Saturday, July 20, 2013

Curtis White is the liar - The Science Delusion: Asking the Big Questions in a Culture of Easy Answers

Curtis White has written the following book:

The Science Delusion: Asking the Big Questions in a Culture of Easy Answers

Mr. White is a government employee working at Illinois State University. What department does Mr. White work for? The science department? The history department? No! The English Department! AND IT SHOWS.

I read Mr. White's lame excerpt from his amateurish book at

White seems to be a big advocate for the blank slate view of human nature, a view largely debunked by modern science. Also I'm sure White would be irritated by Sam Harris's book on morality but I doubt he's even checked out the book. 

White seems to believe that the Exodus may have happened. Ok, what's the first f-ing thing you should do nowadays when writing a book? Check wikipedia!
The consensus among biblical scholars today is that there was never any exodus of the proportions described in the Bible,[14] and that the story is best seen as theology, a story illustrating how the God of Israel acted to save and strengthen his chosen people, and not as history.

White seems to be a huge fan of liberal religion. But one key thing he misses is this:

Liberal religion serves as an apologetic structure for a.) woo woo unfounded beliefs, b.) calls for "diversity" which deny, among other things, the barbarous nature of key religious leaders - leaders who some naive ultra-left liberals just love, and c.) a taboo against being critical of people's "deeply held views."

The KEY thing about White's book is this: IT'S F-ING LATE. The guy couldn't manage to publish this hanger-on parasite of a book while Hitchens was still alive, and while he could respond in person and in the flesh. But, there's plenty of us who very much appreciated and valued Hitchens' work, who remember his words and his style.

Curtis White is in my view a coward and a liar, and he's unworthy of his role as an "educator" at a public university.

Dinesh D'Souza claims that we shouldn't let biologists out of the lab. However, it's rather more accurate to say that we should keep idiot English professors OUT OF IT.

White's other "contributions:"

Liberals are still upset at Hitchens over Iraq, and it shows. They dig up every piece of poo they can and heave it onto the grave of an otherwise noble dead man, for profit and attention. Was it right to go into Iraq? Hitchens made the ONLY case I listened to, and it was, at the very least, an intellectually honest and honorable case. Examine Hitchens' work on Mother Teresa & Bill Clinton -  two wonderpeople of the idiot-hippie ultra-liberal-left. Now today people like Reza Aslan has the left by the balls, as he pulls them around teaching them that Mohamed was a man of peace.

Science & history, as shared with us by people like Steven Pinker, Daniel Dennett, Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins, and Christopher Hitchens, isn't metaphysics. When idiot White uses the term, it just shows he hasn't done his homework. But that's not surprising. When you're a creative writer you don't need to do much else other than pull crap out of your ass.

For those of us who were members of real religions, like Mormonism, and conservative Christianity or Islam, we remember what's it's like to be brain washed & lied to. People in light & fluffy religions have no idea what it's like, no idea whatsoever. Pompous intellectuals like White would just assume let people continue in their ignorance, because liberal religion does so many good things in their view. But one thing liberal religion does which is particularly bad is that it gives people permission to continue to believe in bullshit, and it maintains a taboo against being critical of bullshit beliefs.

Science IS about being willing to take a step back from all dogmas. And the "dogma" of claiming that the Exodus didn't happen (like White claims) IS NOT A DOGMA AT ALL. It is an apparent fact that there was no real Exodus.

Check wikipedia before you write a book Mr. White. And, next time you're going to shoot out a huge poop from your bum, at least have the decency to aim at a person who's still alive, and who can respond to your tripe.

Other reviews:

“Atheist” Curtis White attacks Hitchens, makes fool of himself

Faith in the Unseen
Curtis White’s ‘Science Delusion’

Friday, July 19, 2013

Just because you like dicks doesn't mean you should cheat on your wife - and comments on the gay flag

Just because you like dicks doesn't mean you should cheat on your wife, get aids, die, and leave your family with no father. And just because you like vaginas as well as dicks that doesn't mean you should cheat on your husband, and then go off to live with your lesbo buddy.

I'm an atheist and I don't believe in cults of personality, nor in being drawn into the assumption that atheism necessarily leads to being socially ultra-left. Being an atheist for me means being willing to take a step back from all dogmas, not only from the right but also from the left.

Criticisms of flying the gay flag universally, as doing so may transmit the assumption that people in the flag-flying group universally agree with all aspects of the perceived "gay agenda."

