Questions for Mormon Missionaries - God, Sex, and honesty | 16 questions for Mormon Missionaries
The Mormon missionaries are knocking at your door.
Be nice to them. Two years of strict abstinence from dating & masturbation. Have pity on these poor naive fools / chumps. I was one, and so I can speak from first hand experience.
Bring them in. Give them some milk and cookies. And then, kindly present to them the following very poignant questions, in all seriousness, and humility, and before the Mormon God & his holy representatives, we ask:
1. Did Joseph Smith enjoy having sex with a 14 year old and with the wives of other men?,,464173,00.html
"...EW What do you think the reaction will be from the Mormon Church?
JK They've already basically let it be known that good Mormons should not read this book. And I think they will be very uncomfortable with the history; they will not like the fact that I point out that Joseph Smith told 14-year-old girls ''God says you should marry me, if you don't...'' His way of getting laid doesn't reflect well on him..."
"...I am especially disappointed that they feel such an urgent need to attack writers, like me, who present balanced, carefully researched accounts of Mormon history that happen to diverge from the official, highly expurgated church version..."
Horn Dog Joseph's direct activities to seduce young girls:
...check out page 122
2. How was the sex between the Mormon God & Mary the Mother of Jesus? When the Mormon God had sex with Mary the Mother of Jesus, did he go down on her? Did he give her head? Did the Mormon God have an orgasm, and did he help Mary have one too? Did they leave their clothes on?
What was it like, when God had sex with Mary?
and "... Jesus Christ is the Son of Elohim both as spiritual and bodily offspring; that is to say, Elohim is literally the Father of the spirit of Jesus Christ and also the body in which Jesus Christ performed His mission in the flesh, and which body died on the cross and was afterward taken up by the process of resurrection, and is now the immortalized tabernacle of the eternal spirit of our Lord and Savior. No extended explanation of the title “Son of God” as applied to Jesus Christ appears necessary..." from
Mormonism and oral sex:
In 1982, the Mormon God speaks about oral sex through his prophets, seers, and revelators:
Page 1:
page 2:,_seer,_and_revelator
A relevant parody of the situation:
3. Was it moral for the Mormon God to have sex with the wife of another man (eg: with Mary)?
4. Was it moral for Brigham Young to have sex with a 15 year old and with the wives of other men?
5. How come the more religious a person is the more of an asshole they tend to be?
6. Are intrusive interviews regarding masturbation of 12 year old children conducted by strange men AKA Mormon Bishops a good thing, or a bad & abusive thing?
And more on masturbation (question 6 & 8 related):
I remember receiving "A Guide to Self-Control" while on my Mormon mission in Alaska.
"...When the temptation to masturbate is strong, yell STOP to those thoughts as loudly as you can in your mind..." Yes, I tried that. Didn't work though. And this is of course an abusive request to make of anyone, especially an 11-21 year old.
Boyd Packer's related evil pamphlet given to Mormon children:
To Young Men Only (PDF)
7. Where is the Lamaite DNA? Why didn't Joseph Smith know about DNA? Wasn't he supposed to be hooked into the mind of the Mormon God? What about the basic denial of science in the totality of Mormon scripture?
8. When you're in the Mormon Church and you have sex with your wife, are you supposed to leave your garments on or have them off?
Relevant discussion:
9. How is a woman in Mormonism supposed to have an orgasm without oral sex? See references under question 2.
10. What is the "new name" you received in the Mormon Temple?
11. If we say "Health in the navel, marrow in the bones, strength in the loins and sinews. Power in the Priesthood be upon me, and upon my posterity through all generations of time, and throughout all eternity," will we really get into the Mormon Heaven? And do we really want to go there? No oral sex? NO masturbation? A bunch of anally retentive assholes around. And we have to kiss the rear and of a hostile alien god just to get there? Doesn't sound like fun to me - going to the Mormon Heaven? What do you think?
related links:
S.L. Temple "live" version:
Temple film shown in other Mormon temples:
The campy stilted saccharin Mormon view of heaven - in "Man's Search for Happiness:"
12. You're so eager. But young people can also be nieve. Young and dumb. Don't you think you're believe deceived by old fucking farts, like Spencer Kimball, Boyd Packer, and by long dead cult founders like Joseph Smith & Brigham Young.
