Amerindians.

12. I want all human groups to be successful, but not via cheating, Ponzi schemes, lying including lies of omission, and so on. The black & Amerindian communities are both hobbled by government dependence. Democrats helped replace the FATHER with the STATE in both communities. Democrat LBJ's Great Society destroyed the black family in America.

By the way a "native American" is anyone born in America. Amerindians are Amerindians. Using the term "native American" to only refer to Amerindians is a slap in the face & an insult to all born-innocent children natively born to America.

Children are born innocent & are not to blame for the sins of their ancestors nor for people who happen to have the same skin color. However we should take pride in the successes of our ancestors & all human groups.

The self hatred of the left is more toxic than self hatred on the right. At least the right values life & children & the traditional 1.2 billion year evolved family unit. Whereas the cultural left has a competition going to see who's the very best at not having children. Many black babies have been killed via leftist-whitey-promoted abortion.

Additional related links:

What did Whitey ever do for me?

On Margaret Sanger:

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

PZ Myers is not a biologist. The Racist Squad. Choose Life.

Link to my video:

The above video and this post are a response to #thequad, a bunch of retrograde racists, and to a related vid by Carl Benjamin AKA Sargon of Akkad:

Ayanna Pressley is a retrograde racist & horrid Marxist, as are all of #TheSqad .

Also check out this by Scott Adams re the Squad situation:

I voted for Obama twice. I regret that vote. Why? Because the future must belong to those who can freely slander the prophet of Islam!

Check out:

Obama followed in the footsteps of his anti-colonialist anti-Western-Civilization father. Obama associated with leftist terrorist Bill Ayers and loved the works of Saul Alinsky.

Thus Obama is an overall a traitor to the Western Enlightenment / Western Civilization project.

The left has virtue signalling Ponzi schemes going on. The Ponzi scheme of climate hysteria. The Ponzi scheme of overpopulation concerns. The Ponzi scheme of the LGBTQPZ Stonewall SJW project.

Bruce Bagemihl gets all excited when non-human animals hump animals of the same gender. Big whoop. Such actions are an OUTLIER effect, NOT a selected for effect. Side-spray. Evidence of the incredible force of sex within sexual animals. But the "reason for the season" of sex, is the production of babies, period.

What type of animal celebrates a lack of continuance, of life? A broken one.

Related page with more details, leftist charlatan virtue signalers want your money:

Jordan Peterson on overpopulation:

P.Z. Myers, is absolutely a retrograde piece of S. Not a biologist at all. Rather an anti-life leftist Marxist activist, and nothing more. Check out this vid (fast forward to 19 minute mark if needs be):

On Myer's twitter feed search for the word "Trump" to see how the man has full force Trump Derangement Syndrome:

Myers' utterly myopic & petty, and unscientific assessments of human nature are display, plus on the his blog he's spent years engaging in petty & mean spirited attacks. He's had a career of doing this.

Additional commentary re the retrograde POS Myers:

Well before Trump ran for president I had apt assessment of Myers, who is not a scientist, not in the least, regarding humans.

In any case:
Donald Trump embodies the working class values of my old-style Democrat father. A huge gift to the anti neocon Cindy Sheehan left, and to the native-born working class in America.

the squad,carl benjamin,sargon of akkad,obama,islam,free speech,blasphemy,blasphemy laws,western civilization,western enlightenment,enlightenment,classic liberal,social conservative,saul alinsky,bill ayers,pz myers,jordan peterson,Bruce Bagemihl,maga,black education,postmodernism,intersectionality,cultural marxism,marxism,redpill,exmormon,atheism,christianity,human nature,evolution,sjw,biology,leftist,conservative,Ayanna Pressley,racist,racism,trump,Muhammad

Saturday, July 20, 2019

U of U Health: Threatening Patients Who Complain

link to vid shown above:

My family has been de facto booted from the U of U Health System. Socialized medicine fully exemplified.

The U, has blocked me from posting on their Hospital related public Facebook page. They also very quickly sent me generalized letters of threat after I used their public employee directly to complain about poor treatment. Additionally, the midwives at the U pushed abortion onto mothers who show up tired to their first OB visits. And if you complain about that, you will also get a letter of threat from the U.

Jessica Howsden in customer service, is a traitor to any semblance of public service.

The U is a rogue state agency. Does the Governor really want an agency pushing abortion onto new mothers? Or is the governor just a virtue signalling milquetoast RINO? All talk. No action. While the U runs rough shot over the First Amendment, patient rights, patient safety, oh and promotes abortion too. An unaccountable bureaucracy.

More details:

My daughter, alive, no thanks to the midwives or Jessica Howsden at the U:

Generalized threat letter received back when we complained about the abortion promoting midwives at the U:

Because of the highly hostile, unaccountable, and abortion-promoting atmosphere at the U, we've taken our business elsewhere. Elsewhere from a state agency we are still forced to pay our taxes to.

Welcome to socialized medicine.


University of Utah Hospital
University of Utah Hospitals & Clinics
Greenwood Center

Redwood Center
Madsen Center
College of Nursing
Medical School
School of Medicine

pro life

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Where the memes live

Facebook is censoring me more.

I'm moving to, and to Twitter more as a means of sharing my memes. And youtube. The latter two are controlled by San Fran elitist anti-Enlightenment SJWs. I'm on my 2nd Twatter account for example.

In any case, here's where you can find my ideas & thoughts in addition to here: - for now until @jack deletes my account again in which case I'll just fucking create another one.

The iOS mobile browser interface for is not ready for prime time, which is why I'm using minds more.

Friday, January 25, 2019

Hilton Hotels Suck

January 23, 2019 commentary on why Hilton Hotels Suck.

Hilton Tampa Airport Westshore & Hilton Hotels generally suck.

When you're staying at a Hilton hotel, and when the onsite general manager physically threatens you, Hilton itself can offer you no immediate route for assistance. And they can do is "make note of your concerns and pass them along."

Hilton, operates as an unaccountable shell company. Reportedly Hilton doesn't actually own any hotels themselves. Instead all they do is license out their name.

Don't trust your safety to Hilton hotels.