On when bi or homosexual men cheat on their wives, get aids, die, and leave their families with no father. I believe we should be open to debate whether "middle children" should be encouraged to live a straight life - otherwise we are having unquestionable dogma points just like in a religion.

Just because a person is an atheist, a secular advocate, or an advocate for science & naturalism doesn't mean they embrace 100% of the ultra-left agenda.

Wives who're members of conservative religions should meet their apparently bisexual husbands half-way, by leaving their abusive conservative religions, and by not being upset about porn. And then the husbands should not cheat & go elsewhere.

July 19, 2013 - 7:44am

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Trayvon Martin George Zimmerman affair: Don't wear hoodies at night in gated communities Florida

Message from Trayvon Martin George Zimmerman affair: Don't wear gangsta uniforms (eg: hoodies) at night in Florida gated communities.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Exmormon Foundation: discriminating against children & their parents

Below are copies of post & replies in connection with a related post on here entitled Atheist Family Values: Attention Exmormon Foundation: humans have children. And more on presuppositional apolegetics.

Original post on 7/5/2013 on the exmormon email discussion group on yahoogroups:
Now that I actually have a child I'm finding that some secular  advocacy
groups either are actively not child friendly, or they are  passively so (by
inaction or just not thinking things  through).

Related blog post:

Reply received from the vice president of the Exmormon Foundation:

On Fri, 5 Jul 2013 13:34:29 -0400 (EDT), Sue wrote:
>Jonathan -- if you will read carefully our position on children at the 
>Conference, I think you will find that it's pretty reasonable.  Because  we
>film and record the talks, and extraneous noise can seriously  affect that
>filming, we cannot have toddlers and older children in the  room.  We all have
>experienced times at other events (including Sac.  Mtg.!!)  when the noise
>from children has compromised a speaker.  The  serving of alcohol is another
>reason.  Nursing babies are allowed.
----end of quote

And here's my reply as of July 14, 2013:

----quote beings


I'm aware of the reasoning behind the "strict no child policy" and I believe it's fundamentally flawed, for the following reasons:

1. Having people show up is more important than creating what some might perceive as youtube friendly multimedia presentations or podcasts.

2. Having a no child policy is discriminatory. In apartments, housing, work, and at exmormon conferences - and for the same reasons. It simply seeks to pretend and hope like a certain segment of the population does not exist, and should stay away.

3. Humans have children. Atheists & exmormons should have more of them and they should be encouraged to do so. Having a "strict no child policy" serves to directly counter that noble and highly valuable goal.

4. Children are part of life and part of valuing life, and they are the ones who will help us move forward.

So, when I was a 365 pound single guy with thick glasses living in my parent's basement, yes, policies which bar children didn't much affect me. When Steve Clark of Latter-Day Lampoon / the Salamander Society was running the Salt Lake conferences I don't believe he had a no child policy. But in any case, I've moved on from "needing" to have an association with a group which labels itself as "exmormon" per se. Naturalist. Humanist. Atheist. Skeptic. Enlightenment Values Advocate. These are a few of my favorite things. "Exmormon" is a bit too myopic, limited in scope.

It's unfortunate that participants in the current exmo conferences are little more than props in a presentation primarily targeted at the Internet.

I've seen groups go down hill before. A pet bird club in Salt Lake (Avicultural Society of Utah) was run into the ground by an overly controlling president. The other club here continues ok. Atheist groups have has similar splits and shenanigans, in Salt Lake, Portland, and Texas.

I guess the bottom line is that, if you're going to continue with this no child policy, you'll end up turning advocates into adversaries. So, as of this time I'm against support for attendance at the Exmormon Foundation conferences, and I suggest that other people also not support attendance. Instead, I'd suggest that people either attend local secular advocacy groups, or start a secular advocacy group of your own. But, if you really don't like children at your events, consider the morality of also excluding blacks, gays, and Mexicans from your events as well while you do so. As you pan your camera across the audience you'd perhaps want to ensure that no non-European faces appear, so as to not upset anyone - just as some people don't want to upset their youtube presentations with the presence of children.

I make this point just to remind people what category of activity discrimination against people with children fits into. Having a "strict no child policy" is in the same category as a strict no black person policy, a strict no gay person policy, and a strict no Mexican person policy.

Real people who show up are the most important.