13. Show the missionaries the film "Jesus Camp" and get their response.
14. When you get finished on your mission do you plan to attend BYU Idaho, and while there do you plan to complain about your roommates if they happen to have women staying over at night? If the answer is yes, then that means you're still an asshole. Free yourself, young, dumb, naive, Mormon missionary. Don't be a chump or a tool of old farts who just want 10% of your gross income.
15. What about the links between Mormonism and Masonry?
Why are the following photo collections related?
Salt Lake masonic temple images:
Mormon Salt Lake temple images:
And an additional question not mentioned in my view:
16. Watch the film "Plan 10 From Outer Space" with the missionaries and get their response.
IMG 8035 - 3-13-2014 7:42am
The Mormon missionaries are knocking at your door.
Be nice to them. Two years of strict abstinence from dating & masturbation. Have pity on these poor naive fools / chumps. I was one, and so I can speak from first hand experience.
Bring them in. Give them some milk and cookies. And then, kindly present to them the following very poignant questions, in all seriousness, and humility, and before the Mormon God & his holy representatives, we ask:
1. Did Joseph Smith enjoy having sex with a 14 year old and with the wives of other men?,,464173,00.html
"...EW What do you think the reaction will be from the Mormon Church?
JK They've already basically let it be known that good Mormons should not read this book. And I think they will be very uncomfortable with the history; they will not like the fact that I point out that Joseph Smith told 14-year-old girls ''God says you should marry me, if you don't...'' His way of getting laid doesn't reflect well on him..."
"...I am especially disappointed that they feel such an urgent need to attack writers, like me, who present balanced, carefully researched accounts of Mormon history that happen to diverge from the official, highly expurgated church version..."
Horn Dog Joseph's direct activities to seduce young girls:
...check out page 122
2. How was the sex between the Mormon God & Mary the Mother of Jesus? When the Mormon God had sex with Mary the Mother of Jesus, did he go down on her? Did he give her head? Did the Mormon God have an orgasm, and did he help Mary have one too? Did they leave their clothes on?
What was it like, when God had sex with Mary?
and "... Jesus Christ is the Son of Elohim both as spiritual and bodily offspring; that is to say, Elohim is literally the Father of the spirit of Jesus Christ and also the body in which Jesus Christ performed His mission in the flesh, and which body died on the cross and was afterward taken up by the process of resurrection, and is now the immortalized tabernacle of the eternal spirit of our Lord and Savior. No extended explanation of the title “Son of God” as applied to Jesus Christ appears necessary..." from
Mormonism and oral sex:
In 1982, the Mormon God speaks about oral sex through his prophets, seers, and revelators:
Page 1:
page 2:,_seer,_and_revelator
A relevant parody of the situation:
3. Was it moral for the Mormon God to have sex with the wife of another man (eg: with Mary)?
4. Was it moral for Brigham Young to have sex with a 15 year old and with the wives of other men?
5. How come the more religious a person is the more of an asshole they tend to be?
6. Are intrusive interviews regarding masturbation of 12 year old children conducted by strange men AKA Mormon Bishops a good thing, or a bad & abusive thing?
And more on masturbation (question 6 & 8 related):
I remember receiving "A Guide to Self-Control" while on my Mormon mission in Alaska.
"...When the temptation to masturbate is strong, yell STOP to those thoughts as loudly as you can in your mind..." Yes, I tried that. Didn't work though. And this is of course an abusive request to make of anyone, especially an 11-21 year old.