I realize that in ultra-social-liberal culture there is the view that people should have less or no children. I don't agree with that view, and I think it's not only misguided it's destructive.

A child and his parents being present is more important than the audio quality on your online podcast.

A child and her parents being present is more important than whether you have a personal distaste for children.

A child and his parents being present is more important than whether people on youtube can hear 100% of what's being said by a speaker. Flesh & blood people who show up are the most important, and if they are not, then they are merely your unwary props.

We, who left the Mormon Church, are not your props. We're humans, and humans have babies.

So, don't get stuck in cults of personalities. That's one key thing we've learned. If you encounter a group with an overly controlling president, then don't spend too much time with that group. Be honest in what you say. Maybe found a group of your own. Find like minded people. That's my advise to people who leave the Mormon Church.

Not everything that happened in the Church was bad. Children are good and should be valued. A "strict no child policy" does not value them, nor does it honor the fact that humans have them.

I know you've done a lot of good work in the past. And when I was a fat bast*** virgin with thick glasses living in my parents basement, I didn't really think about "hey, where's the kids?" at the exmo conferences. But, now that I'm 100 pounds lighter, have a wife and a kid, and am living a more normal life I can now see the more true situation.

A group that meets in Salt Lake should have Salt Lake roots. And no group should have the right to discriminate against people with kids. It should be illegal, just as it is illegal to discriminate against black people, gay people, and etc.



Wednesday, July 10, 2013

level of veiling; Neff's Canyon; atheists having children & atheist family values

level of veiling; Breasts documentary; Neff's Canyon; Bill Maher & having children (octomom); atheists should have more children; Let's value life; on Margaret Sanger again; "don't judge me!" - why not?; Unitarianism, Mormonism; family values - the left should embrace those words again as well. July 10, 2013

More on Margaret Sanger:
Margaret Sanger - as amoral as Peter Singer sadly

Bill Maher should have kids, before he makes one more comment about people who have them.

Atheist Family Values:
Atheism & having kids: the right to choose to be a zero

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

on Daniel Pipes, Israel, Islam & democracy, the veil, group dynamics

on Daniel Pipes, Israel, and what happens in "democracies" when Islam is voted in.

When Islamists vote in a "democracy" they vote in sharia and literalist Islam (regular traditional Islam).

How much hair a woman gets to show in an Islamic country is an indication of how much freedom there is there. There is an inverse relationship between the level of veiling and the level of freedom in Islamic countries. So it IS all about the veil.

Human groups morph over time. Pet bird clubs. Atheist groups. Religion. Politics. Name any group on any topic and they will change, sprout, split, and morph over time. It's natural.

July 9, 2013

Monday, July 8, 2013

Noble Savages? Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, Bradley Manning, Evo Morales, Hugo Chavez, Wikileaks, Bolivia, Amerindians (American Indians), and so on.

Noble Savages? Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, Bradley Manning, Evo Morales, Hugo Chavez, Wikileaks, Bolivia, Amerindians (American Indians), and so on.


In response to the following BBC story I posted some comments & received some responses. Also a video commentary is below.

Evo Morales said: "My hand would not tremble to close the US embassy," as from the following BBC story:

My response: OK, see ya.

Question received: "
And if Russia diverted Air Force One? Or should other politicians be grateful for the chance to comply with our government?"

My answer:

I'd only see an equivalence if they diverted Admiral General Aladeen or Fielding Mellish (ref the films The Dictator and Bananas), or Kim Jong-un. I have no problem with the diversion of the presidential plane of a banana republic leader who may be attempting to spirit away a fugitive who otherwise very much deserves to be in jail.

Question: "If Obama hypothetically might be giving a lift to someone the Russians or Chinese wanted to imprison, and they used their pull with some countries to get the plane grounded.. ?"


Evo is rather like a flea compered to giant stature of Obama, and so I cannot wrap my brain around an equivalence.

Here's a recent rather reprehensible action of Evo:
Bolivian President Evo Morales expels USAID

Just goes to show humans with Amerindian DNA can be crackpots also. Whodathunkit.

Speaking generally, the myth of the noble savage is one of the dogma points of the Chomsky Amy Goodman ultra left. They've got many others also worth rejecting, or at the very least examining closely to see if they can be rejected.

Bolivian president says eating chicken turns men gay


"Democratically-elected leaders of the things the collective social fiction calls 'nation-states', traveling in airplanes. (By the conventions of the collective social fiction, the plane a national leader travels in is sovereign territory.) That's the equivalence."

"I was aware of the two things you posted, and I'm not the one calling Morales savage, or noble. But Morales, and the late Chavez, were points on a trend of Latin American countries shedding USian government and business influence (without subsequently meeting assassination or a puppet coup.)"

"That is a trend that is overall positive.

"John Kerry is indirectly quoted in one of the links, referring to Latin America as the 'backyard of the United States.' That's long-standing problematic attitude asserting a right to interfere.

"'Giant Stature', I try not to believe in Great Men. Or do you refer only to the difference in power of the nations? Would you prefer an analogy where the leader of some Bolivia-statured African or Asian nation was shunted aside in travels through the influence China or Russia had on some other African or Asian nations?"

"The term noble savage (French, bon sauvage) expresses the concept of an idealized indigene..."

Pinker on the subject (dispelling the myth):

Regarding Chavez, and apparently Morales, while the actions of apparent nutbags may be in part, positive, it's difficult to separate their nutbaggery status from the partial-good they may (and only "may") have done.

Snowden's parasites:

Do you ever watch Russia Today (RT)? It's pretty much a constant drumbeat for *supposed* freedom in America, while at the same time Putin's Russia is becoming less and less free by the day. Authoritarian governments are happy to glom onto the self-hating lefties. Thom Hartmann comes to mind. There's others. Hey, even Iran's Press TV has George Galloway. Maybe they can hire Amy Goodman next, or fund in full Democracy Now!. Makes you wonder who's funding Amy's near constant hate-everything-American conspiratorial crazed drum beat - at the very least uneducated drug addled hippies (your average Pacifica affiliate listener) who're unfortunately & sadly sucked in by her tripe & fear-mongering. Amy is a legacy of Vietnam, as are the drugie hippies, but not everything is equal. Both ends of the spectrum have big problems.

Also here's something of note re Goodman: "On October 2, 2004, Goodman was presented the Islamic Community Award for Journalism by the Council on American-Islamic Relations."

CAIR knows who their friends are, apparently. So do Russia Today (Putin/Russia) and Press TV (Iran). The left in America play right into their hands. Does that mean everything the left says or wants is bad? No, but as of now Amy Goodman is essentially in the same camp as tin foil helmeted Alex Jones, as is Glenn Greenwald.

So, should journalists, especially self-hating ultra-lefties like Greenwald, be the arbiters of what passes for classified information? No. How about Assange? Probably not. Did Assange & Snowden release info which probably should be released? Maybe. But I do think there does need to be classified information. Should embarrassing info be protected? Well, probably not. But "journalists," particularly the self-hating liberal types who play into the hands of governments like Iran & Russia, cannot be fair arbiters as to what should and what should not be released.

Some presidents have gone too far in what they classify. But on the other hand just opening the spigot so that any old "journalist" can decide for themselves, that also goes too far. Greenwald seemed quite happy to be the new arbiter for the entire body of classified info, as per what he's said in interviews. That's a dangerous state of affairs in my view.

So, since journalists should not be the final arbiters of what passes for classified info, should Assange be in jail? Maybe.

Assange is hiding behind a diplomatic structure which he himself has helped to undermine. Is that fair? Not really. Should the integrity of the embassy he's hold up in be honored in this case? Maybe not. Do I believe in diplomatic immunity? Not really.

Now, as for whether I personally feel Amerindians are "savages," they are no more and no less savage than any other group of humans. They are just as capable of doing just as much evil and good as any other group. And, just because of the color of my skin, that doesn't make me or my family personally responsible for the sins of other humans who also happen to share my same skin color. Children are not responsible for the sins of their parents, nor for the sins of other people who may happen to share the same "race" or skin color, or geographic origin. Now, that is an abusive idea present in Amerindian culture. The constant drumbeat of what "white culture" did to us, on and on - it's not healthy, and, it's racist, retrograde, and may I venture to say "savage," but any group of humans could well do the same, and I'm sure have.

Does that mean I think the Indian Health Service should be abolished? No. Does that mean I agree with what happened in places like Brigham City? No. But, I didn't do it, my family didn't do it, and the current U.S. and Utah governments did do it. We all agree it was a bad idea. So going further than this, and assigning blame to people who are currently alive & who had zero to do with past sins, that is abusive. Also allowing Indian tribes to have things like casinos has resulted in rather unsavory things like mass disenrollment.