Boyd Packer's related evil pamphlet given to Mormon children:
To Young Men Only (PDF)
7. Where is the Lamaite DNA? Why didn't Joseph Smith know about DNA? Wasn't he supposed to be hooked into the mind of the Mormon God? What about the basic denial of science in the totality of Mormon scripture?
8. When you're in the Mormon Church and you have sex with your wife, are you supposed to leave your garments on or have them off?
Relevant discussion:
9. How is a woman in Mormonism supposed to have an orgasm without oral sex? See references under question 2.
10. What is the "new name" you received in the Mormon Temple?
11. If we say "Health in the navel, marrow in the bones, strength in the loins and sinews. Power in the Priesthood be upon me, and upon my posterity through all generations of time, and throughout all eternity," will we really get into the Mormon Heaven? And do we really want to go there? No oral sex? NO masturbation? A bunch of anally retentive assholes around. And we have to kiss the rear and of a hostile alien god just to get there? Doesn't sound like fun to me - going to the Mormon Heaven? What do you think?
related links:
S.L. Temple "live" version:
Temple film shown in other Mormon temples:
The campy stilted saccharin Mormon view of heaven - in "Man's Search for Happiness:"
12. You're so eager. But young people can also be nieve. Young and dumb. Don't you think you're believe deceived by old fucking farts, like Spencer Kimball, Boyd Packer, and by long dead cult founders like Joseph Smith & Brigham Young.
13. Show the missionaries the film "Jesus Camp" and get their response.
14. When you get finished on your mission do you plan to attend BYU Idaho, and while there do you plan to complain about your roommates if they happen to have women staying over at night? If the answer is yes, then that means you're still an asshole. Free yourself, young, dumb, naive, Mormon missionary. Don't be a chump or a tool of old farts who just want 10% of your gross income.
15. What about the links between Mormonism and Masonry?
Why are the following photo collections related?
Salt Lake masonic temple images:
Mormon Salt Lake temple images:
And an additional question not mentioned in my view:
16. Watch the film "Plan 10 From Outer Space" with the missionaries and get their response.
IMG 8035 - 3-13-2014 7:42am
Hoffman’s actions were no better than that of a crack mother in my view. He had three kids. He very much WAS responsible for his actions. Irresponsible. Abusive. Retrograde. And so on.
more thoughts:
Someone then replied with mention of Jesus. Here's my reply to them - Comment 2:
1. Do abusers have a choice? Yes. Do they have free will? Yes, in the compatibilist sense that Daniel Dennett talks about & which I very much agree with. The level of choice, and the ability to make what could reasonably be stated to be good choices, varies depending on the individual. Regardless though dangerous people should be locked up. And non-violent druggies should be forced into treatment & mandatory rehab programs by the law (not into prison).
2. Mention of Jesus has little sway with me as I'm not a believer in him. The Biblical Jesus judged plenty of people, as do many of his followers in spite of the admonition to not judge. In fact for the past 2000 years they've done >nothing but< judge others, and in many cases to kill others for their lack of belief in Jesus.
But, we should judge people, reasonably. And we should be judged, in reasonable ways. We are judged by our peers all the time. That's how human society works. We're social animals. And cheaters, rightly, get called out for cheating. And dangerous outliers are locked up - and that's a good thing.
3. Rather than devote time to prayer, may I suggest devoting time to real things that will help. Intervention into the lives of people who're virtually drowning is one good task. More people should have intervened in the life of Phillip Seymour Hoffman. His neighbors. The police. A judge could have ordered him into treatment.
Who failed Hoffman? His sycophantic admirers, his fellow Hollywood druggie friends, and the press. Also the probably underpaid police for not catching him earlier. 70 bags of heroin is a lot. Rich & poor should be treated equally I agree - not prison. Instead all non-dealers should be routed to mandatory treatment & mandatory follow ups. Also mandatory inspections of the living quarters of affected people. It takes some tax money. Jesus isn't enough. Real flesh & blood in person people need to be there to do the work. But it's cheaper in the long run to pay for in person intervention than to pay for prison or to pay for the loss of someone.