So anyway, all this goes to show there's more complexities than at first glance. Name a group. Any group. Any hyphenated group who is just oh so special and great, and dig a little deeper & be honest & we'll find out what really lies underneath the veneer: Humans.

Lastly I still have no problem with baring Evo from flying over any country, and I have no problem with going in and arresting Assange, today, now, and even baring in mind of where he is. Same goes for Snowden. Since, I believe that journalists should not be the final arbiters of what passes for classified info, and perhaps even more importantly, because journalists can end up being chumps for otherwise authoritarian regimes and groups (Russian, Iran, and Islam), I believe we should not allow the Alex Joneses, Amy Goodmans, Glenn Grenwalds, or Julian Assanges of the world to be the new classified info gatekeepers - because they can and often are chumps and thin fronts for otherwise oppressive regimes.


"I can't see most of it as any direct response to what I wrote so I assume I'm serving as a proxy for the public figures you name."


Not as a proxy. Issues were raised & so I responded generally as I saw fit. I realize you may or may not agree with the other protagonists mentioned.

Here's a more succinct list:

I don't have a problem with blocking Evo's plane.

Morales & Chavez are/were nutbags worth dismissing out of hand. Friends of Fidel are no friends of Americans (Americans not sucked in by the ultra left self hating propaganda & party line).

The sins of the CIA from the past are worth calling out. But that doesn't mean everything the CIA or NSA does today is necessarily bad, or not worth protecting.

I don't have a problem with stating Obama's stature in the world is greater than that of tiny flea Evo. And for those who view Obama as The Joker, he's your president too (to the tea baggers who wish The South had won the civil war).

Regarding Latin America today & intervention: I don't see a need for a blanket ban on intervention. Depends on the situation. Yes we can criticize what happened in the past. But on the other hand any country can be a candidate for intervention given the right circumstances. An Afghanistan situation, definitely. An Iraq one, maybe. And so on.

If some other country were to bar Air Force One from travel, well, we could retaliate in other ways. But, itsy bitsy (world stage size wise) Bolivia is not in much of a position to do much of anything, other than elect an oh so noble Amerindian who's otherwise a crackpot banana republic style leader, in my view.

The USA should support it's own companies just as much as China & Russia support theirs. Aggressively. Not illegally or in uncouth ways. But I don't have a particular problem with tying US economic aid to whether a country buys American.

Both my wife and I ate some chicken this past week & we haven't turned gay yet.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Hiking to Dog Lake up Mill Creek Canyon - July 3rd, 2013

 Hiking to Dog Lake up Mill Creek Canyon - July 3rd, 2013

Atheist Family Values: Attention Exmormon Foundation: humans have children. And more on presuppositional apologetics.

Now that I actually have a child I'm finding that some secular advocacy groups either are actively not child friendly, or they are passively so (by inaction or just not thinking things through).

Attention Exmormon Foundation: humans have children. Having a "strict no child policy" is discriminatory.

Attention Atheists of Utah: voting for your leaders at a party which isn't child-friendly, that's also not good.

Perhaps we need a "family oriented" atheist or freethinker group in Utah.

Also more thoughts on Eric Hovind & Sye Ten Bruggencate. They essentially tell us: "We don't do Bible study with people who don't believe in the Bible." And they're also very keen to tell other people to shut up. Reference one (42:19 to 44:00 and 1:22:47), and two (35:49 to the end).

Ok, well, in response we could then well tell you: We won't chat about science & evolution with you, so long as you deny science, reasonable evidence and facts, and evolution.

Regarding the gotcha interviews Eric & Sye have conducted with apparently joint-toking college students: Yes, Eric & Sye, you may be able to get them to say "yeah, I don't know anything. You're so right." But once again you're not really being honest with your approach. What else is new.

More info:
Eric Hovind & Sye Ten Bruggencate. Kiss Jesus's Ass or Go to Hell. Presuppositionalism.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Eric Hovind & Sye Ten Bruggencate. Kiss Jesus's Ass or Go to Hell. Presuppositionalism.

In my view Eric Hovind & Sye Ten Bruggencate say to us: Kiss Jesus's Ass or Go to Hell - more on presuppositionalism and Calvinist apologetics - July 1st, 2nd and 3rd, 2013 commentary and opinion.

Index to segments:
0:00 - July 1 - First commentary on presuppositional apologetics, word games, verbal bullying, and intellectual dishonesty.
10:23 - July 1 continuing
35:44 - July 3 - how to not pay taxes - info courtesy of an educational video found by Kent Hovind: don't use your social security card, renounce your citizenship, and consider yourself to the the prime interpreter of law in your life, above judges, legislatures, and executives. It's just God and You baby - everything else be damned.

More info on kissing Jesus's ass:

My own blog:

older pages on religion:

Is Church Harmful? | Dave Silverman, Eric Hovind, Sye Ten Bruggencate

The MSS - 15 April 2012 - Part 1 - Presuppositionalism with Eric Hovind and Sye Bruggencate

Presuppositionalism is like a special turing test designed by dishonest people to see if they can decide if they will answer any questions at all. You'll always fail - if you're not a fundie yourself. So, that's where the conversation ends with them. So be it. We've got other people to talk to.

More on Calvinist apologetics:

Down the rabbit hole - a talk with Sye Ten Bruggencate

Sye Ten Bruggencate Gets His Ass Handed to Him

More on Eric's father Kent:
tax evasion and prison

Kent Hovind - County Jail Telephone Calls

Kent Hovind is Crazy #1: Taxes, the IRS, and Obeying Laws

presupposition Fail

Exposing Sye Ten Bruggencate - Part 1

The core Presuppositional argument debunked.

Presuppositional Fizzing

Philip Gregory vs Eric Hovind Debate: Does God Exist?

Hundreds of Proofs of God's Existence

Is Justified True Belief Knowledge?

Funny Dutch Person - TMM debunking Eric Hovind.

Eric & Sye essentially tell us: "...My imaginary friend told me so. Don't believe me? Then go to hell." But hell to an atheist is having to listen to them in the first place. What's heaven for an atheist? A science lecture. An art museum. A good hike in the mountains. Life. Love. Moving forward.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Official announcement: I'm now an ex-post-Mormon and maybe an ex-ex-Mormon also

Attention all post and ex Mormons: Recent engagements online and in person with "post-Mormon" and "ex-Mormons" have revealed to me the following: Regarding labels I'd rather just use "human," "naturalist," and "atheist." Post-Mormon is also a fairly irrelevant term. If you were a Mormon you'll always be impacted in your future life by what happened to you. If you were impacted sufficiently you'll always want to fight and to help free people from the brain washing prison. But, when it comes to groups, the label "postmo" or "exmo" is not quite sufficient. It's too limited in scope, as apparently are the groups who use these labels.

Related post:
Mormons, Exmormons, "post-mormons," and the "need" to control the speech of others and to "mother" people.

explorations & activities after leaving Mormonism: nudism, & Temple Square protests

explorations & activities made after leaving Mormonism: Protests at Temple Square in 1999 and 2002. Nudist group experiences. Nudists claim their activities have nothing to do with sex. Such a claim is a lie, and an indicator that Puritanism infects even this aspect of American culture.

By the term "girl" I mean an attractive woman. References:
"2. a young unmarried woman; lass; maid"
"4. Informal a woman of any age"

12-24-2014 addendum:

In response to the question posted in a comment below, regarding have I ever been to a nudist event:

Yes I have. Some of the leadership of those activities are very highly hipocritical. Claiming that events are "non-sexual," when they themselves are self-proclaimed "sex goddesness." But the truth only comes out after a while.

The general American nudist position on sexuality shows how they are very much afraid of sex and how they are inhibited. Adding and stating many extra rules for behavior when people have their clothes off - rules never ever stated when people are at parties with their clothes on - it's all nn indication of their being completely and fully inhibited while lying about being uninhibited. This is the general state of nudism in America today.

It's a fundamental lie to assume that sexuality is ever disconnected from an activity when *adult* humans are together naked. To claim this, to think this, and to require that others think this as a condition of participation, is abusive, hypocritical, just plain crazy, and an indication of some type of Puritanical memetic disease pervading nudist culture.

Nudists in America express even more fear of sex, when their clothes are off!

Uninhibited? I don't think so.

Related thoughts from others:!topic/rec.nude/9Say7QWoaT4[1-25-false]

Anyway, there's something particularly perverse about asking humans to get naked, and them playing mind games with them and with yourself by claiming that when adults get naked the activities are "non-sexual." That's just plain bullshit. Utter abusive bullshit. A lie. And why? One may well ask. Perhaps nudism as it stands today is really a playground for liars, so long as they keep up what they're doing & claiming.

Adult humans are sexual animals. Taking your clothes off can mean "being free," but don't ever claim that your nudist event where adult humans can see each other naked is "non sexual." If you do, you're a liar.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Mormons, Exmormons, "post-mormons," and the "need" to control the speech of others and to "mother" people.

In Mormonism they tried to control our thoughts & our speech. So, upon leaving Mormonism I've found high value in opposite actions to these, and in fighting against people who are too controlling. I don't go on the net to be anyone's child per se. I've been here since 1994, and I wasn't born yesterday. Perhaps you cater to those who were, but there's been too much water under the bridge for me to kowtow to anyone.

Some exmormon websites do have forums with a very limited scope. Such controlling & micromanaging groups cater to exmos (people who've left Mormonism) who've just been out of the Mormon Church for perhaps one or two weeks - and that's all. Once you've become more psychologically adult, more than a "2 week exmo," you'll find such controlling forums infantile & incredible myopic.

Once you've exposed yourself to the writings, speeches, and debates of people who don't speak at Mormon General Conference (eg: Enlightenment Values speakers & thinkers), you will find controlling personalities to be even more distasteful.

Hey you, controlling forum admin: We don't exist to serve or exist at the pleasure of yourself or people who get angry at an open expression of ideas. People who want us to shut up - whether those people are Mormons, or control freak exmormons like you - no, you won't control what we say & think.

So to the mothering admin who tries to maintain "harmony" via suppressing a highly valuable crucible of ideas, here's my message to you: I stand by my videos and links, and the opinions expressed therein. People exposed to authoritarian culture can be authoritarian too - even in their desire to ensure that no one is ever offended.

For example: Carefully read over the restrictions at,45 - the forum rules for people who are just leaving Mormonism. It's a largely highly disgusting list of what's not allowed in their little forum:
1. personal attacks
2. politics (terrorism, party politics, foreign policy etc)
3. preaching
4. attempts to deliberately stir up trouble
5. faking a conversation by answering your own posts under different names (puppeteering)
6. complaints about censorship (ironic, ain't it)
7. questions for the admins (send those to instead)
8. complaints about the admins (ditto)
9. advertising and solicitations for money
10. legal issues not cleared in ADVANCE through admin
11. copyrighted material
12. posts about a topic that the moderators have said to drop
13. anything that collects personal information, requests for signatures on petitions or links to petitions, interview requests not cleared IN ADVANCE with admin. Requests for people to contact you off board.
14. anything illegal.
The above list is not exhaustive.
---quote ends 

Item 1 may be ok, as along as the term "personal attack" is construed to mean that we should generally not tell people to "FOAD," and as long as we aren't, again generally speaking, telling people to "shut up." I generally won't advocate that you shut up, unless such a demand is warranted, such as in cases of people who go around destroying the lives of children, people such as Boyd Packer or Spencer Kimball.

Item 2 on their list is evil. For example: Utah is still a theocracy in some respects, and especially outside of Salt Lake City itself. So, "policitcs" does relate to the state of being an ex-mormon. Also politics is about life and what leaders may choose to try & do with yours. So in any case such a restiction is not only myopic, it's abusive.

Item 3 may be ok, but advocating strongly for your position could be interpreted as "preaching," and again, we don't exist to serve at the pleasure of control freak forum admins or of people who cannot handle open discussion & debate. In general "trolls" should be allowed, because they can be Mormons or fundie Christians who simply need more exposure to atheists.

Item 4 is also a perniciously evil request to make of a former Mormon. Hey, we ARE here to "stir up trouble!" We left Mormonism! That stirs up trouble for Mormon leaders! And we're also here to "stir up trouble" with people who want to control the speech & thoughts of others. Yes, this means you micromanaging forum admin at, and your kin on other sites. Item 4 is an OUTRAGEOUSLY ABUSIVE request.

Go read the works of Christopher Hitchens, Richard Dawkins, Carl Sagan, Daniel Dennett, and Sam Harris. Are they "stirring up trouble?" Damn right they are! No, you're not going to shut us up.

Item 5 is a stupid thing to worry about. Who cares.

Item 6 shows what we have here is exmormons behaving EXACTLY like Mormon leaders.

Item 7 shows that the admins are very afraid of having their abusive micro-managing ways questioned in public.

Item 8 -same as item 6.

Item 10 - who cares

Item 11 - who cares

Item 12 - we don't exist to serve or speak or live at the pleasure of micro-managing forum admins. Now, there's a difference between telling people to stop directly attacking each other (eg: telling people to stop saying "f-off" or "shut up" to each other), and telling people to "stop talking about a given topic." Do you know the difference, forum admin? "Stop talking about a given topic" means an order to stop thinking, to stop the crubicle from doing it's work. And, forum admins seem quite adept at shelling out their own personal attacks while shielding themselves in their own propped up self importance and access to instruments of control. More on that below.

Item 13 - who cares

Item 14 - freedom of speech & thought may be illegal in North Korea, and in even in some places where the Internet now reaches.

So, what's the bottom line specifically about the forums at It's a site that can be useful to help you leave Mormonism initially, and it's useful for most people during the first week they're out - but that's it! There is on there some separate good informational articles about Mormonism, but avoid the forums like the plague. Go out and find yourself a good old fashioned atheist forum or group. Seriously. Generally speaking groups with balls enough to actually use the term "atheist" in their group name will have people who're more psychologically adult, more intelligent, more willing to have pointed discussions & debates, and, generally speaking, be less controlling of free speech & thought.

Who are my heros, as a former Mormon Temple Worker, Sunday School President, and Mormon missionary?
Christopher Hitchens.
Richard Dawkins.
Daniel Dennett.
Stephen Pinker.
Sam Harris.
Carl Sagan.
Google all these people to hear & read their thoughts & words.

To the control freak "exmo" or "postmo" admins, listen to these people! Do they "stir up trouble?" Do they "question the admins?" Do they even bother to care about whether their speech "offends others?" Well on that last point yes they do, but they aren't afraid to nevertheless make judgements about others when they feel such actions are warranted. Judgements about religion. Judgements about religious leaders, or political leaders who act in in similar controlling ways. Judgements about otherwise slimy behavior.

Ideally I believe life is not so much about whether we offend others, it's about speaking the truth. We only have so much time on this rock to make a difference. For what it's worth, here's a copy of my the talk I gave at my mother's funeral, given inside a Mormon meeting house:

And here's some related videos:

Richard Dawkins on being offended:

Stephen Fry:

Chrisopher Hitchens on the importance of having freedom of expression including the license of offend:

To control freak hippies who want to impose "harmony" by quelling freedom of thought & speech:

The 60s was your great experiment. The 70s was the hangover result. When I left Mormonism I didn't loose my ability to evaluate the behavior of others. Yes there are moral judgements worth dropping which are popular in Mormonism. Prohibitions against premarital sex & masturbation. Prohibitions against coffee, tea, and the moderate consumption of alcohol. But, there are some "generally universal human morals," and I'm less willing to drop these as a human who happens to also be a former Mormon.

No, becoming and "postmo," an "exmo," an atheist, or continuing to be a human doesn't mean that I loose my ability to judge the actions of others.

It's not my goal to show how accepting I am. I care more about the facts, the truth, and yes even how I get to advocate for my own position. I care more about long term survival than your "feewings."

Not every path in life is an equally valid one. If you disagree with my approach or think it's inappropriate, I welcome your direct feedback (as long as your feedback is not "shut up," or nicely-put versions of such a demand).

After leaving Mormonism I did try out a few "hippie culture" groups. Nudists. Groups which advocate more sexual openness. In the end I found serious problems with such groups. A fear of being human (nudist leaders), and strange controlling whackjobs (polyamorists). Their leaders were either hypocritical harmony-imposing-two-faced-deceptive-control-freaks or just strange.

I found going all the other way culturally and socially was not a good option. There's a reason the 70s were a hangover from the activities of the 60s. There's elements of 60s culture worth embracing, but the 1970s shows we can go too far with letting it all hang out.

Ok, so, here's a demand I received from one forum admin," on their super secret facebook page for the group SLC Postmos. The same group also exists on meetup.
Jonathan you wanted input about why people felt there were not enough kid friendly events. You received plenty of offers to them. You brought beefs with other groups on her and you posted blogs and videos meant to insult others. You may not have said those things on this page but you posted links to places that did. Yes name calling is not good here but you need to stop as well. As admin I suggest we drop this thread.
 And here is my video response:

My history with Mormonism: